Necromancer Survival

Chapter 370

Necromancer 370

As we headed to Busan Port, we decided to operate the [Dummies] to provide feedback on their weaknesses and movements.

And, crucially, we eventually split into different cars based on the number of people, and I, thanks to Seo Dawon’s strong insistence, rode with the Mage. Honestly, I had wanted to see these [Dummies] up close. It looked fascinating, and I wanted to observe how the servants moved.


‘He doesn’t even need to say anything… Something is shady.’

Therefore, I decided to let Dawon-ie do as he pleased. I’m sure he wasn’t hiding anything, but there probably was some good reason for him to insist on being left alone with me.

However, Dawon-ie kept leaning on my body, patting me all over on our way to Busan Port. Now that I thought about it, Seo Dawon might have just wanted to be with me without any interference from the other servants.

In any case, I started to relax–something I hadn’t felt for a long while–as Seo Dawon stroked my head. Suddenly, a stray thought popped into my head, and I asked, “You know, I’m curious about something.”

“What are you curious about?”

“Why don’t you have a Dummy?”

Dawon’s eyes opened wide, as if he didn’t expect me to ask this question. However, he awkwardly smiled, and replied obediently, “That ugly doll… I don’t really want to operate it.”



I eventually couldn’t help but laugh–I was reminded of Jung Garam’s grumbling face. Dawon-ie laughed along with me.

Meanwhile, a bridge came into view, piercing through the cloudless, blue sky. Then, we could see the sea looming beyond the bridge.

* * *

Because our car departed first, I couldn’t see the [Dummies] in action. However, my eyes grew bigger as I watched the servants step out of the sedans that arrived, one after the other.

This time, we were disguised as Koo Hui-seo’s bodyguard, so we wore black suits. However, I was still startled to see the servants’ formal dress in their [Dummies]. At first glance, they looked like humans…

‘What happened? They look like real people…’

There wasn’t a hint of unnaturalness.

Everyone was elegantly dressed in tailored suits with black gloves, sunglasses, and earpieces–their aura was definitely different. Even though they wore masks that covered much of their faces, they absolutely did not look like dolls. It was like night and day compared to when the dummies were first activated.

“They added a bit more ‘color’ to the dummies–some post-processing.” Dawon-ie whispered in my ear.

I nodded slightly and tried not to stare at the servants, as much as possible. From the moment we stepped out of the car, we entered the area controlled by the [Sun] guild, and there were many watchful eyes.


Finally, Koo Hui-seo unboarded last. Koo Hui-seo had dismounted in the arms of a buff man while surrounded by the other bodyguards. Soon, a wheelchair appeared.

‘He seemed to be able to walk around on his own in the mansion…’

I was a little worried that his health had suddenly deteriorated, but Koo Hui-seo passed me by without glancing at me.


When Koo Hui-seo appeared, the space around us warped and distorted. Simultaneously, burly men popped out from behind the container boxes that filled the docks.

I was taken aback since I was unaware of the presence until just now, but a cold hand held mine, as if to calm me down. Therefore, I was able to peacefully and silently lower my eyes.

“You must have suffered by coming such a long way–thank you for indulging in our rude request.”


Just then, a bald man with a full beard walked before us, grinning widely. He was at least as big as Kim Sangyoon rugged tattoos adorned his tanned skin.

I couldn’t take my eyes off the tattoos that extended sharply up to the man’s jawline. It wasn’t until I heard Jung Garam’s voice through our earphones that I snapped back to reality.

[That’s the Sun guild’s guild master: Sung Yi-hwan.]

“It couldn’t be helped…” Simultaneously, Koo Hui-seo responded to Sung Yi-hwan’s apology.

Even though I couldn’t see Koo Hui-seo’s face because his back was turned towards me… The volume and the creeping, trembling tone… Compared to Sung Yi-hwan, Koo Hui-seo felt too fragile.

The guild master, Sung Yi-hwan, seemed to share similar thoughts, and the tension that permeated his expression began to loosen as he looked down at Koo Hui-seo, arms crossed over his chest.. A fleeting smirk passed over the burly man’s face.

Without bothering to hide his expression, Sung Yi-hwan exaggeratedly bowed his head; the corners of his lips curled up. “Thank you for your understanding. Then, let me guide you inside.”

With that said, Sung Yi-hwan walked ahead, but Koo Hui-seo’s wheelchair didn’t move. Just before Sung Yi-hwan turned back again, Koo Hui-seo nodded subtly, and the man pushing the wheelchair began to walk.

And, we followed quietly.

* * *

[We were incredibly surprised to hear that you wanted to initiate trade once more.]

[While searching for distribution networks…]

While listening to Koo Hui-seo and Sung Yi-hwan talking through the ear jacks, the Servants and I positioned ourselves around the building like we were truly bodyguards.

The members of the [Sun] guild continued to monitor us, as if to keep us in check. However, our aim was to find Lee Seolhwa’s whereabouts, so we feel too much unnecessary tension from them and their actions.

[I’m starting ‘Chaser.’]

At that time, Bang Eunji’s long awaited voice filtered through to my ears.

We were scattered around the exterior of the building, but thanks to the special devices we had installed on the dummies, we could share our perspectives. Of course, I couldn’t see, but the servants could share their views with each other, allowing us to quickly locate any suspicious areas.

[Can you see the blue building at 7 o’clock? I think Lee Seolhwa is over there.]

Perhaps my nerves were to blame, but my palms were slightly clammy. Now, at the right time, we had to pull ourselves out from this situation, and find Moon Issak and Lee Seolhwa’s whereabouts.

Just then–

There was a sudden loud noise from where Koo Hui-seo should be.

[…Why don’t you slowly start being honest now?]

And, I heard Sung Yi-hwan’s ominous voice.

Following that, faint gasps–Koo Hui-seo?–reached our ears. Dawon and I simultaneously exchanged glances. However, before we could come to any decision, a deafening boom emanated from within the building.


“Get him!”

The explosion was like a signal–the members of the [sun] guild that had been keeping watch over us suddenly began to run. A man with a massive axe charged toward me, and, following the training I received, I swiftly rolled on the ground to evade the first attack.


However, my opponent was a User who worked for a drug peddling gang. He followed my movements skillfully, and, when I tried to stand up, I slightly twisted my wrist. However, I didn’t panic and summoned my first Servant, Lackey. “[Lackey]!”

[Clack Clack!!!]

As soon as it was summoned, Lackey intercepted the incoming axe with its jaw. Then, power surging through its body, the skeleton immediately swelled. It had changed into [Skeleton Soldier] mode.

“W-What is that!” The man seemed bewildered when the baby-sized skeleton suddenly transformed into something 160 cm tall. He eventually lost his balance, stumbled, and was disarmed. Immediately, Lackey threw away the axe, rushed in, and tore into the man’s neck.


I took my eyes off my former attacker and turned towards Seo Dawon, who was watching me in return. The golden magic circles spinning behind the Mage’s hands, slowly faded as our gazes met.

“I’m alright. Let’s go,” I said.

“…Okay.” Dawon-ie held my outstretched hand before looking behind us momentarily. At the same time, Lackey spat out the man’s broken neck and followed us closely.

“Everyone’s listening, right? First, leave this place to us and secure Lee Seolhwa.” I grabbed my earjack, which had fallen out in the scuffle, and spoke into it.

[Got it. Stay out of sight and be careful.]

[We’re already on our way!]

[Just in case, try to stay as quiet as possible.]

A few servants answered immediately, and others didn’t answer at all. However, I wasn’t too worried–I was more concerned about Koo Hui-seo at the moment. By my rough estimate, Sung Yi-hwan didn’t appear to be an easy opponent.

“Koo Hui-seo-ssi! Can you hear me? Are you alright?” I spoke through the security channels, but I heard no reply.


With Lackey leading the charge, we broke through the building’s front door. When I entered, I immediately saw Sung Yi-hwan holding and lifting Koo Hui-seo by the neck.

TL: I’m so proud of Lackey, ya’ll.

Also I’m going on a break since it’s my final’s period. (Actually, that started last Wednesday, but I had enough stockpile for today). As it stands, I’ll have to skip Friday’s upload T_T

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