New Life, New Task: I'll Be A Mom Then!!!

Chapter 476 An Innocent Question

Seeing that Eli understood the main point, Kayden also interjected in a calm yet serious tone,

"Leon is right this time Little Sister, I am sure the Emperor and the rest of our allies also understood the situation. Whatever it is, there will be a war, and we just have to be prepared for it, no matter where the enemy plans to initiate."

Leon nodded and sang the same tune as his best friend,

"Indeed, while the public has been seeing everything peacefully on the surface, the smoke of preparing for war on the other side is already surfacing.

There were already large amounts of movements from the ally nations of the Vanderford Empire and there is also evidence of buying weapons and other magical equipment in the last years."

Eli was shocked about the news, as she had been busy juggling between her responsibilities in the Temple, the Institute, and even the Committee, these matters were no longer communicated to her.

"So that means that it is just a matter of time before they start attacking…" Eli looked at the two only for them to answer with an affirmative nod.

Leon rubbed Eli's back in comfort, understanding the shock in her eyes,

"Do not worry, we have also been preparing on our end. The Emperor has been working with the Green Wave institute for the alliance as well. Thanks to the Grandmasters too, we are able to persuade the other side to stand with us during this time.

For sure, the other nearby kingdoms would be there too."

Eli heaved a heavy sigh, the conversation did not lessen her worries, however, the thought that burdened her heart was already gone, "Alright, I understand. Thank you for listening to me."

Leon and Kayden smiled. They also heaved a sigh of relief to see that Eli was not offended when they gave her some clues about the impending war.

It is not that Leon looked down on her as a woman, but it was also because of the fact that Eli tended to burden herself with a lot of things that he decided to keep the news and the covert war preparations on her end.

Besides, Leon wanted Eli to enjoy more time with Little Han before the war even started.

While Eli and Kayden haven't mentioned yet that they wanted to infiltrate the main temple as everyone is busy with the transport, he knew in his heart that this would be the most likely outcome when they decided to come to the blood valley to investigate.

Thus, Leon's agreement for Eli to investigate the Portia Valley also meant that he would support her decisions that come after it, even if it was as dangerous as her participation in the war.

Why so? Because he now understood that he had the battle to face as the Paladin, the holy mage.

If not for Chief Eirllon pointing this out to him when they last visited the Silver Dew Village, he would have done his best to argue with Eli once again and come to a compromise.

But this time, the battle is for her to take. No matter how much Leon wanted to shield her away from danger, he had to let her go this time. Much to his dismay.

"Alright… You two must have many things to discuss. I might as well go out and check how the preparation of the cure potions go." Kayden read the mood and bade goodbye to the couple, giving them space to talk.

Now with the two of them alone in the office, Eli took a deep breath and leaned on Leon's shoulders. This kind of solace has been rare for the couple these past few months, they wanted not to waste it.

"What do we do next?" She asked, clearly anxious about the fact that the family of three will have to be apart once again.

But this time, everything will be highly dangerous. As they were preparing for war, not only will they think of to whom they will entrust Little Han, but also where to keep them safe.

Leon wrapped Eli in his arms. His warmth and body gave Eli a space to feel secure at the moment. He did not answer her question for a good while, only just letting the two of them close to each other, feeling each other's presence.

"I am as clueless as you as well…" Leon's reply exposed the helplessness in his heart. The trembling of his voice as he said this word made him vulnerable.

However, with Eli beside him, he knew that it was safe for him to show her what makes him anxious and scared.

"To be honest, I am disheartened and quite tired of the fact that we have to part ways with our son once again…"

"I want to become boastful and selfish for once… to go out and tell the entire world that I have such a lovable son and a capable fiance."

"I want to turn down all the responsibilities and tasks given to me and take you all away to a peaceful place to live there without the care of what is happening to the rest of the world."

This time, Leon pulled Eli closer, tightening his embrace. His crystal blue eyes shuddered and a warm streak of tears rolled on his cold yet handsome face.

"I want to just for once… be a happy man… with you and Little Han by my side."

"Is my wish that hard to attain?" He asked in a hoarse voice while his lips hid on the top of Eli's head, trying to stop his body from crying.

Eli did not respond, but instead took the initiative to lift her body and hide the big guy in her embrace. She rubbed his silky red blood hair and wiped away his tears.

Her hand moved to guide Leon to lean on her shoulders as the other one worked to rub his wide back.

Her heart ached to see Leon break down.

It must have been hard for him these weeks when he was holding everything in. Forcing himself to focus on his job to prepare for the envoys and parenting Little Han while having not one news about Eli for several days.

The worry and anxiousness he felt must have been unbearable, knowing how protective he was towards her. He must have been keeping his sanity in check while making sure that everything is fine on the surface and at home.

And even as Eli came back safe and sound, he had no time to confront his emotions because he must quickly move on for the preparation of both the war and the transport of the prisoners.

The bottled-up emotions triggered by one helpless question broke the wall that kept his deepest fears and heartaches.

They poured out like rivers, a man, who did not even flinch in a thousand battlefields was now crying like an aggrieved child nestled in his lover's embrace.

Eli could have said some comforting words like 'Everything should be fine.' or 'Don't worry we will find a way together…'

However, what do you do when you yourself do not know the answer?

When you yourself don't even have the confidence that everything will really be indeed fine?

Thus, Eli did not say anything but did her best to support Leon and make him feel that she is with him.

The couple stayed like that for some time leaning on each other's warmth.

It was already late in the afternoon when they managed to calm each other's emotions. Leon looked at Eli gratefully and ensured that she is fine before suggesting that they go out.

"I'm feeling fine now… but look at you…" Eli replied as she chuckled lightly, "Your eyes are puffy."

Leon tried to rub his eyes only for the other party to chuckle once again. Eli quite adored the look in his crystal blue eyes. The misty slightly reddened eyes diminished the coldness in his expression and instead made him seem like a big puppy.

"I'll put some baby powder in it…" Leon decided as he looked in the mirror. He did not even give Eli a chance to react as he reached out his space pouch and took his favorite vanity item - the baby powder.

Eli's eyes twitched in surprise, thinking how on earth did she manage to make this man quite obsessed with baby powder.

Anyhow, the two went home peacefully. Sharing the typical family routine at night, Little Han undeniably brought the liveliness and warmth the two needed the most at the moment.

While Eli was in the bathroom to take a shower, Leon bused himself in dressing Little Han to sleep.

The little toddler obediently cooperated with his father however his eyes seemed to have been stuck on his father's face.

"Daddi…" Little Han called out meekly.

"Yes, son?" Leon asked.

"Did Daddy cwy? (cry)" He asked, blinking his eyes innocently.

Looking at his son's clear eyes that resembled his completely, Leon could not bear to say no and replied, "Hmm.. yes a lil' bit.."

Little Han blinked again and asked, "Why did Daddi cwy?"

"Because Daddy did not know what to do… so Daddy cried because of a problem…"

"Oh…" Little Han formed a cute 'O' on his tiny lips as if to tell Leon that he understood.

Then he furrowed his brows and asked once again, "Why did Daddy cwy? Daddi should pway (pray) instead!"

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