Netherworld Investigator

Chapter 304

Chapter 304

After learning the Tao Te Ching, we visited Director-General Cheng in solitary confinement. Though handcuffed, he still played his part to a T. "Why didn’t you commit suicide with them?" I leaned in and kept my voice low.

"I was stopped by my subordinates at the time,” Director-General Cheng smiled bitterly. “It was impossible for me to continue, so I played along."

"It’s alright,” I said. “It’s a bit suspicious if the three of you die at once."

"What’s the plan now?” asked Director-General Cheng. “Should I find an opportunity to ‘commit suicide’ again?"

"I’m not sure through what channels the murderer determined our movements, but I’m sure he has his methods,” I mused. “You might as well stay alive for now! The murderer has been on the move since last night. He’s not in good health so I’m guessing he’ll need to rest. It’s likely he’ll assassinate you late tonight. We’ll use you as bait to lure him into our net." After a pause, I added, "Anyway, we already have the means to resist the cursed music!"

"Do you really believe that Jianghu master?” he frowned. “Why do I get the feeling he’s involved with the murderer?"

I now believed that Zhang Jiulin was innocent so I vouched for the man. "I believe he’s on our side. But there is one thing I’m curious about.” I ventured, “Do you think the bureau can allocate ten million as his reward?"

Director-General Cheng’s mouth fell agape, "Ten million?! What a hungry wolf!"

Convinced of Zhang Jiulin’s upright character and ingenious methods, I believed he was worth the price. In fact, I felt rather guilty about deceiving the man. Though I couldn’t hand over the Yin object, I could still reward him.

"Forget that I mentioned it,” I sighed. “I’ll try asking Xiaotao if she’ll lend me the money!"

"How can you pay out of your own pocket?” retorted Director-General Cheng. “It’s not a small figure. We confiscated a lot of money from the live stream website you took down last time. Allocating 10 million yuan from the funds shouldn’t be a problem. I’ll pass you the money when the case is over."

I didn’t expect to obtain the money so easily. "Director-General Cheng, aren’t you going to verify what it’s for?” I chuckled. “Aren’t you afraid I’ll embezzle it?"

"Since you’re already working for the bureau, I don’t see a point in doubting you. And if I did find you suspicious, I wouldn’t have allowed you to work with us,” came his serious reply. “Anyway, I have to continue acting. You and Xiaotao are in charge of the task force. We’ll talk about the procedural issues later. After all, it’s a special case."

"Director-General Cheng, take care of yourself,” I said. “We’ll bring you some food in a bit."

It was lunchtime so we decided to head out for some food. I asked Zhang Jiulin what he wanted to eat, fully expecting him to choose an upscale restaurant with his status. I was prepared to burn a big hole in my pocket, so imagine my surprise when he pointed to a claypot chicken rice restaurant by the road and said, "That’s my favorite food!"

When the four of us arrived at the restaurant, Dali made sure to seat himself next to Zhang Jiulin. He was so excited I thought he might faint.

"Let me ask you a personal question!" I said when I finally got the chance to interject in the conversation.

Zhang Jiulin nodded, "Do speak."

"You must be really wealthy. But why is that the food you eat, the clothes you wear, your house and transportation so common?" I asked.

"Wealthy?” he laughed. “In our profession, most of the money we make is to be donated. Because the money is bound to the netherworld, it also bears equivalent karma. In fact, I have to constantly perform good deeds to generate good karma and obtain karmic rewards."

"I don’t believe in karmic rewards,” scoffed Xiaotao. “It’s sheer nonsense."

Zhang Jiulin smiled politely but didn’t bother to continue explaining.

Throughout lunch, I listened to Dali’s incessant chatter. Just as we were about to finish eating, Xiaotao received a phone call and seemed extremely excited after the brief conversation. Striking the table, she exclaimed, "We’ve locked onto Long Bangguo’s position!"

"That’s great,” I cried. “We finally have the upper hand!"

"I’ll go with you,” Zhang Jiulin said, putting down his chopsticks. “You deal with the man and I’ll handle the Yin object."

The one on the line was Wang Yuanchao who had called to report his discovery. Apparently, Long Bangguo had purchased a villa shortly after his release from prison. Wang Yuanchao was now waiting for us near that villa.

When I settled the bill, Zhang Jiulin quietly begged, "Can you please get rid of this little fan of mine? My head’s about to explode!"

So when Dali wanted to get into the car, I stopped him. "You don’t have to go with us," I said.

"Can’t you let me speak to Jiu-ge for a while longer?!" Dali grumbled.

"We’ll talk about this later,” I assured him. “I have an important task for you. Bingxin’s dropping by the bureau in the afternoon to conduct some tests. Seeing as we’re all away, you’ll have to look after her."

Upon hearing her name, Dali was so happy he couldn’t stop grinning from ear to ear as he readily promised me. Of course, I made this all up to appease him.

The three of us drove to the residential area which I was a little familiar with. It turned out that this exact villa was the location where the husband of the rich pharmaceutical CEO was killed last year. After several change of hands, it eventually became Long Bangguo’s property. "Uncle Wang, have you found anything?" I asked.

"This lead wasn’t easy to find,” admitted Wang Yuanchao. “Long Bangguo has a group of gangster buddies outside. When he was released from prison, they threw him a welcome banquet."

How ironic indeed–an ex-officer had even mixed up with the triads! His motive for murdering the police and those gangsters had to be reexamined.

"Have you seen the man?" I asked.

Wang Yuanchao shook his head, "We’ve been chasing the man, but I haven’t seen him."

My intuition told me there was something else hidden within this matter. But since I was already here, I wanted to see Long Bangguo’s true face.

I placed Wang Yuanchao and the other officers on guard outside the villa because we didn’t have enough time to teach them the Tao Te Ching. Meanwhile, Zhang Jiulin, Xiaotao and I walked up to the front door and knocked several times. "Property management! Open up!"

Zhang Jiulin smiled strangely at me.

There was no response from within but Wang Yuanchao reported having seen someone in the house so I grabbed my lock picking tools and attempted to unlock the door without making any noise.

Then, gently pushing the door open, I motioned for the others to remain silent. Zhang Jiulin had already whipped out his Ghost-Slaying Daggers, his hands gently wrapped around the hilts.

The layout of the villa was unchanged and the furniture in the room was still wrapped in plastic film. Overall, the decor of the place looked too luxurious for Long Bangguo to afford with his economic situation.

Zhang Jiulin rubbed his eyebrows. "What’s the matter,” I asked. “Headache?"

"I’m fine."

We carefully made our way to the bedroom where a messy bed greeted us. The musty smell of sweat lingered in the air, indicative of living inhabitants. Sweeping my gaze across the room, I fixed upon the large closet beside me and exchanged a knowing look with Xiaotao who immediately pointed her gun at the wardrobe door. "Show yourself!" she yelled.

The door slowly creaked open, revealing a naked man and woman. The man was in his fifties with a big bloated belly that hung over his underwear. He raised his hands, fat jiggling as he trembled. "Officers, it’s not against the law for me to sleep with my girlfriend, is it?"

"Who does the house belong to?" I asked.

"Long... Boss Long,” replied the fat man. “I’m only helping him look after the place."

"Where is he now?"

"I don’t know,” said the fat man. “He’s probably out on business."

"When will he be back then?"

“How the hell would I know?” he retorted. “The man comes and goes as he pleases. I’m only a subordinate. I don’t have the right to question him!" he frowned.

“Damn it!” cursed Xiaotao.

We were walking back towards the door when I suddenly turned around and stared at the fat man with Cave Vision. "You can stop pretending!” I sneered. “You’re Long Bangguo!"

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