Naruto Time Control

Chapter 86: Shock

Chapter 86: Shock

"Yeruashi, I am aware of your situation. Now that you are a member of the front line army and my direct subordinate, go back and rest, you will be given a mission when it is convenient for you to leave the camp."

Jiraiya looked at Yeruashi and gave instructions.

Although he did not want to rely on the strength of Orochimaru's disciple, he still had a general understanding of the situation, and could not idle such a powerful fighting unit and deplete Konoha's strength.

Now was the time to prepare for a decisive battle with Sunagakure, and Yeruashi's presence and the disruption of Sunagakure's secret attack plan increased his chances of winning.


Yeruashi nodded.

He is not reluctant to rest at all, there was quite a long journey and he even engaged in a battle on the way, although physical fatigue can be overcome with the help of the ability to reverse time, mental fatigue accumulates over time and was impossible to reverse with the reversal of time. now Yeruashi needed to take a rest to bring his condition back to normal.

After Yeruashi left the tent, Jiraiya looked seriously at Minato and said, "Don't give up on him in the next battle, Minato."

Yeruashi was Orochimaru's disciple, and he was younger than Minato, so if they surpass him in terms of war merit, then it would be a headache to face Orochimaru for the position of Hokage.

Jiraiya's thoughts are very simple.

He didn't want to become Hokage, and he knew that both Orochimaru and Minato wanted to become Hokage, one of them was his disciple and the other was his teammate.

Minato smiled calmly and said, "Although Yeruashi is an exceptional ninja, he can't beat me...maybe there will be a chance in the future, but he is too young now."


Jiraiya looked at Minato and shook his head, saying, "Minato, don't underestimate him because of his age, you simply don't know what happened recently...that boy single-handedly annihilated an elite force from Sunagakure, who had strayed through the Rain Country with the intention of sneaking up on our rear."

Jiraiya had received this information recently and Minato was still unaware of it, so he couldn't help but show a hint of shock at that moment upon hearing his Sensei's words.

To sneak through the Rain Country and launch a surprise attack on their camp?

This group must not be too large, otherwise the risk of exposure would be extremely high, but it must not be too small, otherwise it would be difficult to break through their defenses in the rear.

Kakashi, Rin and Obito, who had not yet left the tent, looked at Jiraiya in shock, of course they didn't know either.

"What was the number of that elite force?"

Minato asked as he looked at Jiraiya seriously.

Jiraiya said in a deep voice, "Around a hundred people... with at least ten Jounins."

"How can that be!"

Minato couldn't keep his cool as his mind went into shock.

To single-handedly destroy an elite group consisting of a hundred ninja, including at least ten Jounins, of course, without having been in such a situation, it's hard to say with complete certainty, but Minato still had some faith, that he could do it with Hiraishin's help.

The question is, how did Yeruashi do it!

To take down a hundred ninjas, he had to make sure that he could nullify all the Jutsus and barriers of his opponents.

He could do this by relying on Hiraishin, a Space-Temporal Jutsu, but how did Yeruashi do it, it didn't seem that Yeruashi had a very high defense, and although he was fast, he didn't have the speed to make all the Jutsus and barriers useless.

Could it be that Yeruashi also uses Hiraishin?

"The specific process is unknown to me, but the result is real."

Jiraiya turned around, facing the direction in which Yeruashi had disappeared and said in a deep voice, "Something like this, even I am not capable of it. Although Orochimaru's student is very young, he's a real monster without exaggeration, don't treat him like a normal ninja."

These words were said to Minato so that he wouldn't look down on Yeruashi.

As for not being able to do the same thing Yeruashi did....

Jiraiya really can't do it alone, but if he summoned two Sage Toads from Mount Myboku and used Sage Mode, it would be different.

But even if Jiraiya considered it his own strength, such a comparison would be meaningless, because he belongs to the Orochimaru generation and a victory over a junior would be quite expected, but he didn't want to see Minato lose to Yeruashi.

"I'll be serious, Jiraiya-sensei."

Minato nodded, with a slight glint in his calm eyes.

He was getting serious.

If before, after hearing about Yeruashi's merits on the battlefield in the Grass Country, Minato simply paid attention to him, now he was really serious, realizing that his earlier judgment of Yeruashi was fundamentally wrong.

Yeruashi was not a young and talented ninja who has yet to grow up, but an accomplished ninja who can already compete with him!

Kakashi and the others stood silently to the side.

They didn't have the words.

Jiraiya's words seemed too unrealistic and hard to comprehend, encountering a hundred Sunagakure ninja, and annihilating a hundred ninja and ten Elite Jounins....

What is all this?!

Kakashi's acknowledged genius now only comes close to promotion to the rank of Jounin!

And Obito and Rin are still ordinary Genins!

Even Kakashi, who had some understanding of his brother's strength, was surprised for a moment before barely recovering, a bitter smile appearing on his face.

He's not afraid of fighting Jounin now, he recently faced an opponent of this level, and Kakashi almost killed him, but this doesn't compare to Yeruashi.

"Yeruashi is... too strong."

Rin's eyes were full of surprise, and after a while, she came to her senses and whispered in shock.


At the same time.

In the central tent of the Sunagakure front camp.

After many days of searching and investigation, the scouts sent out finally found traces of Pakura's group in the Rain Country, but it was quite difficult to reconstruct specific events from them.

There is only one thing that can be said with absolute certainty.... Pakura's group was completely destroyed!

After all, if there had been at least one survivor, I would have found a way to contact them by now, but this has not happened yet.

There was no news.

A heavy atmosphere enveloped the tent.

"How is this possible..."

Ebiz whispered in disbelief.

He fully understands how strong Pakura is, the elite squad led by her had impressive fighting power, even if Konoha will send twice as many ninja, it would be impossible to completely destroy them!

To completely destroy their Elite force, without allowing anyone to escape, it would take at least a force at least three times as large, but there was no way Konoha could move nearly 300 elite ninja under their noses without them noticing!

If that were the case, the war would have been over long ago.

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