Naruto Time Control

Chapter 50

Chapter 50

Master Hong furrowed his brows and said solemnly at Daisuke Urobe, "You said that you have two Konoha ninja escorts? One in green tights with thick eyebrows, and the other was a kid about twelve years old?"


Daisuke Urobe was already pale due to excessive blood loss.

Master Hong turned his head to look at the ninja next to him, and said: "Who here has the specific information about the ten man team's mission?!"

The ninjas next to him shook their heads.

They are not ninjas responsible for handling out missions, nor are they the members of the ten man team. Of course they don't know what the mission was.


Master Hong frowned slightly, and after pondering he said: "There should be a hidden elite Jonin here. Register their portraits and spread it across the camp and inform everyone to remain vigilant!"

Normally there's no need to care about an ordinary Jonin because there's many of that, however, elite Jonins are rare. The three Legendary Sannins formally belong to this category, that is to say, every elite Jonin's in enemy villages should always be taken seriously!


The ninjas nearby responded.

After Master Hong gave the order, he raised his head and looked in the direction of Land of Fire.

That silver-haired boy...

He was similar to that person, but that person is dead. Is it his son? But according to our data. He's still not a teenager.

But in any case, since this kid already possess this kind of strength at such a young age, he needs to be eliminated as soon as possible to remove any future threats.

We can't let Konoha have another White Fang!



After leaving the Land of Grass, Feng and Dai traveled day and night without stopping all the way to Konoha. At this time, Konoha was completely oblivious that the enemies were already on their front gates and that the war will almost begin!

The entire village was shrouded by a huge sensing barrier, and the entrances were guarded by two teams, and there should also be at least one group of ANBU secretly watching.

Feng and Might Dai underwent a rigorous inspection at the entrance of the village. They were released after confirming that they were not spies from enemy villages.

Inside the village.

The two went straight towards the Hokage building.

The mission entrusting office on the first floor is now also completely different from the time they were here. The bulletin board of C-rank missions is now empty, the only ones left are some scattered A-rank and B-rank missions. There are also some commissioned missions posted on the notice board, and they are all within the territory of the Land of FIre, such as serving as a personal guard for the Daimyo

"It's the both of you!"

The supervisor in charge was the one who approved of Feng and Dai's mission. After seeing both of them walk in he was quite surprised and he breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It seems that you didn't meet any HIdden Rock Village ninjas. Your luck was good."

There are large numbers of Rock Ninjas seen around the Land of Grass that were detected by Konoha scouts and reported back to the village. He remembered that Feng and Might Dai are tasked to escort a caravan going back to the Land of Grass. That was undoubtedly a very dangerous mission, if they encountered a large group of Hidden Rock ninjas, then they would have been finished, so it was undeniably lucky for them to come back in one piece.

"No, we indeed encountered a group of Rock ninjas."

Feng looked at the supervisor and slowly said, "An incident happened during our mission. At the border between the Land of Fire and Land of Grass, we encountered a ten-man team from Hidden Rock Village..."

"Ten-man team?"

The supervisor was startled.

Four-man ninja teams are typically led by Chunins or Jonins. A ten-man team is for sure led by a Jonin. However, even though Feng and Might Dai encountered that ten-man team, they still came back safely. This alone couldn't be explained with just luck!

"It's good that you are able to come back alive. An unexpected situation beyond the scope of the stated mission normally ends in failure, but don't worry, according to the rules if instances like that indeed occur, even if you failed, it can just be dismissed."

The supervisor was looking at the mission file that Feng and Dai took while talking to them.

When he found it and was about to put a note that said "dismissed due to an accident" he was suddenly stopped.

"We didn't say that our mission failed."


The supervisor was slightly taken aback.

Feng took out a scroll and placed it on the desk as he walked to the second floor: "I'll go and meet with Lord Hokage, Senior Dai, please tell him the details."

As the voice fell, Feng quickly disappeared into the stairwell.


Might Dai groaned as he walked forward while scratching the back of his head with an awkward look on his face and said: " should I say this, our original task was a C-rank mission to escort a caravan going to Hidden Grass VIllage, but then we encountered a ten-man team from HIdden Rock Village, making our client change the level of our mission from C-rank to A-rank. So after that we fought and killed the ten-man team from HIdden Rock Village..."

The supervisor was listening careful at Might Dai when he heard him say 'killed', his whole body trembled and subconsciously thought that he had heard it wrong and quickly interrupted him:

"Wait...What did you say? Killed? You killed the ten-man team?!"


Might Dai nodded.

The supervisor frowned and stared at Might Dai seriously, "What are you saying? That you killed a ten-man team from HIdden Rock Village? Lying about the mission results is a huge crime!!"

Might Dai shook his head and said: "Why would I lie about our mission? What I said is the truth and the proof is inside that scroll."


The supervisor looked at the scroll that Feng placed on the table. He opened it and spread it on the table then formed a hand seal: "Open!"


White smoke flashed.

A pile of forehead protectors from Hidden Rock VIllage appeared in an instant.

This scene caused the supervisor's pupils to shrink as he looked at the forehead protectors along with a shriveled head in disbelief.

Ten forehead protectors!

A ninja's forehead protector is a symbol of status. Only ninjas recognized by the village have the right to wear forehead protectors. These ten Hidden Rock forehead protectors in front of him came from ten Hidden Rock ninjas!

Hatake Feng and Might Dai actually killed a ten-man team from Hidden Rock Village!


The supervisor was frozen in place with his mouth gaping slightly, as he doesn't know what to say at this moment. After a few seconds he finally came back to his senses.

"You, wait here."

He doesn't have the power to decide what to do when a C-rank mission becomes an A-rank in the middle of performing it, especially one that it involves the death of an enemy ninja

The supervisor took a deep breath and quickly left to report upstairs.

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