Naruto Time Control

Chapter 120: The battle that shocked the ninja world

Chapter 120: The battle that shocked the ninja world

The Third Raikage had no intention of killing Yeruashi, as he knew very well that the significant difference in speed made this task extremely difficult.

Just enough to cover A and B's retreat.

Silver Flash was a Lightning attribute user, and not a Wind attribute user, even if he was faster than him, it would be extremely difficult to damage him, he just needed to stop Yeruashi for a few moments to drain Yeruashi's chakra a bit and be able to escape.


Yeruashi, bathed in silver light, stared at the Third Raikage, and under his control, the lightning attribute chakra enveloping the Kusanagi Sword began to thicken, began to emit the sound of a thousand birds singing, AND under his control, the birdsong became much more hoarse, and the scattered lightning arcs became more cohesive and concentrated!

At the same time, the Third Raikage raised his right hand in front of him and slowly bent his little finger, the density of the concentrated lightning attribute chakra in his fingertips increased dramatically.

Jigokuzuki: Sanbon Nukite (Hell's Stab: Three Finger Nukite-9)

The Third Raikage did not have the slightest feeling of disdain or contempt for Yeruashi, who had surpassed his son in speed and was able to suppress the Hachibi, treated the Silver Flash as a ninja of his own level.

Due to the growing momentum of the chakra, Shinku Yuhi and the other ninja nearby felt a strong pressure and cold sweat broke out on their foreheads.

Third Raikage!

The strongest Raikage of all time, as the ninja of Kumogakure call him!

The first Raikage was one of those who ended the Age of Fighting Kingdoms along with Senju Hashirama, starting the village system. The second Raikage was extremely good at the Lightning attribute, at the cost of strenuous training and his own health, he managed to create a Lightning Chakra Mode, Tempering the body with Lightning Chakra, and so on.

The Third Raikage inherited the techniques created by the Second and developed them to the top, surpassing the creator himself!

On the other hand.

Yeruashi, bathed in silver light, emitted a powerful chakra pulse that was not inferior to that of the Third Raikage, causing others to feel a tremor in their hearts.

What terrifying chakra, no ninja in Konoha possessed such a powerful pulse, not even from Orochimaru and Jiraiya, such a feeling could only be felt by the Third Hokage!

Yeruashi's Chakra is on the level of the Third Hokage!

Combined with the Kenjutsu and speed Yeruashi demonstrated in suppressing the Hachibi... a shocking thought went through the minds of Shinku and the rest of the Konoha ninja, perhaps he was no weaker than the Third Hokage!

Based on this, the fight between the Silver Flash and the Third Raikage can safely be called a battle at the top of the ninja world!


Tsunade clenched her fists.

She hadn't felt this weak in a long time.

She could still interfere in the battle of Yeruashi and the Hachibi, but it was unlikely she could interfere in the battle of Yeruashi and the Third Raikage, because they were both ninja who specialized in speed!

All he could do was get one of the slugs to climb on top of Yeruashi's body and hide under his clothes, so he could transfer chakra or heal him with the slug at all times.


Yeruashi lowered his head towards the slug crawling on his chest.

It wasn't very nice, but having been Orochimaru's disciple, he could take something like this with absolute calm.

But isn't Tsunade overly protective of him?

Yeruashi's mood improved slightly, he looked calmly at the Third Raikage.

Just in the nick of time.

He will simply experience the results of his training on the Third Raikage!

Under the gaze of Tsunade, Shinku and the others, Yeruashi's figure shuddered, and in a flash of light, he disappeared directly from his place.

When he reappeared, he was already behind the Third Raikage and quickly brandished the Kusanagi Sword wrapped in concentrated lightning.

From the side, it could be seen how a silvery-white trail was left in the air.

But it was not the material trace left by Yeruashi's attack, but the afterimages created by a speed too high for the optical nerves to normally respond to.

The third Raikage abruptly turned around and moved his palm towards the Kusanagi Sword, the terrifying chakra of the Lightning attribute condensed in his fingertips, forming a transparent sword around it.


The blade of Kusanagi's Sword clashed against the palm wrapped in lightning attribute chakra, and a clearly visible arc of lightning exploded in an instant.

A light shone in Yeruashi's eyes, and the Kusanagi Sword, in her hands, left a series of afterimages.

"Atomic cut!"

The third Raikage froze in place and abruptly flew backwards, and on his figure bathed in lightning attribute chakra, many straight, thin lines of silver light appeared, like a fishing net.

The ground beneath his feet also shattered into countless pieces in an instant, seemingly being cut in an instant by an unknown number of slashes, as if he had been struck by a weakened version of Dust's release

"How quickly..."

The third Raikage regained his stability after retreating a few meters, a light flashing in his eyes.

The speed of the Silver Flash at this moment, was too much even for him, he only managed to parry a small part of the attacks, but fortunately, even though he is extremely fast, the power of these attacks was not enough to break through his defenses

"Even Kusanagi's sword couldn't break through your defenses? The third Raikage truly deserves his glory!"

Yeruashi kept his cool.

Although he can avoid Hell's Stab by directly attacking the Third Raikage's body, relying on the speed and sharpness of his sword, but the power of such an attack is not enough to break through the opponent's defenses.

And if he were to use Getsuga Tenshou, the Third Raikage can meet the attack with Hell's Stab, softening it and not allowing it to break through the cover of Lightning Chakra Mode.

In other words.

A more powerful attack is required.

"In that case..."

Yeruashi said and slowly raised the Kusanagi sword, the raging chakra inside his body suddenly flowed out and surged into the Kusanagi sword.

It was not a Chakra Flow or a chakra Transformation.

Yeruashi just in a rude manner sent a large amount of chakra, surging violently through his body, towards the Kusanagi Sword.


The lightning arc of the Chidori abruptly exploded and vanished, replaced by a violent and uncontrollable Lightning attribute chakra that was suppressed within the Kusanagi Sword by Yeruashi!

The white light chakra sword would have already collapsed when faced with such a fierce and abundant Lightning attribute chakra, but the Kusanagi sword is able to withstand it!

From the outside.

The Kusanagi sword, held in Yeruashi's hands, exploded with a terrifying thunderous light.

The chakra of the Lightning attribute affected even the surroundings, a large number of small arcs of crackling lightning spread out from the Kusanagi Sword, piercing the air around Yeruashi.

Yeruashi continued to pour furious chakra into the Kusanagi Sword, and the Kusanagi Sword spewed out several massive lightning arcs that rushed towards the ground and left several small bumps.

"Not good..."

The third Raikage became very grim.

He instinctively sensed the danger, feeling the terrifying amount of furious Lightning attribute chakra concentrated on the Kusanagi Sword.

Without hesitation, the Third Raikage flexed a finger and lunged forward, striking Yeruashi's chest in an attempt to interrupt the preparation of this terrifying attack.


Yeruashi turned into a silver flash, evading the attack, and continued to pour chakra into the Kusanagi sword.

Soon, he felt that the Kusanagi sword's carrying capacity had reached its limit.

At this point, the Kusanagi sword had turned into a lightsaber, emitting a bright white light, and in all directions there were many arcs of lightning falling in the direction of the Kusanagi sword....

"This is the correct use of the Kusanagi Sword".

Yeruashi raised his left hand and held the dazzling Kusanagi Sword with his two hands, feeling as if the Lightning attribute chakra had taken shape, and looked at the Third Raikage.

Then he took a step forward and abruptly attacked with the Kusanagi sword.

A thread of white light shot out from the sword, illuminating all the surroundings.

Shinku, Tsunade and the rest of the ninja involuntarily squinted, unable to look directly at the blinding light shining right in front of them.

The whole world seemed to be enveloped in a white light.

This is the strongest attack of the current Yeruashi, for fear that it will generate too much noise, it has not yet been fully utilized, only confirmed to be usable.

The name of this attack is... Celestial Cut!

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