New Life, New Task: I'll Be A Mom Then!!!

Chapter 467 Inside The Room (1)

In the heavenly realm…

A certain Grandpa Creator was so happy he had been bouncing back and forth in the majestic clouds.

"Look at that… my little child has spoken to me for the first time~~~!" He proudly said as he looked at the five figures who were also familiar with Little Han, the five guardians of Prasinos.

"Too bad… his first wish will not be granted by the Overseer. He wished for something quite impossible." Ignis was also feeling happy, but upon remembering Little Han's first prayer he shook his head in regret.

"Well, it's not my godson's loss anyways~ It's the Overseer's loss. What if my godson would be heartbroken because his prayer was not heard?" Zale replied, shrugging nonchalantly.

The Great One heard their exchange and he harrumphed, "Hmf! Who said I won't hear his prayers? Come and see how I listen to my dear child!"

Back to some dimension within the Portia Valley…

Eli and Kayden were stuck in a room that was filled with everything that belongs not to this world.

At first, Eli was clearly overwhelmed and dumbfounded, it seems like there was also someone from the modern world that descended from Prasinos.

However, remembering the spatial ring in Kayden's possession, she calmed down.

"Are they from your world, Sister?" Kayden saw that Eli finally got her focus back and so he asked.

"Possibly yes… but I am not sure if it was our world or another one…" Eli, now clear-headed, tried to analyze the situation.

Kayden was confused but did not interrupt Eli's words.

"Looking at this, it seems like these things weren't built in this world and just kept in this place. It seems to be directly transported from another world and was preserved using a technology that was clearly not in the world I previously lived in.

Back when I was a soul, The Great One made me realize that there were other worlds aside from Prasinos and the modern earth.

The biggest evidence is your spatial ring… and this room…" Eli explained.

"Does this magic not exist in your world?" Kayden had long heard that Eli lived in a place called modern earth but he was not sure what kind of place was that other than their world is filled with vast amounts of knowledge and information.

"No… while the existence of the supernatural has always been debatable in my previous world, there's no such thing as spatial magic that exists.

While we do have spatial pouches in this world, our spatial pouches were simply bags that had a larger capacity compared to the way it looks.

It does not have any preservation abilities like your spatial rings.

Perishable food will spoil and decay the same time and way as when we take it out on our special pouches, but this special ring… might have been able to preserve the egg and sperm cells as the Elder Leprechaun mentioned…

Furthermore, if this space was created through the magic coming from Prasinos, then Leon and the Spatial King would have found a way to detect and infiltrate this place…"

"Indeed…" Kayden nodded in understanding. Prior to heading here, Leon and the Spatial king even tried to check the entire Portia valley to search for the existence of this space. They initially thought that it was just a portal connecting to some other place, like how the Emperor and Queen Tehila's chambers were constructed, but they were wrong.

Somehow, it was something that even the Spatial King, governor of the void cannot reach.

"So I suspect that while the creator of this space has a similar situation as I in the previous world, they possess something both Prasinos and Modern Earth do not have…"

"Spatial ring… does that mean that the Spectre and the Pope were after this thing?" Kayden gently pulled his ring and examined it carefully.

"We could only investigate," Eli replied with a serious look on her face.

The next moment, Eli and Kayden decided to look around and see if there were any traps hidden somewhere in the room.

Before they plan to touch everything, they wanted to keep a record of everything ensuring that they did not miss out on something important.

Only after that will they attempt to touch the things in the room.

Because of this, they were able to discover a lot of things inside.

The first is that the room is completely enclosed and they have already discovered that they could not find any mechanism for them to exit at will.

It seems like they have to dig into things and investigate how this dimension works.

"It's like a puzzle room, only those who could decipher the way in and out can freely use it…" Eli commented she examined the things inside.

"It will be hard for us to keep track of time if not for us bringing a watch…" Kayden replied in agreement.

Now they were trapped inside, not only did they have to investigate the entire room, but they also had to find a way out.

"How much food rations do you have in your pouch?" Kayden asked.

"I've brought dry rations that can last for a week, then the other perishables that we have to finish in three days. But I have more than enough water to last for a month." Eli truthfully answered. If the worst comes to worst, at least they have water to survive.

Kayden nodded in understanding and said, "Put all the perishables in my ring, they won't rot in here. At least we can prolong their life and sustain us for longer… Though I believe that if we do our best, we will not be stuck here for long. Let's be more confident with our abilities."

With only the two of them around, Kayden immediately encouraged Eli as they could only rely on each other to successfully finish their mission.

"Alright…" Eli understood Kayden's intention and so she cooperated as he instructed. He had been most exposed to experimentation and investigation and so she let him lead the operation to escape.

As they carefully rummage through the files, they were also combing a lot of information written on it.

The more they read, the more they were astonished.

"These were clearly records of attempts on In Vitro Fertilization Experimentation!" Eli was shocked, even though Elder Leprechaun had practically told her about this possibility, it still blows her mind that someone attempted it in this world where the times were so much more backward than the modern earth.

"Sister… look at this…" Kayden on the other hand wore a puzzled expression while carrying a black object.

When Eli saw the object, her eyes flashed in surprise once again, "Unbelievable… This is a laptop… How come we found this item here?"

"Laptop?" Kayden asked in confusion.

The next moment Eli explained to him briefly how the laptop works and how powerful it was for experimentation.

"I see… but you said that it runs on something like a battery… what if it was no longer functional since it has been stuck in here for so long?" Kayden was worried.

While he was excited to know what information was stored inside, he was also afraid that the laptop would not work because of the lack of power.

"If the original owner of this place dared to use something like this, then there must be a way to charge it," Eli answered.

With the information they have gone through at the moment, they are sure that the progress of the experiment has already entered its finalization stage. This gave Eli the impression that the laptop has been used extensively and that there was a way to power it up.

"Let's continue looking around then."

With that, they continued to carefully rummage around. But Eli and Kayden were not able to find anything that resembled a socket or battery.

Kayden looked at the clock and sighed, "A day has passed…"

"Brother… take a rest first. I'll continue searching… Let's take turns." Eli suggested to which Kayden agreed, after all, Eli is more familiar with the equipment. He only needs to rest his eyes, then he will continue searching again through the mountain of experimentation records.

Eli continued to rummage through the cabinets and examined all the items.

During the rummaging, she was able to observe that the items were kept perfectly clean even though it's been two decades since the asani village existed. Moreover, every item was of superior quality.

"Could these really be brought directly into this world?" Eli could not help but frown in puzzlement.

Nevertheless, she continued to search, there were so many questions that needed to be answered.

Finally, after hours of searching through the cabinets and drawers, she was able to find something that might just answer the questions she had in mind.

Eli carefully picked up a leather-bound journal notebook. It was quite thick, seemingly full of notes and other memorabilia.

She felt excited, it must be the owner's diary!

She no longer delayed and quickly opened its contents.

The first words she read were not actually the introduction of the owner of the book, but rather the word,


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