New Life As An Ecchi Girl With A “Big Surprise”

308: A Reward For Victory

308: A Reward For Victory

“She actually did it…” Olivia muttered quetly.

Beatrice looked at her ninja friend and saw that rather than being amazed or happy for the unlikely survivor, Olivia was frustrated. The clenched fists, the subtle frown. No wonder, Beatrice thought. For someone so preoccupied with power, that was probably like looking at somebody she wished to be. Fighting against the odds and perceivering. Would she be able to claw out a victory in the same situation?

John, the skeletal shirtless masked man, walked over to the sharkkin to check on Number Forty’s last opponent’s condition. After kneeling over and checking for vitals, he looked up to the announcer’s platform where the hairball was supposed to be. Just as the whispers and speculation among the spectators started to overshadow the elation of the concluded bloodbath, the small ball of hair appeared, wearing her mask like always.

John signaled something to the announcer with a single gesture of his hand, and after a brief pause, Thelicia announced with her amplified voice, “It looks like Number Forty-four is still hanging on for his life. I suppose it was too much to ask of Number Forty to end a match that is already over. What is she even doing?”


“For real!?”

Astonished gasps, laughter, and some cheering spread among the crowds as they watched Number Forty use the half of the bladed boomerang she picked up and skin the dead tigerkin.

“That’s why she left that shark dude to slowly bleed out?”

“Haha, looks like it!”

Lilith did a crude job. The tigerkin’s fur was ruined with blood smears and imprice cuts. But it ended up good enough to serve it’s purpose: several pieces of fur for Lilith to cover her private areas that she had displayed for the amusement of the spectators for far too long.

“Hmph! How barbaric!” ‘Thelicia’ scoffed and crossed her arms. She then looked to John, who stood up over the sharkkin’s body signaled to her again, and said, “And Number Forty-four is no more! Number Forty is now officially the winner of this special round.”

The cheers of the crowds more than made up for the utter lack of the announcer’s enthusiasm who didn’t even bother to congratulate the winner.

“It turns out that none of our participants were worthy of putting princess Mary on all fours and taking her from behind,” ‘Thelicia’ shook her head, making light of the situation. “Perhaps it is for the best. Who knows, maybe the princess would have turned out to be a huge disappointment? If some of the rumors are to be believed, she might already be too lose for a commoner’s cock.”

More laughter from the crowds, reaffirming how easily and fearlessly they jumped at the opportunity to use the local royalty as the butt of jokes.

Beatrice felt slightly disappointed that she did not have the answer to that particular question. Despite being so close, despite getting her tail sucked by Princess Mary, the succubus had no knowledge of whether the princess was tight or loose.

“But enough of dwelling on the past!” the announcer said. “We have a winner after all! Someone who fought against the odds to prove her worth! And she did just that! Seven dead, the favor of the crowds won over, all by her own two hands! A feat worthy of recognition!”

The crowds clapped and cheered for Number Forty, who still managed to stand straight stood over the partially skinned corpse of the tigerkin, despite her wounds and the setting fatigue.

“Hmm, so our dear guests agree?” the announcer asked in a playful tone. “Should we reward Number Forty’s hard work?”

The overwhelming response from the crowds was clear.

“Haha, I see, I see… So be it! Number Forty! You fought admirably! Who am I to stand in the way of what you fought for? You wanted our honorable miss Ruby? You got her! The match begins immediately! Before miss Ruby has a chance to flee in terror, hehehe… Oh, I’ll even forgive you for wounding our dear spectators with your attack!”

“Seriously?” Beatrice gasped.

“Fucking bitch!” Olivia cursed.

While, at first, some in the crowds erupted in cheers, yelling in support for Number Forty, the excitement wore off quickly as the realization set in even amongst the stupidly drunk ones.

“Wait, she’ll fight right now?”

“After all that?”

“Won’t she just get swept aside in her condition?”

The mysterious white mask miss Ruby stepped forth from behind the group of shirtless buff men and walked toward Number Forty.

“BEGIN!!” ‘Thelicia’ yelled, all but laughing out loud.

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