Never Judge

936 Chapter 936

Cedric woke up early the next day as he prepared to accompany his wife to her check up. He promised to continue to live his life on his own terms, he didn't want to keep missing the important things in life anymore.

As he and Adrianna made their way to the front door, Cedric was surprised to find Guan Ming waiting for him.

He had told everyone the night before that they should get as much rest and sleep in. He also informed them that he would join the questioning later in the afternoon. He planned to spend as much time with his wife today.

"Why don't you go on ahead, Adrainna." Cedric told his wife as he let go of her hand.

"Don't take too long, we have an appointment." She said as she looked at the two men and made her way to the car that was waiting outside.

When Adrianna was out of earshot Cedric looked at Guan Ming and sighed.

"I told you to sleep in." He reminded the other man.

"I know you did, and I understand your intentions, but Cedric please let me have another go at him." Guan Ming pleaded.

"Guan Ming," Cedric said with a sigh as he shook his head and placed a hand on his friend's shoulder.

Cedric frowned as he looked at Guan Ming, he knew that the man before him was full of so much anger towards Lucius Ting. He knew that Guan Ming had multiple reasons to want to hurt Lucius Ting, but Cedric knew that it wasn't healthy to keep hating.

"Ming, the woman you love is probably fast asleep in your bed right now and you're wasting precious time that you could be spending with her. Would you really rather be in some cold room with Lucius Ting?" Cedric asked the businessman.

To Cedric's surprise, Guan Ming ended up laughing at what he said, catching Cedric off guard.

"For starters, Camilla is fast asleep in her own bed. We haven't exactly done it." Guan Ming told Cedric as he seemed more proud than embarrassed, something that Cedric did not expect.

"I don't want to rush her, I want us to take our time and when she's ready, then we will sleep together." Guan Ming shrugged. "I'll just pop in for a bit, I'll be out before she's even up and I'll spend the whole morning with her."

Cedric hesitated, he would much rather his friend rest rather than torture Lucius Ting. But he also knew that there was no changing Guan Ming's mind. He was furious with Lucius Ting.

"Just don't over do it." Cedric said, shaking his head as he left his friend and went to accompany his wife in the car.

Cedric took a deep breath before getting in, he knew that today would be a long day. At least the start would be great since Adrianna would be with him.

"What did Ming want?" Adrianna asked, curious as to why the man was up so early when they arrived at three in the morning coming from the police station.

Cedric closed his eyes and leaned back.

"He wanted to have some time with Lucius Ting." Cedric was clearly not happy about his friend's request, but Adrianna knew he wouldn't deny Guan Ming.

"He's good to Camilla." Adrianna told her husband as she leaned against his chest and held his hand.

They sat in that position in silence as John, Cedric's driver, took them to the hospital.

Since it was still quite early, Cedric and Adrianna were able to come in through the main entrance.

As they passed, Cedric was aware of the whispers and stares coming from the people around them. He couldn't help but frown at their reaction. He missed the days when they could go out as a family and be treated like normal people.

With his identity being revealed, Cedric and Adrianna needed to take extra precautions when going out.

Just as how a simple hospital visit required for an advance team to check the area as well as for multiple guards to surround them as they made their way to the doctor's office.

When they finally entered Adrianna's OB-GYN, Dr. Santos, happily greeted the couple.

"It's been a while since you last joined us, Mr. Reyes." The doctor said as she offered her hand to Cedric to shake.

Cedric smiled and took her hand and shook it. Something about this doctor always felt so comfortable and motherly to him. He was glad that she was Adrianna's doctor, it put him in a lot of ease.

"I promised myself that  I would be there for my wife and children for every important milestone, no matter how small it seems." He said as he looked adoringly at his wife.

"I'm sure your wife understands, Mr. Reyes." the doctor said as she prepared Adrianna for the ultrasound.

"I understand, but it's nice to have him here." She said with a sweet smile making Cedric feel like being with her was worth letting the world get a little crazier without him.

Everything went well with Adrianna's check up. The twins were fine and according to the doctor Adrianna should be due in the next two to three weeks.

"Dr. Santos, I want my wife to give birth on Kashmere Island." Cedric informed her. "We would very much like for you to be the one to deliver the twins."

Dr. Santos smiled and nodded.

"It would be my pleasure to be there for you and your children." The doctor told the couple.

"Perfect, we plan to fly out next week. No harm in getting some vacation time while we're waiting for the babies to arrive." Adrianna said with an excited look on her face.

"I'll have someone get in touch with you for the details." Cedric told the doctor as he shook her hand and led his wife out of the doctor's office.

Cedric and Adrianna stopped in their tracks when they heard a very familiar voice.

"I need to see her now." The woman said in a shaky tone.

The couple rounded the corner to find no other than Katerina speaking to the frightened receptionist.

"Katerina, is everything alright?" Cedric asked as he took a step towards the clearly flustered woman.

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