New Life As An Ecchi Girl With A “Big Surprise”

235: Two Versus Lovebirds

235: Two Versus Lovebirds

“After consulting with the judges and taking into account that this single participant is made up of two participants, Number Twenty-five and Number Twenty-six, we have no objection for them to continue their participation in the games!” Thelicia announced her decision, though there were no other judges or any other living being in sight on the isolated platform where she stood.

“However, this would mean that the unusual “pairing” would have to fight participants Number Sixty-six and Number Sixty-nine both at the same time, as to not deprive either of our participants of their right, as well as duty, to prove their strength and resolve by killing their respective semi-final opponents.” Thelicia explained further and then turned toward the larges group of spectators and asked louder and with great excitement, “I wonder: what does our dear audience think about this!?”

The spectators erupted in cheers as they watched on the big sphere-screen how the eight-limbed monstrosity hunted down the snake lady across the arena. Number Sixty-six now looked puny compared to the monster. As if she were a child, chased around by a mutated wrestler.

“And there you have it!” Thelicia used the crowd’s cheers for confirmation. “Even among all the blood and death, there’s a place for a delightful little love story that has clearly tugged at the heartstrings of our audience! But can our lovebirds overcome a fight against two opponents at once? When they were apart, the lovebirds were beaten easily. But now that they are truly united? Are they still the underdogs? Or will they squash their opponents like the cockroaches that they are compared to such a specimen? I have a feeling that our audience will be rooting for them even if they’re no longer the underdog!”

Go fuck yourself! Beatrice cursed as she grew increasingly frustrated with the little furball that was the masked announcer.

Laughter broke out among the spectators who clearly couldn’t wait for the “lovebird” monster to rip its enemies limb from limb.

Take a deep breath! Calm down! Beatrice inhaled, trying to focus. Beatrice was getting used to the laughter and bloodthirst of the morally bankrupt crowd, however, the pompous announcer somehow managed to get continuously get more and more under her skin. For a moment, Beatrice entertained the idea of how she could literally make Thelicia fuck herself once she leveled her Eros Skills enough, but the succubus shook off her daydreaming, reminding herself to concentrate on the task at hand.

I’m still at the very least as fast as that hulking mutation! Beatrice reminded herself how she repeatedly dodged the monster’s attacks just seconds ago. And while I may not have any more Skill Points to sink, what I have will just have to do! As long as I’m faster, I can just hack away at it, piece by piece!

And, while the monster chased around after Number Sixty-six, smashing anything and anyone that got in the way, though without fatal casualties, Beatrice sprinted after them from behind. After catching up to the monster, Beatrice aimed for its legs, aiming to slow down and ultimately immobilize the creature.

Perfect! Beatrice’s angle of attack was secured as she was completely in the preoccupied monster’s blind spot.

“Babe, behind you!” one of the heads, Wendy, called out, after suddenly turning around by one-eighty degrees and spotting the succubus.

“Wait your turn!” Peter barked, doing a one-eighty with not only his head, but also his entire body, and brought down his full force on Beatrice.

Beatrice dodged the hammer by rolling to the side, dodged several leg stomps and fist smashes into the rocks, was not fast enough to escape one of the tentacles that wrapped itself around her ankle.

“Ugh!” Beatrice fell to the ground as she lost footing when the monster pulled her back toward it.

“I made a promise to Wendy!” Peter screamed with fury as he lifted Beatrice up by her leg. “First the hooded snake! Then the evil masked bimbo!”

“Fuck off!” Beatrice cursed and slashed at the tentacles that held her by the leg, slicing through them with her extended sharp claws.

“Argh!” Peter screamed as two pieces of cut tentacle meat flew across the air, losing their grip on Beatrice.

But before Beatrice even fell to the ground, the monster grabbed her by the legs with its two other hands.

“Make her pay!” Wendy demanded.

“I’ll make you pay!” Peter parroted and swung Beatrice up into the air, like a doll, high over his head.

“PETER SMASH!!” Peter screamed with foam at the mouth and swung Beatrice down with all of the creature’s monstrous strength and speed, smashing the succubus with full force against the rocks.

-100 HP

Beatrice couldn’t even manage an automatic scream of pain as her face was driven into the ground. Perhaps, what saved Beatrice from worse pain despite the impact on her whole body was the dulling, nausea-inducing dullness and disorientation from getting her forehead smashed against the ground. However, Beatrice did not have the time to even try to collect her thoughts or rouse her numb body to move when she heard a distant, raging scream.


“GHUAAAAH!!” Beatrice screamed in excruciating agony when a flat, heavy object slammed against her back with thunderous force.

-250 HP

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