Naruto Time Control

Chapter 74

Chapter 74

"Scorch Release... it's really troublesome."

Feng looked at Pakura from a distance.

He remembers that Pakura is hailed as the hero of Hidden Sand Village. Her position is equivalent to that of his Father, Hatake Sakumo in Hidden Leaf. Their deaths were almost similar too, because of their achievements, they were too dazzling and were plotted against by people in the very Village they swore to protect with their lives. During one of her missions, Pakura was sent as an ambassador on one of the Great Villages, but was then betrayed and ambushed.

If she's to be called a hero in the future, then it seemed that their current mission was successful and gave Hidden Leaf some serious losses.

However, they now encountered Feng.

Pakura's strength is undoubtedly already on the scale of a Kage, but from the chakra fluctuations she's exuding, it seems that she just recently reached the level of Kage and was still not at the power level of White Fang when he was alive.

This was the very first time Feng faced a ninja that was at the Kage level.

He thought that the ninjas he lured were easy to deal with, but didn't expect that there was someone troublesome among them.

But in Feng's eyes, it was just a little bit troublesome.


Scorch Release is indeed not easy to deal with, but for someone who can revert time, time and time again? It's not that hard.

"I'll use you as my whetstone to help me adapt to my new sword."

After a brief moment, Feng, who was holding the Sword of Kusanagi in his hand, slashed towards Pakura who was far away.


The sword was wrapped in arcs of lightning, but Feng slashed it so fast that the friction on the air caused the blade slash to also ignite, as it created a crescent shaped sword light.

Pakura was slightly surprised by Feng's long-range attack, but she didn't panic. After a soft snort, he waved her hand and another fireball greeted Feng's slash directly.


The two attacks collided with one another and created an explosion.

The ground was blasted into smithereens and a deep pit of several meters in diameter appeared.

"You don't dare to fight up close huh..."

Pakura's expression remained unchanged as she sneered: "It doesn't matter since long range attacks are also one of my specialties!"

As her voice fell, she waved her hand forward, and a huge fireball swept towards Feng's direction, but she didn't stop there, as she waved once again and threw another fireball.

Feng looked at the ball of flames heading towards him. So while holding the Sword of Kusanagi with his hand, he slashed two rounds of Crescent Slash that collided with Pakura's fireballs.

Bang! Bang!

Two more violent explosions sounded out.

Feng didn't even bother caring at the explosion and just continued swinging his sword towards Pakura.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

Silver light illuminated the entire barrier as Feng threw out one Crescent Slash after another. It was tearing out the earth, splitting the air and was heading for the direction of Pakura.

Upon seeing this, Pakura's expression finally changed.

He can still continue this kind of attack?!

How is that possible?!

She could see that Feng was using Lightning Nature Transformation, and he was using it for long range attacks, but this kind of attack should be quite taxing on him compared to her when using Scorch Release.

"Scorch Release! Extremely Steaming Murder!"

Although she wasn't clear on where Feng got his confidence to fight with her from, Pakura gave a low growl as she waved her hand continuously, counter attacking Feng's slashes.

Bang!! Boom!! Bang!!

Explosions continued ringing out inside the barrier.

Although the explosions weren't near the barrier, just the impact of the shockwaves from the blasts caused the entire barrier to tremble which made the expressions of the three Jonins outside to turn grave as they infused more of their chakra and tried their best to stabilize the barrier.

They looked at the fight that's happening inside the barrier and couldn't help but be shocked.

They obviously knew how strong Pakura is, especially her Scorch Release Techniques, but the kid who's currently battling with her is withstanding every single attack that Pakura throws at him!

He was even stronger than they had previously expected. If they encountered him in the battlefield, he would be a terrifying existence to deal with!

'This kid must be killed no matter what'

'Lady Pakura, you need to eliminate him!'

The three people looked inside the barrier and couldn't help but pray deep inside their hearts.

The strength that Feng revealed was really terrifying. If he weren't inside the barrier then the situation would be incredibly dire for them, but since he's inside and was fighting Pakura, they are confident that she would emerge victorious!

Bang! Boom! Boom!

Explosions continued nonstop.

Inside the barrier was a whole lot of chaos. You wouldn't be able to see clearly because of dust and debris flying around, but explosions continued sounding out and the entire ground was trembling from the aftershocks of the battle.

The battle raged on.

Pakura, who previously had a calm facade, now has a trace of fear in the depth of her eyes.

"This kid..."

She couldn't believe what was happening. She now has depleted more than half of her Chakra reserves, but Feng is still continuing his barrage of Crescent Slash, and by the looks of things, he wouldn't stop anytime soon, he doesn't even look fatigued or tired from all the attacking!

Does this kid have an infinite amount of Chakra?!

No way!

I can't continue on like this!

Pakura gritted her teeth, it wasn't because she was worried about not being able to fight once she was exhausted, but because of the continued aftershocks from their fight, the barrier is now full of cracks and is close to collapsing.

She needs to end this before the barrier gives out!

"You forced me!"

Determination flashed in Pakura's eyes.

She now realized how terrifying Feng was as an opponent, if they let him escape from here, he might cause serious trouble for them in the battlefield once they infiltrated Hidden Leaf, with that devilish speed of his, if he was left all alone, their entire army would be in dire straits. So she needs to kill Feng here no matter what!

"Scorch Release! Evaporation Blast!"

Pakura took a deep breath, and Chakra suddenly surged in her body. Two fireballs hovered beside her, just in case Feng suddenly tried to attack her in surprise.

Then the rest of the fireballs gathered in her palms and combined into one huge lump that was almost identical to that of the sun. After all this, she pushed her hands forward as the huge fireball rushed towards Feng.


There was an earth-shattering explosion.

The barrier finally couldn't withstand the blast and finally shattered.

As the barrier shattered, the three Jonins outside were also catapulted out along as they spurted out huge amounts of blood from their mouths and wounds and their Chakra flow also turned chaotic.

"Lady Pakura!"

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh

But the three of them didn't even bother taking care of their injuries as they immediately rushed in the direction of Pakura.

After that final blow, she was also blasted out with her clothes tattered and some places of her body were burned and scorched from the impact.


Pakura stood up with difficulty as she was supported by one of her teammates, but she eventually smiled and sighed in relief and said, "I didn't expect this kid to be this difficult to deal with, our mission this time would have been affected."

With that kind of explosion. Feng's body should have turned to ashes, even she herself, the owner of the technique, was seriously injured, much less the enemy she used it against. But because of her injuries, once they launched their surprise attack against Hidden Leaf, she would not be in her peak condition.

"That kid is probably Hidden Leaf's secret weapon. He was an unexpected factor, just like our army being in this place. But since Lady Pakura already eliminated him, we can now be at ease."

The Jonin next to her said with relief.

Being able to force Lady Pakura to such an extent, the strength of that kid is indeed terrifying!

Seeing that Pakura's life was not in danger, one of the Jonins walked in the direction of the shattered barrier, intending to see if they could recover any items that came from Feng's body.

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