Necromancer Survival

Chapter 313

Chapter 313

[Panic Blade!]

Bang Eunji rushed forward first. She rapidly swung her long [Gunblade] as if it were a long sword.

However, Jo Chan-young avoided all the attacks that came at him with a single jump. Perhaps due to his arms-turned-wings, once he jumped, he spent an incredibly long time in the air. In addition, his body continued to change. No longer just his arms, but his other body parts began to transform into those of a divine beast.

This was the first time I had seen Jo Chan-young’s class skills this close up; I opened my eyes wide and observed the transformation.

Beneath Jo Chan-young’s neck, he began to resemble a peacock with the colors of a phoenix, and his face gradually became covered with feathers. Soon, his transformation into one of the divine beasts, the phoenix, was complete. As a first-time viewer, the skill was unfamiliar to me, but the transformation was more beautiful than bizarre. It felt like I was watching an anime.

‘This isn’t the time to be calmly appreciating and thinking, but…’

I sighed deeply as I watched the close fight between the two guild members. Because the jacket pocket I was in hung close to her chest, I could feel her pounding heartbeat every time she moved ferociously.

Similarly, Jo Chan-young kept up with Bang Eunji with the intensity of his movements. Naturally, this office was becoming a real mess.

As soon as they began to fly around, I gripped the pocket as hard as I could. If I bounced away during this conflict, it’d be a total disaster–this time, I’d really die a dog’s death. At the same time, I looked at Jo Chan-young who, unable to voice his complaints, relentlessly attacked Bang Eunji.

‘Honestly… Jo Chan-young, you too. I’m in Bang Eunji’s pocket right now. Is it all right to attack her–and by extension, me–like this?’

Contrary to his strong desire to save this hamster, my chances of survival were gradually decreasing.

However, the man was completely ignorant of my feelings; his attacks became more intense. Now, half of the office door had been blown away; the boundaries that distinguished the hallway from the office had no meaning anymore.

Even though his surroundings were demolished, Jo Chan-young didn’t stop; instead, he glared at Bang Eunji with his now crimson eyes. An unusual amount of pressure poured forth from his gaze.

[No way…]

Perhaps she too felt the same unnatural atmosphere; Bang Eunji hurriedly widened the distance between them.

[Fire Finish!]

Almost simultaneously, Jo Chan-young spread his wings before flapping them forward.

Stiff, scarlet feathers began to fly out of his wings in front of him like a rain of arrows. Of course, Bang Eunji avoided every attack, but the feathers embedded into the environment after she dodged were not satisfied with the piercing damage they wrought and began to ignite everything they touched.

Whoosh– Crackle–

Naturally, the furniture burned and began to puff out smoke. The fire alarm was triggered immediately, and water burst out of the sprinklers.

I hid my face within the pocket in order to avoid the rain-like, pouring water. As expected, Bang Eunji was also flustered; annoyed, she shook off the water that dared to touch her head. She said–

[Are you really going to go this far?]

[I’m not joking.]

Bang Eunji stared at Jo Chan-young’s stiff expression before sarcastically remarking–

[But, aren’t you just wasting your time here?]


Certainly, I could hear the sound of footsteps getting louder as they headed our way, drawn by the fire alarm and these guys’ noisy quarrel.

Jo Chan-young, who had yet to gain the upper hand while fighting against Bang Eunji, was likely to lose if another guild member who was bound to be cooperative to Seo Dawon’s will joined.

He frowned, sighed deeply, and suddenly swung his wings in the air. For some reason, rather than using his skills, it seemed like…

‘System message…?’

It felt like he was pressing buttons on the system’s chat function? Bang Eunji also saw his actions and crossed her arms over her chest.

[Are you calling someone who’ll take your side?]


Ignoring Bang Eunji’s question, Jo Chan-young continued to wordlessly press at something midair with his wings. Then, afterwards, he flapped a few times before remaining still.

Meanwhile, the people that ran towards us stopped behind Jo Chan-young and tried to comprehend what had occurred. They surrounded the two guild members and shouted–

[W-What has happened here?]

[Jo Chan-young-kun has gone completely insane.]


[He’s complaining and claiming he’ll take away Guildmaster-nim’s hamster!]

The people that ran here looked at Jo Chan-young with uncertain expressions. It seemed that Jo Chan-young was well-regarded within the guild.

However, when the man remained silent and did not refute her words, the people looked back at Bang Eunji with awkward expressions on their faces.

[Excuse me, then the fire…]

[That’s something Jo Chan-young-kun did as well!]

Bang Eunji stamped her feet, irate. She shouted–

[What are you all dawdling around for?]


When Bang Eunji frowned fiercely, the hesitant people surrounded Jo Chan-young; though scared, it seemed they had found their resolve. They approached Jo Chan-young with nervous expressions and spoke to him–

[Excuse me, I think you’ll first need to go with us to Guildmaster-nim and explain the situation.]



It was then.

Suddenly, I heard a familiar voice from the half-broken ceiling; I looked up instinctively. My eyes met a grinning, cute face.

It was Jung Garam. Both Bang Eunji and I were surprised by his sudden appearance; her heart began to beat violently.

However, the words that popped out of Bang Eunji’s mouth belied thoughts that were far from the surprise I knew she felt.

[Oh my. How small must you be to fit into such a place? Jung Garam-kun, you’re…]

[Do you really want to die?]

Jung Garam instantly furrowed his brows. He rolled forward into a hanging position–not too dissimilar to a bat–before landing lightly in the office.

Coincidentally, he leaped right in front of Bang Eunji’s nose. At that moment, her heart beat stronger than ever. She was far too aware of everyone’s positions to be surprised; a passing thought forced my mouth wide open in surprise.

‘No way, don’t tell me… Bang Eunji…?’

However, that thought didn’t last long–Jung Garam suddenly reached out and very casually took me from her jacket pocket.

Even though I was the subject of his attack, I couldn’t respond because it happened so quickly. Similarly, Bang Eunji simply stood there, eyes wide open, as she stared back at the young Assassin.

However, Bang Eunji soon came to her sense and shouted at Jung Garam–

[No…! What have you done!? That’s my hamster!]

[Who told you to be so mesmerized by me.]

Jung Garam responded cheekily and stepped back to avoid Bang Eunji’s approach. Her face was completely red. She was definitely angry, but she looked somewhat embarrassed as well.

After observing the pink-haired girl’s expression, I turned to Jung Garam. However, unlike her embarrassed countenance, Jung Garam’s expression looked tranquil…and also a bit bored.

Jung Garam did not hesitate anymore and walked up to Jo Chan-young’s side, holding me in his hands.

[Now, is this good enough?]


[Then, I’ve settled my debts with this?]


Jung Garam handed me over to Jo Chan-young as they conversed–though the exact topic was difficult to parse.

Jo Chan-young returned to his human form before embracing me safely with both hands. Staring at the two from within the man’s palms, I realized that Jo Chan-young must have chatted with Jung Garam earlier, midair, during his fight.

Bang Eunji screamed hysterically from behind–

[Stupid! Dwarf! Traitor! Guildmaster-nim told us to bring him that hamster! What are we supposed to do if you just hand him over?! Are you truly an idiot, Jung Garam-kun??]


[I’m going to tell Guildmaster-nim everything that happened here!]

Jung Garam looked at her with a strangely playful look as if he were barely listening to her criticisms.

However, there was no warmth in that gaze–merely cold observation, like a cat contemplating how he should catch and cook a mouse. I wrapped my arms around my trembling shoulders instinctively as I sharply avoided his eyes.

Following that, Jung Garam looked at my frightened self before smiling.

[Hmmm…. but Dawon-hyung told me to bring back a ‘hamster.’]

[What are you saying?]

Bang Eunji asked, unable to understand. As soon as I heard Jung Garam’s words, though, I raised my head. Can the young Assassin see my true form?


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TL: I wanna know what debts Jung Garam had with Jo Chan-young.

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