Naruto Time Control

Chapter 142: Being Fully Prepared

Chapter 142: Being Fully Prepared

"That's all..."

Yeruashi shook his head as he watched Kakuzu's last life force leave his body, then looked at his damaged clothes, which barely covered important areas.

He bent down and reached for Kakuzu's body, finding a rather large wad of bills.


Yeruashi dispersed the chakra from his body, closed the doors of the Hachimon Tonko Thunder Mode and stepped in front of the ramen store owner he had sent out of range of his attack earlier.

"I apologize for the inconvenience."

After handing the ramen store owner the money he had recovered from Kakuzu, Yeruashi smiled lightly at him and said, "Goodbye then."


After these words, his figure disappeared.

The ramen owner continued to stare at the place where Yeruashi had just been standing, and only after a while did he begin to come to his senses.

Realizing that he was involved in a collision between two ninja, the owner swallowed saliva nervously and muttered, "It turns out that this young man was a ninja..."


After leaving the city, Yeruashi quickly left in the direction of the Fire Country.

Passing through a small village, he encountered the ninja Root, who immediately reported where Konoha's front camp was now located.

Two days later.

Yeruashi returned to the Konoha camp.

It was immediately obvious that the camp was much smaller than a few months ago, you can hardly meet a young Genin, there were no more than three thousand ninja in the camp.

The rest were not on the battlefield, but returned to Konoha, by now, the war has sucked a lot of resources from the Great Ninja Villages, so the ninja world entered a period of calm and recovery.

"You finally came back, Yeruashi."

Seeing Yeruashi, Orochimaru smiled and said, "When the news of Hanzo's death was received, I was surprised, unexpectedly, you have become so strong..."

Yeruashi smiled slightly and said, "Ah, this is due to the fact that I spend much more time training than others."

Orochimaru with understanding and looked at Yeruashi, he might have noticed that his disciple's physical development far exceeds his actual age, he looks to be about sixteen years old.

Orochimaru suggested that Yeruashi changed the growth rate of his body with the help of his Kekkei Genkai, this indeed may allow for a rapid increase in strength, but at the same time, it accelerates aging and shortens life expectancy.

"By the way, the bounty on your head has skyrocketed to thirty-two million, so be careful, disciple. Maybe you've already got your eye on a very troublesome person, ke-ke-ke."

Orochimaru smiled and said in a mysterious voice, "There are rumors in the underworld... that among the ninja who seek great rewards, there is a person who survived a collision with the First Hokage..."


Yeruashi sighed, "I've already run into him."

Orochimaru was surprised, "Since you're okay, did you kill him?"


Yeruashi nodded, sat down at the table and poured tea.

Orochimaru couldn't hide his surprise, saying, "Hanzo of the Salamander and even the ninja who survived the encounter with Hashirama.... Yeruashi, have you reached the level of the First Hokage yet?"

At the age of eleven... no, at the age of sixteen to reach the level of the First Hokage, this assumption may seem absolutely unbelievable, but still, Yeruashi is the owner of an incredibly powerful Time attribute Kekkei Genkai!

Yeruashi shook his head, saying, "No, I'm still far away from the First Hokage. This man could calm the entire ninja world at the expense of his personal power!"

He is now a long way from Hashirama.

He could not even compare with the Madara of those times.

Now, using his strongest attack, Heavenly Cut, he can barely cut the top of a mountain peak, while any Uchiha Madara's full Susanoo shaped strike has such power.

His strongest attack is equal to Madara's usual attack with Eternal Mangekyou, which shows how big the gap between them is.

Facing Madara or Hashirama now, at best he can rely on his speed to save his life, and if he enters a battle, he may not lose his life, but the probability of being sealed is very high.

Thinking about it, Yeruashi looked at Orochimaru and said, "By the way, Orochimaru-sensei, I heard that in Ryuichi Cave, you can learn Sage Mode which is a step higher than ordinary Jutsu..."

"Sage Mode..."

Orochimaru bowed his head and said thoughtfully, "Are you interested in the Sage Mode? To begin its practice, you must get to Ryuichi Cave and obtain the approval of the Sage White Snake. I can tell you how to get to Ryuichi Cave, but as for approval... you'll have to deal with this on your own."

"Just tell me where Ryuichi Cave is, sensei."

Yeruashi nodded.

Orochimaru thought, spit out a scroll and handed it to Yeruashi, saying, "The scroll indicates the location of Ryuichi Cave, as well as describing the details to get there."

"Thank you, Orochimaru-sensei."


As soon as Yeruashi took the scroll, arcs of lightning flashed and destroyed the spit, then he turned to Orochimaru and said, "The situation in the ninja world has become calmer, isn't it now time to elect the Fourth Hokage?"

"It's hard to say with Sarutobi-sensei's attitude..."

Orochimaru smiled and said, "He seems to be leaning more and more towards Minato's candidacy, but Danzo is now on my side... and with his support, Hiruzen's choice will not necessarily be decisive."

"Of course I will be on your side, sensei."

Yeruashi nodded and opened the scroll, reading the contents, raising his eyebrows slightly.

Ryuichi's cave is located near the Water Country, if you go there directly, he would have to cross the entire Fire Country, about halfway across Konoha.

Yeruashi was thinking whether he should start mastering the three types of Sage Modes and develop the Sage Body at this time, or if it would be better to open the sixth gate first.

While practicing the Body Tempering Technique, he felt that he was getting closer to opening the sixth gate. This barrier seemed especially weak when he tried to open the sixth gate with the Lightning attribute chakra.

According to his rough calculations, it would only take him a few months to open the sixth gate if he trained hard in a state of five times time acceleration.

After opening the sixth gate, he should finally reach the level of super Kage, even if he still did not reach the level of Madara and Hashirama, the gap would not be too big.

And if he practiced Sage Mode, he would be able to compensate for his lack of sensory perception, and there would no longer be a situation like Hanzo's where he couldn't find his opponent's location.

After thinking about it for a few minutes, Yeruashi decided to return to Konoha.

In any case, he would have to go through Konoha to get to Ryuichi's cave, so it was worth taking this opportunity to return home. Time to fix the white light chakra sword and pass it on to Kakashi, as well as try to find more powerful weights, so that Hachimon Tonko's training would be easier.

As for the war on the front lines or something, Yeruashi saw no point in intervening in a stable situation, instead, it was much more important to increase personal strength.

He might seem invincible now, but Madara was still alive, and given everything that happened before, Yeruashi inevitably got his attention.

What if Madara was already targeting him? If he decided to make a surprise attack, it would be very problematic?

It's impossible to predict what kind of power Madara has in his current state.

Also. Even if it turns out that the current Madara poses no threat to Yeruashi, and the battlefield of the Third Ninja World War is completely safe, he will continue to increase his strength, preparing for the Fourth Ninja World War, which may break out in the future.

Yeruashi prefers not to take unnecessary risks.

So the right thing to do was to work to "be perfectly ready", to be fully and completely prepared.

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