Night’s Nomenclature

Chapter 230: Forever Young

Chapter 230: Forever Young

Those who came to challenge Guang Xiaotu were frightened when they saw the first boxer being carried away on a stretcher like a pile of mud.

Qing Chen knew that the murderous intention against him tonight was imminent, so he would naturally not show mercy.

At this time, some audience members started chanting Miao Qifeng’s name. The popularity of this District 4 tigerweight boxing champion was unimaginable. Half of the audience tonight came just for him.

For the audience, they knew that while there were newcomers every year, Miao Qifeng was the one who always stood tall in the octagon.

The referee saw this and shouted, “Now, please welcome the last boxer tonight. He is the tigerweight champion of District 4. He has won the tigerweight champion title for eight consecutive years…”

Qing Chen did not listen to the string of titles, but silently observed the stands.

Among the boiling crowd, there were hundreds of people looking at him calmly. They all came with purpose, and among them was even Lu Yuan from Kun Lun.

At a certain moment, Qing Chen was thinking that the people from Jiu Zhou and the holder of the Devil Stamp must be mixed in the crowd as well.

He memorized the faces of hundreds of people one by one in his mind, saving this information for the future.

At this moment, Lin Xiaoxiao, Ye Wan, and Li Dongze, who had disguised themselves, were whispering in the crowd.

Lin Xiaoxiao looked at Li Dongze who was standing at the side with a dull look on his face. “Didn’t they say someone was going to attack the Heng Group? How come you are still in the mood to watch a boxing match? I heard from Ye Wan that one of the five consortiums might be behind this attack.”

Li Dongze responded coldly: “As long as the consortium does not come to the forefront, those chickens and dogs are not worth worrying about. I just want to see what the person who is better than me looks like.”

Lin Xiaoxiao laughed, “You still haven’t given up? Look, Ye Ma and I have already.”

Li Dongze glanced at him and said: “A man should fight for his life like the boss. If you give up, it’s not called life.”

Ye Wan said slowly, “Argue all you want, just don’t bring me into it. Thank you.”

What Li Dongze said about Qing Chen being better than him was because he failed to become a Knight at the very beginning, while Qing Chen survived the Self Questioning stage.

In his eyes, the Knight was a faith. Since Qing Chen could pass the Knight’s test of Self Questioning, he was already better than him.

Not becoming a Knight has been Li Dongze’s lifelong obsession.

He sighed and said, “Killing people of the same level like slaughtering dogs. I was not as good as him when I was his age, he is amazing. Lin Xiaoxiao, you should talk to Qing Chen less in the future. I am afraid that you, a piece of rubbish, will bring him down with you.”

Lin Xiaoxiao’s expression changed: “What the hell are you talking about? What do you mean I should talk to him less in the future? Qing Chen and I have a good relationship! Who do you think you are!”

Li Dongze thought for a moment calmly, “I am higher level than you.”

Lin Xiaoxiao was furious: “You bastard!”

“I am higher level than you.”

Lin Xiaoxiao: “…”

This sentence touched Lin Xiaoxiao’s sore spot. He and Ye Wan were both still at B-level today and couldn’t continue to awaken.

Li Dongze secretly made a breakthrough eight years ago.

At this time, Ye Wan looked at Miao Qifeng who had just stepped on stage and suddenly said, “His muscles look different and his steps are different. Miao Qifeng is indeed at the cruiserweight level.”

Among the three, although Li Dongze was the highest in level, Ye Wan was the most advanced in fighting technique, so what he said about Miao Qifeng was most definitely correct.

“Just watch patiently. The boss told us not to take any action,” Lin Xiaoxiao said.

Li Dongze said disdainfully, “You don’t need to remind me.”

Miao Qifeng was nearly two meters tall, half a head taller than Qing Chen. His muscles bulged, and he even had to lower his head slightly to walk into the small iron door of the octagonal cage.

When he stood in front of Qing Chen, for some reason the audience felt that the teenager who looked strong just now seemed a little thin.

However, something unexpected happened. Qing Chen ignored Miao Qifeng’s eager eyes and instead walked to the small iron gate and locked the octagonal cage.

Before the previous round, Qing Chen asked the referee to not close the door because it was a waste of time.

But now, facing a powerful enemy, he took the initiative to lock the door.

The teenager did horrifying things with a calm and indifferent expression.

Miao Qifeng said calmly across from him, “People die for money, birds die for food. Don’t blame me for what will happen tonight.”

Qing Chen responded calmly, “I heard someone say that in the octagonal cage, every punch is the truth, the answer, and the response to your past efforts. Here, only by defeating your opponent can you prove that you are stronger than yesterday.”

“What do you mean?” Miao Qifeng wondered.

Qing Chen said, “Don’t think about money, fame, or gain in this octagonal cage. There are too many distracting thoughts.”

The next moment Miao Qifeng pounced towards Qing Chen like a fierce tiger and threw a punch.

Qing Chen’s arms suddenly formed a barrier, blocking his head tightly.

This scene looked extremely familiar to the audience. The previous match started like this, but now the roles were reversed.

The moment the two sides came into contact, Qing Chen flew backward, and his back hit the wire mesh hard!

Miao Qifeng’s power was astonishing, and some of the audience even found that this was more like a match between cruiserweights.

In the private room, Nan Gengchen and others clenched their fists. They now confirmed that Li Changqing was not lying. Miao Qifeng had indeed secretly got a genetic injection!

In the stands, Ji Hao, who was under Jiang Xiaotang’s command, stood up and wanted to walk toward the octagonal cage. He wanted to save Qing Chen’s life tonight.

However, just as he was about to move, someone behind him gently put two fingers on his shoulders. A middle-aged man in white sportswear said with a smile, “Don’t move. Don’t look back. If you do, you will die.”

Ji Hao’s whole body was stiff. He didn’t dare to look back to see who the other person was. He only felt that the two fingers on his shoulders were as heavy as a thousand stones, nailing him to the ground!

He couldn’t figure out what level of strength the person behind him had in order to give him such a sense of oppression. It was as if there was a high mountain suppressing him from behind, with snow falling on the top and an avalanche waiting to happen at any time.

Was the stranger that teenager’s enemy and didn’t want him to be saved?

But how did this person find me in the crowd?

Ji Hao couldn’t understand.

Li Shutong laughed cheerfully and said, “Let’s just watch the boxing match quietly here.”

After saying that, Li Shutong’s attention was no longer on Ji Hao. He looked at the octagonal cage intently. He wanted to watch his disciple break out of his cocoon and transform again.

When everyone thought Qing Chen might die, his master, who knew him best, blocked anyone who wanted to lend a helping hand.

Because there was no need.

Even if Qing Chen really wanted to be saved, with his master present, it wouldn’t be proper for outsiders to act.

Nan Gengchen and Li Tongyun, who had just let go of their worries, suddenly felt nervous again.

Inside the octagonal cage, when Qing Chen’s back just hit the wire mesh, his back muscles had already completely bulged, and the muscles wrapped around his bones and tendons were not damaged at all.

At most, it was just soreness in the back muscles.

Miao Qifeng was a little surprised. He never thought that the young man could withstand his full-strength attack and remain unharmed.

At the moment when they touched each other, he felt his strength transfer to Qing Chen’s arms, but it did not stop. The arms released the strength backward like a sponge, from the arms to the waist, and then to the legs, dissolving layer by layer.

This technique was shocking to witness.

Qing Chen left the edge of the octagon cage. He had to avoid being squeezed into the corner.

When Huang Zixian reminded him at the beginning, Qing Chen already guessed in his mind that his next opponent might cheat, but now he was very sure that the opponent in front of him was one level higher than him.

The audience in the stands suddenly discovered that Qing Chen had changed from his previous dominance since this boxing match and had been constantly on the defensive.

As time passed, the situation between the attacking and defending sides did not change at all. Everyone just felt that Miao Qifeng was completely suppressing Guang Xiaotu.

Was the strength gap between tigerweight boxers this large?

These spectators were not professionals, so they didn’t know what exactly happened for a while.

However, at this moment, messages were sent to the mobile phones of all the audience present: Tigerweight boxing champion Miao Qifeng had purchased a dose of Li’s genetic injection seven days ago. The boxing champion has most likely been promoted to the cruiserweight level.

Following this message, there were more than a dozen photos of Miao Qifeng purchasing the genetic injection.

The key point was that the person who sent the message was one of Li’s representatives in the black market.

There was an uproar in the stands. No wonder Miao Qifeng was completely overwhelming Qing Chen. It turned out that this tigerweight champion had been promoted to the cruiserweight level!

Some gamblers who bet on Qing Chen began to curse and yell that Miao Qifeng was shameless.

However, a few people were shocked when looking at the octagonal cage. Even after Miao Qifeng had cheated, how did Guang Xiaotu still hold on for ten minutes without falling?

At this moment, Qing Chen felt pain all over his body, just like the first day he faced Huang Zixian.

He felt like he was standing in a downpour, and as the raindrops fell, they gradually put out the fire in him.

Li Shutong watched quietly in the crowd, indifferent.

Ji Hao in front of him didn’t dare to move at all.

In the private room, Jiang Xiaotang shouted in the communication channel, “Open the octagonal cage!”

Ji Hao heard the voice in the headset and said with difficulty: “Boss, someone is controlling me, I can’t move…”

“Referee,” Jiang Xiaotang cursed, “Open the octagonal cage!”

When the referee heard the order in the headset, he immediately walked towards the small iron gate, wanting to end the boxing match.

However, the next moment, Qing Chen’s voice rang out in the octagonal cage, “Don’t open it!”

The referee was stunned!

The audience in the front row who could hear Qing Chen’s voice were also stunned!

Just when they all thought that Qing Chen was going to die in the octagonal cage, the fighter himself still had the energy to observe his surroundings.

The teenager noticed that the referee was about to end the game, and he stopped him!

No one noticed that although the teenager was tired and in pain, his eyes were still clear and his breathing was still steady.

He has discarded his own sense of pain and only wanted to be a rational and cold hunter.

If it were in the past, Qing Chen might have given up. After all, facing an opponent who was one level higher than him, insisting on righting would only bring trouble to himself.

But he couldn’t give up today.

Because his master was watching.

Qing Chen knew very well that his master had very important things to do and very important people to save.

The only reason why his master stayed here after faking his death was to see if Qing Chen could keep going on his path alone. That was Li Shutong’s last wish as a master before he could feel safe pursuing his ideal.

Qing Chen knew that his master was also present during his last boxing match.

His master was always there.

Therefore, this time Qing Chen insisted on not using the Knight’s Qi and the Autumn Leaf Blade. He wanted to use his raw skills and strength to tell his master that he could now move forward on his own.

He could now travel alone on the longest path among all the shortcuts in the world.

Qing Chen lowered his eyes, sweat dripped from his chin. His body was like a machine, stubbornly carrying out his will.

Accurately and bit by bit, he tried his best to defend against Miao Qifeng’s attack.

How does the saying go? Life should be like a candle, burning from beginning to end, always bright!



And Powerful.

The sound of life is in symphony.


Qing Chen no longer had any distracting thoughts.

Miao Qifeng was gradually depleting his strength due to continuous attacks, his breathing rhythm became slightly disordered, and Qing Chen caught on to this slight change.

Everyone thought that the matches in the octagonal cage were about strength and skill. That was the normal thought of a human being.

The competition between beasts was about patience and timing.

If he wanted to fight back, now was the time!

Just as Miao Qifeng punched Qing Chen hard in the ribs, Qing Chen suddenly ducked and yelled, “Break!”

Qing Chen summoned all his strength and landed his fist accurately on the inside of Miao Qifeng’s knee. The hard bones of his fingers collided with the cartilage inside the knee, and the fragile cartilage and flesh deformed instantly.


His opponent fell.

However, Qing Chen didn’t hesitate and just quickly distanced himself to give himself time to adjust.

Miao Qifeng’s punch just now broke at least two of his ribs.

However, compared to a broken rib, a broken leg is obviously more tragic.

At this time, everyone remembered Qing Chen’s fierce fighting style with Huang Zixian when he first appeared in the octagonal cage.

Many boxers didn’t work that hard after improving their technique. This seemed to be a curse in the octagonal cage. It was difficult to balance skills and courage.

It seemed that during the process of studying technique, everyone would lose their courage.

However, many people only realized at this time that although the teenager had unparalleled technique and his strength was at the peak of the tigerweight division, he had always been a fierce person and had never changed.

The boxing gym, which should have been bustling with cheers, suddenly became silent.

The sign of victory changed hands in this instant, so much so that no one could react.

Miao Qifeng’s right knee was broken, so there was no chance of him winning from anyone’s point of view.

However, the problem was that after Qing Chen defeated Miao Qifeng, he would be directly promoted to tigerweight champion.

But now Miao Qifeng was already a cruiserweight boxer, so how should one categorize Qing Chen for defeating a cruiserweight as a tigerweight?

No one had ever won against a higher-level opponent in the octagonal cage before!

Qing Chen was making history!

In the stands, Ji Hao, who had been standing stiff, heard the man behind him snort coldly, “Miao Qifeng is such a waste.”

Li Shutong started acting. After all, he couldn’t let people know that there was such a powerful person protecting Qing Chen, and his acting was reasonable. He was now the one who stopped Ji Hao from rescuing Qing Chen and appeared as Qing Chen’s enemy.

In the private room, Li Yinuo suddenly said to Li Changqing, “Aunt, what do you think about him becoming the martial arts teacher for our Li family school? It seems that no one is more suitable than him.”

Li Changqing chuckled and said, “That’s exactly what I was thinking.”

She was a person who had seen big scenes. The fighting between the five major consortiums had never stopped. City 1 was located in the center of the federation, where the three rivers meet, and was known as the city of spies.

After she was placed in charge of the Li family in that city, she saw fights of all sizes and forms.

However, even so, she still felt thrilled watching the fight in the octagonal cage.

The teenager’s charm lay not only in his skills and strength but also in his tenacious personality during battles.

At this time, Qing Chen stood not far from Miao Qifeng like a fierce beast.

He knew that his opponent still had the ability to fight back and might even fight to the death.

Miao Qifeng did not wail. With cold sweat on his forehead, he slowly stood up by holding onto the wire mesh. His right leg hung limply on the ground, and his knee was obviously comminuted.

He looked at the wounded Qing Chen opposite him and laughed miserably: “You are more patient than me. I have attacked so many times, but none of them were as fatal as this one.”

Qing Chen didn’t say anything.

Miao Qifeng asked: “How did you know that my right leg had been injured before?”

Qing Chen still didn’t say anything, because there was no need for nonsense in the octagon cage.

“I admit defeat,” Miao Qifeng said loudly, “I admit defeat! From now on, I will quit the boxing ring and never come back. Spare my life!”

Qing Chen was stunned. No one expected that the tigerweight champion who had held the title for eight consecutive years would choose to end his career by admitting defeat!

Immediately afterward, the audience who bet on Qing Chen began to cheer, and the audience who bet on Miao Qifeng began to curse!

The tickets in the loser’s hand were thrown into the sky like rain, and then floated into the octagonal cage with the flow of air.

Someone shouted: “Kill Miao Qifeng!”

“Kill Miao Qifeng!”

The new king must be crowned with the blood of the old king.

But Qing Chen did not try to kill Miao Qifeng. He actually looked towards the stands first, as if this victory itself was nothing to be happy about. He just wanted to tell his master that he could rest assured.

He could finally start his own life.

But at this moment, Miao Qifeng took advantage of the moment when he turned his head and suddenly pounced on him with one leg!

There was no such thing as giving up in the octagon. The winner would live and the loser would die.

The winner must keep fighting unless the loser falls to the ground and loses his ability to fight. As for whether the loser can survive, it depends on the winner’s mood.

Miao Qifeng knew that he couldn’t win by normal means with a broken leg. He also knew that Qing Chen was a newcomer in the cage and might not know the rules!

He wanted to gamble that Qing Chen would be distracted after his victory, and his gamble was paying off.

This sudden change shocked everyone!

Miao Qifeng first cheated by hiding his level and then pretended to admit defeat. If he didn’t leave City 18 immediately after today, his whole family would probably die.


At the moment when Miao Qifeng held his breath and jumped into the air, he was surprised to see that Qing Chen had turned his head and looked at him at some point as if the teenager had been waiting for him.

At a certain moment, Miao Qifeng realized:

He knew that he couldn’t win, so he pretended to surrender. The teenager was worried that he would risk his life and fight to his death, so the teenager pretended to be careless to lure him into doing something rash.

It was a psychological game.

At this moment, he was flying in the air and could not change direction at all, like a lamb to be slaughtered.

But Qing Chen took a small step to the right and let Miao Qifeng fly past him.

The young man drew his fist like drawing a bow, and in a flash, he punched out again, hitting Miao Qifeng’s left rib hard, breaking his ribs, which pierced his heart from his lungs!


Miao Qifeng fell heavily to the ground and was silent.

Qing Chen let out a breath of air.

This was his first time killing someone in the boxing gym, but it wasn’t his first time killing someone.

For the teenager who was about to embark on a long journey, Miao Qifeng was nothing more than an insignificant moment in time.

The young man stood alone in the octagonal cage. The audience in the stands burst into cheers again. Even the gamblers who bet on Miao Qifeng admired Qing Chen’s calmness and wit from the bottom of their hearts!

Li Shutong watched on proudly in the stands. He looked at Qing Chen’s young figure and thanked Qing Chen for taking him back to his early years, remembering how he too took a journey just like this, living a life with no regrets.

He looked at the octagonal cage as if he was still young and just stepped into the ring like Qing Chen.

Everything seemed like yesterday, forever young.

Li Shutong’s last wish before running towards his ideal was fulfilled.

Ji Hao felt that the fingers on his shoulders had finally disappeared, but he still did not dare to look back.

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