Naruto System In Marvel World

Chapter 532: Phantom: I'm dead, it's worth it!

Chapter 532: Phantom: I'm dead, it's worth it!

In those countless battlefields, all attacks are just to cover up a team.

A team carrying a real gem.

They are made up of three ss-level pinnacles, and they unexpectedly attacked Haldam. He has no chance of resisting and calling for help at all.

And now, this pair of eyes is being played by the bully-like playing with a pile of glass beads.

Zhang Lan's face sank like water.

Not only was it because Rocky's arrogant guy didn't pay attention to protecting the Infinite Gems, but also because he didn't perceive how the Hegemony got Haildam's eyes.

Obviously, when the two were fighting, there were no living bodies at all around, and there was no slight fluctuation in space.

The unknown power is terrifying!

"Then let me see what is the true ruler!"

The Bully's face was excited, and he squeezed a bunch of orange eyes in his hand-only the Bully who fully grasped the law of power could break the barrier of protecting the soul's law.

The first-class orange-yellow liquid flows out. They are in a fluid state just like the real gems once, but they have been sealed in the eyeballs of Haldam before.

Driven by the bully, the orange fluid slowly flowed toward the infinite glove in the hand of the bully, and then flowed into the yellow hole of the infinite glove.

This is to be integrated with the infinite glove, and the tyrant will use this to master the soul law of the Marvel Universe!

Naturally, Zhang Lan will not just watch the tyrants improve their strength, otherwise it will just be a situation of stalemate with the tyrants. What should happen then?

Completely mastering the two major laws of tyrants can undoubtedly defeat Zhang Lan who only masters 99% of the three major laws.

At that time, one can imagine Zhang Lan's end.

Therefore, Zhang Lan moved.

He stretched out his right hand toward the void, and shattered the space around the tyrant, and the time law in the left hand directly solidified the time velocity around the tyrant, allowing his time to stay at this moment.

And Zhang Lan, also teleported to the domineering body, trying to reach out and grab the soul gem that has not yet been integrated into the infinite gloves.

However...Zhang Lan clearly saw it, and there was a touch of sarcasm in the corner of the bully.

Obviously the other party is imprisoned by time and space, why is it so complacent?

Zhang Lan didn't understand it and didn't need it.

All he has to do is reach out and grab the soul gem-this grab is empty!

Zhang Lan's eyes widened and his face was unbelievable.

"Damn, time and space double solidify, how could it be imprisoned... can't it be fantasy? Will my eyes be psychedelic?"

-"Wait a minute! Soul gem...the power of the Soul Rule!"

Zhang Lan was enlightened in an instant, but unfortunately it was too late.

Behind him empty, a strong and squeezed Zhang Lan was always squeezed by it and could not move. As for using space to escape...Sorry, before Zhang Lan himself broke the surrounding space, now It is simply impossible to use the power of space!


With a loud bang, the figure of Destroyer appeared in vain behind Zhang Lan, holding a punching gesture. As for Zhang Lan, who was originally standing, he pierced the space like a comet, passing through the so-called soul gem Domineering figure, black gold holy cloth began to crack from the waist, and finally turned into fine fragments scattered on the road that Zhang Lan flew, and sometimes a drop of blood red liquid entrained some internal organ fragments.

This punch directly broke through all of Zhang Lan's defenses and bombarded it into a serious injury!

It can't be described as not powerful!

But it turned out that before Zhang Lan saw that the desperation of the bully wanted to absorb the soul gems, it was just an illusion that the desperation showed him.

As for why Zhang Lan, who has an eternal kaleidoscope and nine hook jade reincarnation eyes, will still be in magic...

This is no longer an illusion, I am afraid that the tyrant has already integrated the soul gem and mastered the law of the soul, and then induced Zhang Lan from the soul level, so that Zhang Lans soul can see this scene and be blinded. Caught his physical sight.

After that, the tyrant was walking astray behind Zhang Lan, accumulating a punch.

With the law of soul as a cover, Zhang Lan naturally can't perceive the power of hegemony.

It has to be said that mastering a rule completely is indeed very powerful!

No, Zhang Lan couldn't even resist a serious close punch of the hegemony, and it was directly that the black gold holy cloth that shattered the helmet and abandoned the armor was broken into nothingness.

With one blow, the hegemony did not take the chase, but instead turned to the battlefield where the two armies engaged.

His goal is Zhang Lan's main commanding ground.

In other words, the goal of the Hegemony is to be the phantom of the main commander this time, but his palm still has the soul gem he once lent to Loki.

The phantom over there was immediately discovered during the action of tyrants. He immediately drove the forces on the battlefield to try to resist the delay of the tyrant. I hope Zhang Lan will return in time.

Hegemony is not something they can compete with, and Phantom never thought of fighting it.

It is a pity that no matter what kind of attack is used to eliminate the bully-because all the attacks are through the body of the bully.

It is the law of soul.

I don't know what the reason is, the tyrant did not directly destroy the souls of all people, but replayed the old tricks to let all living bodies see their imaginary voice, but the real body was already quietly approaching the phantom.

It's just a pity that on the way to the bully, he suddenly lost his sense of the soul gem-the breath of the soul gem ran to an extremely distant margin of space in an instant.

That was the direction of Zhang Lan who had been flying before.

"Not yet dead?"

In the quite unexpected accident of the bully, Zhang Lan even after accepting his full punch, not only did not die, but also had the power to use the power of space to save the phantom.

"It's interesting!"

Bully is not angry or irritated, just as a small game to solve the problem on his way.

After all, now he doesn't have to worry about Zhang Lan's threats.

Without chasing, hegemony stays in place. One punch is to be able to make a huge opening in the camp of the nine nations, opening the defense gap for his army.

Look at this, if Zhang Lan comes back later, this battle is also...

In the distance, an unknown dead star comparable to the sun, only maintaining the appearance of the hemisphere, there are two sound and shadow in the dead star.

It is Zhang Lan and Phantom.

Previously, the punch of the tyrant was really heavy. Even if Zhang Lan wanted to slow down his body using the three laws, the result was that the body could not bear the tearing force of two forces and collapsed.

Still smashing nearly half the area of a sun-sized death star, Zhang Lan was able to hold his body.

Unless he summoned Su Zunenghu as a cushion under his body, I am afraid it would not be as simple as crushing bones.

Fortunately, although his body was still severely damaged to the extreme, it was not fatalor rather, his body was indeed dead, but he himself was not dead.

The immortal characteristics once again exerted a strong strength!

After stopping his body, the first thing Zhang Lan did was not to heal or other things, but to force the opening of a space door based on the consequences of the injury and injury, pulling the phantom to his side.

In terms of the action power of the hegemony, his range of action is not fast. It can even be said that he cannot travel freely in space. Zhang Lan was flying so far away that the other party would certainly not be chased-not not chase But cannot catch up.

Otherwise, Zhang Lan, with three laws, is much more tempting than a soul gem.

In contrast to the phantom, in the first moment he was pulled over by Zhang Lan, he wanted to go back and re-drill from the door of space. Unfortunately, Zhang Lan couldn't maintain the door of space because of the outbreak of injury, and the door of space collapsed.

"Damn it, blue, you have to let me go back. Without the commander-in-chief, our army will be slaughtered! They can't stop the tyrant!" Phantom looked mad.

"Cough...Phantom, you know, you can't go back now, otherwise you will be...cough...crushed to get soul gems, then we have no chance at all!" Zhang Lan was quite weak. .

"What tactics do you have." Mirage's tone was quick.

"Yes, yes... but cough cough... he absorbed the soul gem of Haldam, my physical sight was blocked, need... cough cough cough..."

So far, Zhang Lan didn't say anything.

He couldn't speak.

However, the phantom is clear-what Zhang Lan needs is the soul gem.

If it is invisible to the naked eye, what about...the eye of the soul?

It must be visible.

However, there is now a problem, that is, the soul gem is the core that gives the phantom soul and life. If it is absorbed by the system of Zhang Lan, then the phantom... I am afraid that it will no longer exist!

Who would have thought that in the face of the threat of death, the phantom just hesitated for a second and then asked: "What should I do to you? I have tried, I have no way to remove the soul gem, and there are no objects on the earth that can hurt. it."

Seeing this, Zhang Lan gritted his teethhe didn't want to say his own way, because that meant he would kill Phantom himself.


Phantom suddenly punched Zhang Lan's face fiercely. Although he only shook his head slightly, he actually punched Zhang Lan.

"Damn, blue, we don't have time anymore. They are all on the battlefield. If they don't live without you or me, they will sacrifice me. It's worth it!"

Phantom said something, without any trace of pretentiousness, completely from the heart.

Zhang Lan heard that the teeth were biting tighter, and there was still no opening-but the system could not see it anymore, and sent a soul message to the phantom-

"Press the hand of your soul gem on Zhang Lan's forehead, I will absorb 99% of the power of the law of mind, and the 1% of the power of the law of mind that is left to you can only support you for half a month of normal activity and cannot fight. , Otherwise it will die quickly, understand..."

The words of the system havent been communicated yet, but they were cut off by the angry Zhang Lan, and his rioting soul roared: "Damn, are you afraid of dying from the system? Is this going to be sacrificed by my friend? You are betray me!"

"Otherwise? Did you devour me after the destruction of your other friends, and then you again?" The system refuted the fact.

"Then... that wouldn't allow me to kill my friends by myself!" Zhang Lan's face was painful, and he was struggling: "My fight... isn't it to protect my friends?"

"There is no way for your strength to defeat the hegemony, unless..." The system seems to say something.

"Shut up!" When Zhang Lanbao interrupted the system and wanted to continue to reprimand the system, he only felt that his forehead was warm-it was a phantom, and he put the palm of his soul gem on his hand. Zhang Lan forehead.

Zhang Lan: "Phantom, you..."

Phantom: "Everyone will die, or I will die and everyone will live. If I choose... die me, it's worth it!"

For a time, Zhang Lan didn't even know how to answer Phantom's words.

"Lan, wait a moment to open the door of the space and let me go back. I don't need to fight by myself as the commander of the main commander!" Mirage said easily.

The system absorbs soul gems very quickly, but in a few seconds, it absorbs the sapphire blue gems into a layer of light blue that fades to a few points. If you don't pay attention, you even think that a transparent gem is stuffed in the phantom.

On the other hand, the phantom is still like this~~ Except that the spirit of the spirit has no breath of the strong, the appearance of an ordinary person, the fire of life in the body is dying.


The phantom pinched his neck, a suffocating look.

After losing all his strength, he is no longer able to survive in space at this time, he needs oxygen!

Zhang Lan gritted his teeth and tried to drive the space to open a way back to Phantom. However, Phantom did not cross the door of the space, but pointed to Zhang Lan's wrist.

This is asking Zhang Lan how much time it takes.

Zhang Lan estimated the time for his physical recovery and comprehension of the soul gem to be able to use it, even if he uses the law of time to limit compression, it also needs-

"Three minutes, I need at least three minutes!"

After getting Zhang Lan's message, it was already a phantom that even had a red neck, which gave Zhang Lan a firm look, and did not return to the door of the space.

This time, I don't know if there is a chance to meet... This is probably to say goodbye!

Zhang Lan clenched the teeth, silently using the law of time to begin to stagnate his time flow around the body, and then opened his whole body to understand the law of mind absorbed by the system.

He doesn't need to comprehend too much, as long as he understands how to use the law of soul to shield the influence of the law of soul-to destroy his soul, it is just a soul law that can't do Zhang Lan with the four laws!

When Mirage returned to the command center, after spending three seconds to understand the current battlefield situation, his face was extremely black.

Gritting his teeth, Mirage squeezed out a sentence from his mouth: "All units on the earth, take red pepper pills all!"

Fury: "No, do you know what Phantom stands for?"

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