Naruto System In Marvel World

Chapter 503: Be a "human trafficker"

Chapter 503: Be a "human trafficker"

Hills right hand that stretched out the door to the space gave a stern grip to the distant planet destroyer, and the massive immortal spell Chakra that Zhang Lan entered in his body surged into [Reincarnation Eye], turning into a magical Power is gathered not far from the planet destroyer.

Unlike the previous artificial black hole attack, this time, it did not absorb the body of any planet destroyer, but instead created a super-gravity core in the center to attract all adsorbable objects around it.

Hill's eyes were open, and the immortal Chakra in his body almost appeared, that is, it was consumed by the reincarnation eyes, and there was no trace of residue.

If it wasn't for Zhang Lan's transmission, she was afraid that it would **** her to dry in just one second.

Consumption and risk are huge, and the results are spectacular.

The tens of thousands of meters of the planet destroyer itself has excellent quality, and the same gravity is exerted on it, and the force it bears is absolutely different.

Planet Destroyer's tentacles are struggling violently, trying to break out of the seal of [Earthburst Star].

The thick tentacles were able to be lifted and flew slowly in the opposite direction.

If there is no unexpected situation, it may really be escaped by him.


Zhang Lan is on the side, how could he just watch the other party escape?

Atlantis' traction beam was launched, and huge meteorites were smashed in the reverse direction of [Earthburst Star]. Even without aiming, it would be pulled over by the weaker attraction than the black hole. .

Each meteorite is carefully selected and will definitely not carry any energy.

After meteorites smashed up one after another, the planet destroyer could still climb out inch by inch. The smashed steps were slow, and finally began to retreat slowly. The thick black tentacles were peeled off and turned into small pieces. The black silk was sucked back.


A sound wave propagated from the direction of the planet destroyer, and finally it was irresistibly contained in [Earthburst Star].

Losing the resistance of the planet destroyer, a large amount of gravitational force is absorbing more planet debris and meteorites. The huge gravity crushes all items, and then is firmly controlled by the gravity on the surface.

Layer after layer, unconsciously, a small planet was created.

Compared with the moon debut not far away, this small planet is only one-third the size of the other side, and the surface is covered with rocks, steel, debris, garbage in space, and abandoned satellites.

It's like a huge garbage aggregate.

At the center is the planet destroyer.

He was sealed.

Seeing that the plan was successful, Hill's long overdrawn body staggered, and the soles of his feet lay back on his back with a soft back, and was firmly embraced by Zhang Lan in his arms.

Without the support of Hills reincarnation eyes, the seal of [Earthburst Star] was naturally interrupted, leaving only a small planet spinning slowly in place.

Except for Zhang Lan who was concentrating on checking Hill's physical state, everyone else's eyes were only on the small planet.

I'm afraid there will be another problem, or the planet destroyer will break out.

After Zhang Lan carefully inspected Hill on one side, and determined that it was okay to just pull off, he stood up and handed Hill to Katie.

"So, is there any good news for me?" Zhang Lan asked aloud, with a hint of inexplicable meaning in his words.

"Of course, Blue!" Tony was very excited: "Our plan succeeded, we just proceeded to the second step, this guy is just a little bigger, and there is nothing terrible."

Zhang Lan smiled faintly, looking around the smiles on the faces of everyone, and finally fixed on the confused face of Fury, and Rogers with frowning.

"Oh, Rogers, Fury, do you two have anything to say?"

"I'm sure, blue." Rogers tried hard to smooth his brows: "But my consciousness told me that things are not that simple."

"Hey, buddy!" Johnny put his shoulders on Rogers Street with a relaxed tone: "Don't be so nervous, don't we fight well without us? If you are itchy, I can bake it for you!"

With that, Johnny held out his finger, and a small fireball emerged, causing the audience to laugh.

Even Connors, who was silent, smiled.

Obviously, most of them think that the matter is over.

In this relaxed atmosphere, Rogers gradually smoothed his brows.

Only Frye, still puzzled.

"Fery, what about you, is there any problem?" Zhang Lan continued to ask.

Fury did not answer immediately, but operated a few times on the podium and enlarged a projection in the center of everyone-that was the monitoring influence of Norlin.

Even Tony was able to read a gesture of disdain, sneering, and watching drama on Norlin.

"Damn, why did I suddenly feel a little bit wrong!" Tony Qian looked at Peter, who was the sixth strongest in the presence.

Peter also frowned, no longer relaxed.

Bewildered, everyone turned their eyes to Zhang Lan.

"Blue, what did you discover at the beginning, right?" Harry asked.

Zhang Lan just smiled and said nothing.

Pieces of gold armor, Zhang Lan scratched a space crack, and stepped to the position between [Earthburst Star] and the earth.

Instead of using his eyes, Zhang Lan closed his eyes tightly, the golden eyebrows appeared, and he sensed something.

In this way, no one else is clueless. Only Norlin, who is projected on the command table, nodded with certainty.

"There must be a problem!"

Everyone stopped paying attention to the small planet, and instead looked closely at Zhang Lan's every move, wondering how the planet destroyer had escaped his eyes.

Peter's eyes and Harry's eyes were staring tightly, trying to see something different.

Unfortunately, they can only see Zhang Lan.

Zhang Lan with his eyes closed, his hands swimming irregularly in the air, seems to want to catch something, but he has no way to catch it, so he has been swimming there, and the speed is getting faster and faster, finally in the body It turned into a golden afterimage.

It was extremely fast, but it made people feel slow down, like a slow motion.

In fact, the speed that has already exceeded the upper limit of human eyeball capture, all you can receive is only one afterimage.

When everyone didn't know why, Zhang Lan's movement finally stopped.

The closed eyes opened in vain, staring at a void point grabbed by his right hand, and leaning back to pull something out, the other party was reluctant to follow and stalemate for a while.

At the same time, on the earth a few light years away, a chaotic phantom broke out of the void, it was an octopus-like creature, but it had a human-like head.

It's like a black octopus with a long head.

It swims hard, trying to completely pass through the door of the void, but it can't get in, like something caught behind it, it can't move.

While stalemate, Zhang Lan frowned, his empty right hand suddenly swiped **** his side, and a door of space was opened by him.

Almost at the same time, Zhang Lan stumbled back, holding the right hand tightly in the void, a long string of black tentacles turned objects was pulled out by him, and the black octopus, the person who could not get in there, was also free, body Suddenly jumped forward.

Target, point to the earth!

This is the black octopus in the head. He broke one of his tentacles and escaped Zhang Lan's entanglement.

However, it was too hard, and the body couldn't stop shooting at a rapid pace. By coincidence, a door of space appeared on its way.

So, before the head of the black octopus had reacted, most of his body had penetrated into the door of the space. When he wanted to retreat, Zhang Lan firmly grabbed the head.

This time, can it still be decapitated?

It turns out that the head is at least a vital organ, even if it is not the key.

The head of the black octopus saw that his head was grabbed, and he couldn't care about retreating. All the tentacles rushed back to Zhang Lan without looking back. Looking at that look, he wanted to strangle Zhang Lan for life and death.

The light in Zhang Lan's eyes shone slightly, and he did not retreat or use any ninjutsu. Instead, he should be dragged into a hug, and the man's head was hugged to his chest.

The surging tentacles also completely wrapped Zhang Lan, but he dared not use force.

In his current position, even if he squeezed Zhang Lan's body, his head was definitely injured.

What's more, it can feel that the layer of yellow jacket outside Zhang Lan's body is not so good to crushor that it may even be unable to nibble.

For a time, the scene froze again.

Everything happened between the electro-optical flints. I saw Zhang Lan touching the shrimp in the void one second before. Why did he fight the next moment?

It hasn't played a few times yet, but it's deadlocked again.

On the Atlantis, everyone saw a stalemate and discussed in a low voice.

"Black disgusting stuff, wouldn't it be the original shape of the planet destroyer?" Johnny looked disgusted.

"It's very possible, after all, the only thing that can hold on to Blue is the gadget." Tony nodded, a look of approval in his face: "That gadget is indeed a bit disgusting, and Lan even hugged him with him, it was simply. .."

The words hadn't been finished, but Katie and Hill received an angry look. Tony could only swallow the words below.

"So, what should I do now, try with the Atlantis weapon?" Ben was more concerned about Zhang Lan's safety.

"Do not!"



"This won't work!"

Rogers, Banner, Rhett, and Fury all objected at the same time. After meeting each other, Fury took the conversation.

"The planet destroyer can absorb all energy, even if it is attacked with a nuclear bomb, it will give it strength, then our previous efforts will be in vain."

"So what?" Natasha cared more about the solution: "Going out and letting me punch it?"

"No, you can't survive in space for too long. The new type of spacesuit may not be able to withstand your power burst." Fury shook his head and denied: "Wait, believe blue, he has never let me down, nor this time. meeting."

Everyone was silent for a while.

It seems... that's the only thing.

They...when can they really fight side by side with Zhang Lan?

Only Phantom noticed that Susan left the command center silently and thought she was going to Zhang Lan's battlefield. Phantom immediately wanted to stop her in the communication.

Susan whispered something, and the phantom looked at the crowd who were staring closely at the projection of the podium, temporarily refueling the podium Frank, and his body appeared next to Susan, hugged each other, and disappeared into the command center. in.

At the battlefield, Zhang Lan and the planet destroyer stalemate.

Zhang Lan tried to smash the head in his arms, and found that even his [Fairy Mode] + [Strange Power] power could not be achieved.

In front of this guy's head, Zhang Lan even suspected that it was as unbreakable as the blue gold on his body.

The only time the holy cloth was broken was because it could not resist the power of its master.

Behind him was squeezed by thick black tentacles, and the protection of the sacred clothes Zhang Lan was not a big deal, but if he wanted to retreat, it was delusional.

It takes certain actions to open the door of the space, and [Flying Thor] cannot be sensed at all.

Since the body of the planet destroyer can be shuttled into the space plane, it is natural to shield the space fluctuations.

For a time, it was not a question of whether Zhang Lan wanted to attack or retreat, but that he could not ride a tiger.

Of course, it's not true that there is no way at all, it's just a price...if it's not at the last minute~~ he doesn't want to use this last hole card.

While thinking about countermeasures, a strange spiritual wave came.

Zhang Lan didn't understand it at first, and then the strange spiritual fluctuation came again, this time, directly to Zhang Lan's soul.

"You...why...stop me?"

Intermittently, Zhang Lan finally understood the meaning and source of the strange spiritual fluctuation.

It was the head of the person who was holding in front of him, which was sent by the planet destroyer.

"Huh, do you understand the language of our earth?" Zhang Lan said in surprise.


There was no response.

Zhang Lan thought about it, and finally tried to use his soul to send out a thought: "If you want to devour my planet, I will naturally resist."

"Swallow..." Sure enough, Planet Destroyer understood: "What is swallow? I... don't understand."

"Don't understand?" Zhang Lan stunned for a while, then said another way: "I mean, you want to eat my planet, I can't let you do that."

"Why can't you do this? If you're hungry, you have to eat it." Planet Destroyer is even more puzzled.

Zhang Lan patted his head.

Ok, co-authoring this so-called planet destroyer, is it still a child who is ignorant of the unknown?

Um, so...would you like to consider being a "human trafficker" and kidnapping children?

As soon as this thought came up, it could not be restrained in Zhang Lan's mind.

It seems that it is indeed a very good idea.

As for how to place the "little guy" on his body, otherwise it will harm the planets of the Marvel plane, which is a problem.

Otherwise, let it eat like this, sooner or later Marvel Universe will be eaten up.

I was worrying about how to place the "little guy", but the answer was that I came to my door.

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