Naruto System In Marvel World

Chapter 482: Jack's life

Chapter 482: Jack's life

New York, Hong Kong, London.

The three cities were almost turned upside down by Zhang Lan, and the [Fairy Man Mode] was turned on, almost lifting the floor.

Even so, Zhang Lan did not find the temple mentioned in Doctor Strange.

This is a bit embarrassing.

I thought it was just a matter of hand, and the result was an unexpected face...

This time, it aroused Zhang Lan's vigor even more.

"Hey, I don't believe it anymore, New York is so big, I can't find you anymore!"

Unbelievable Zhang Lan turned on the "Fairy Man Mode", and his sword was folded, and he immediately wanted to summon his army of shadows.

With infinite energy points, he can completely separate a hundred thousand shadow avatars, and plow an inch of New York in front of him.

If you can't find the so-called temple, then...

Really hell!

When Zhang Lan was serious, an unexpected news interrupted his thoughts.

As a last resort, he temporarily gave up searching for the whereabouts of the temple and rushed to Los Angeles.

He received Logan's request for help.

Qin, hijacked by unknown power in Los Angeles!

Prior to this, a small group of abilities with [Breaking Dawn Empire] had evaporated for 24 hours during the mission.

No accident, it's already... killed!

Qin went to explore the situation and lost contact with Phantom's network ten minutes ago!

This news was enough to anger Zhang Lan.

"It seems that some people don't take my determination to heart!"

Richard Jack, a mutant who has been homeless for several years.

In the past, he was a dirty and smelly mutant in the eyes of mankind-the kind that does not belong to mankind.

His x gene was mutated at the age of nine, causing his body to burst into flames from time to time.

This made him abandoned by his parents-after he burned down their home.

If it werent for his mothers pleading, his so-called father was afraid that he would send himself directly to the study.

Since then, nine-year-old Jack began his wandering life.

This wandering is twelve years old.

Flame's ability made him suffer, and everyone who accepted him paid a price for it.

As a last resort, in order to stop harming others, Jack began to reject most of his good intentions.

Fearing his ability, he never tried to control this so-called firework ability.

This life, he thought it would continue until he gets old.

Until, on the street TV, he saw Zhang Lan who photographed the Statue of Liberty on the Manhattan Island using [Quick Sand Burst].

At that moment, Jack suddenly realized.

If you can have that kind of power, how good it is!

You don't have to worry about your abilities, but you can also help those who have helped you and expel disaster for them.

As Zhang Lan became more active on the screen, Jack became firmer in his beliefs.

After Zhang Lan proposed the [Genius Academy] proposal, Jack was the first to enroll!

From this day on, he is no longer a mutant, but a superhuman!

After the initial strict testing steps, Zhang Lan was sent to the [Genius Academy].

Nightmare, from then on.

The place he went to was not the [Genius Academy], but the [Chakra Research Center], who spoke various languages.

The lethality of fire control is very strong, he is listed as a key research object.

After much "research", the suffering Jack found that, slowly, he learned the so-called Chakra and began to be able to control his own flame simply.

This excited Jack at the same time, it was terrified.

All the superhumans who learned Chakra are...lifted to the dissection table!

Jack was lucky to have survived the previous disaster, even though the "research" process was also very painful, but at least survived.

Even once, the experiment stopped for a short day.

It is said that Zhang Lan is back, they are afraid!

However, the experiment continued.

Doom finally came!

After he was anesthetized, he was lifted into the dissection room.

Jack once thought that it would be the last time he saw the light.

Confused, he vaguely heard the violent explosions, chirps, and... cheers!

When he woke up, he was in a room full of futuristic technology, surrounded by a robot with silver-white bones all over his body.

Through the introduction of the robot, he did not understand too much, the only thought in his mind was-he was saved!

After three days of rest in that room, all kinds of magical equipment made him recover.

All the traumas and scars in the experiment disappeared.

He saw his companions again.

In the former South Korea, it is now the first base of Daybreak.

When he heard that Zhang Lan had created the "Daybreak Empire", he also aggressively transformed South Korea into the Daybreak One Base. Jack was in a state of coercion.

After a short period of enlightenment, a huge sense of happiness struck.

At the beginning of the establishment of "Empire Genius Academy", as a group of people with formed combat effectiveness, they can easily master their super powers, and they also have lethality.

Jack was lucky to be selected as the first group of abilities. After systematic training, he learned the three-body technique and began to perform tasks.

The so-called task is actually to help people in various countries solve problems.

The overwhelming majority are still fighting.

At the beginning ~~ Considering that they have no combat experience, everyone is equipped with a combat robot to follow-that is the kind of silver-white skeleton robot.

Their fighting power is simply amazing.

After a period of hardening, Jack was promoted to captain of the team because of his excellent ability.

Under his men are three other newly-added abilities.

His task is to take them to complete the task, in groups of four, to ensure the safety of the lives of the three "newbie eggs".

Excited Jack, immediately after accepting a d-level mission, took the team to the mission destination-Los Angeles.

Who knows, this time the mission was released...but the long-lost Hydra!

The opponent was obviously prepared, and the combat robots that came with the team were subdued before they could start.

But, unfortunately, they miscalculated Jack's ability.

After completing several missions, he has already saved enough contribution points and exchanged it for [Fire EscapeThe Fireball].

Although the power of this fire escape is not great in itself, but under Jack's near-blood-limiting superpower, it just spouted a huge fireball with a diameter of ten meters.

He covered his three players well, but he was captured alive.

At the moment of being captured, Jack chose to explode his super power to the maximum extent, like the temperature of the small sun, so that all traces of the scene were erased.

Including himself.

But if it is possible to choose again.

He would still choose this way without hesitation.


He, at the last moment, stood dead!

At the moment of concern, he witnessed his most brilliant moment!

"Maybe... this should be the will of our empire..."

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