Mysterious Awakening

Chapter 269: Rusty coffin nail

Chapter 269: Rusty coffin nail

Zhao Kaiming why did he tell me all this? He could have kept all this information to himself."

"Moreover, his actions towards me seem more like a test of my abilities, rather than a determined effort to catch me. Otherwise, he would have pursued me relentlessly, using the appearance of the source ghost to trap me in the school until I starved to death. After all, he can even enter my ghost domain, which means he can let other ghost infants in."

Yang Jian frowned.

He vaguely felt that Zhao Kaiming was deliberately reminding him by talking so much, revealing the secret of the ghost around him, to make him vigilant.

When did this guy become so kind-hearted?

"But according to what he said, he wants that ghost to take over the body of the starving ghost and come back to life. This plan seems to be going very smoothly... But it doesn't matter to me if that ghost succeeds. I still have to deal with the starving ghost, just with a change of identity, it makes no difference to me."

Yang Jian thought for a moment, since it didn't affect his actions, he decided to ignore it.

But he was very pressed for time. Zhao Kaiming was confronting the source ghost now, and if he could get the coffin nail before Zhao Kaiming died, he might be able to benefit from it.

Just a few seconds.

Yang Jian had already appeared on the pedestrian street, which was the same place he had escaped from the school initially.

Very precise.

"Let me see where that door is."

Yang Jian's eyes flickered, and his world turned crimson. Then, a school building suddenly appeared in front of him.

He was now standing at the school gate, facing the situation at No. 7 Middle School.

This was a simulation of the scene at the school using the ghost domain. This was the only way he could find his way back.

"I'm now at the original school gate, that's Wang Shanshan over there, Zhang Wei here, and Miao Xiaoshan over there... This is my position." Yang Jian confirmed his location through the reenactment of the scene.

"Now, I'll go back to the third-floor restroom."

Using the ghost domain, Yang Jian could change his position at will. He crossed the school playground, but in reality, he walked through an alley and turned towards the teaching building, but in reality, he passed a street.

He arrived at the teaching building, but in reality, he was standing in front of a temple.

The Hongfa Temple in Dachang City.

He climbed up three floors, which was actually the three steps of this temple.

Standing at the restroom door, he was actually standing in front of the main hall of the temple.

"Is the real address in this temple?" Yang Jian was stunned.

It was somewhat unbelievable, but his method of locating through the reenactment of the scene should not be wrong. Even if there was a deviation, it should not be too far off, at most within a range of ten meters.

"I've been to this Hongfa Temple several times before. It's a small temple that doesn't seem to have that door."

"No, it's downstairs."

Through the ghost domain, Yang Jian found a basement below the Hongfa Temple. Inside the basement, he saw several monks hiding from the disaster. It seemed to be a more secluded area of the temple, known only to the internal members.

Of course, he also saw the door.

Without hesitation, Yang Jian walked in and came to this basement.

The style of the basement did not seem to be modern, it should be from the same era as the Hongfa Temple, using the same kind of ancient blue bricks.

At the end of the basement was the door.

An old wooden door.

But at this moment, he saw that the old wooden door was covered with gold leaf, tightly closed and locked again.

"Someone has been here." Yang Jian thought to himself.

With the gold leaf covering it, his ghost domain could not affect it, so he could only tear it open and open the door.

"Who's there?" Just as he was about to act, a voice came from the dim passage.

A bald man in plain clothes, holding a flashlight, walked over.

"What are you doing? Let go of it, that door can't be opened. My god, how did you sneak in?" The bald man was shocked to see Yang Jian's actions.

Yang Jian turned around and said, "Master, do you know what's inside that door?"

He recognized the bald man, the abbot of the Hongfa Temple, whom he had seen twice before when he came to play.

"Don't ask so many questions, come over here quickly." The abbot's face turned pale with fright, as if he knew that there was something terrible inside.

But Yang Jian did not stop and continued to tear off the gold leaf. "I want to go in and get something, to detain the ghost haunting Dachang City and solve this supernatural event."

Upon hearing this, the abbot stopped in his tracks. "Are you going to take the Demon Suppression Staff?"

"Demon Suppression Staff? No, it's a coffin nail," Yang Jian said.

But after thinking for a moment, the two items seemed to have a similar shape, almost identical. Perhaps the abbot's Demon Suppression Staff was the same as the coffin nail.

"If you take away the Demon Suppression Staff, something very terrifying will come out," the abbot said.

"I won't take that thing. If I don't take it, the whole Dachang City will be doomed. You know a lot, can you tell me who told you?" Yang Jian asked.

"This is a secret passed down through generations in the Hongfa Temple. Only the abbots of past generations know about it. Are you sure you want to take that thing to save Dachang City?" the abbot asked.

"I'm very sure, and I don't have time to explain to you. Even if you try to stop me, you won't be able to. Master, save yourself some trouble." Yang Jian said.The bald master's face changed, and he finally let out a long sigh, "Then I won't stop you. Go and retrieve the Demon-Subduing Staff. The opportunity has come; perhaps it's time for the staff to appear in the world."

Yang Jian paused for a moment, looking at the monk, feeling that he knew something.

A secret passed down through generations?

It was somewhat similar to that dilapidated house from the Republican era in Guanjiang Residential District.

Unfortunately, the old man guarding that Republican-era house had died, with no one to succeed him. Otherwise, it would have been certain that some unknown secrets could have been uncovered.

"Once I've dealt with the incident in Dachang City and have some time, I'll come back and have a chat with you, Master," Yang Jian said as he tore off all the gold foil and gently pushed.

The door opened.

The lock broke automatically.

A cold wind blew through, making one's hair stand on end, and the temperature around seemed to drop several degrees instantly.

"Young man, be careful. My deceased master said there are evil spirits inside, imprisoned by high monks of the past," the bald monk said, trembling with fear.

"Got it." Yang Jian walked straight in after speaking.

He had been here once before and wasn't afraid.

Sure enough, his guess was correct.

A familiar place.

A desolate, lifeless dark space.

Behind him was only a moldy, moss-covered wall.

Ordinary people would be scared to death if they walked into this place.

"The scratch marks are still there; this is definitely the place."

Yang Jian turned to see the wall still bore many ferocious scratch marks, with blood that had turned black, though it seemed to have been left only a few months ago, not very long ago.

These scratch marks were left in desperation by Duan Peng and Zheng Fei, who had been brought in for revenge.

Drip, drip...

The sound of water dripping echoed in the dark space.

Slight, faint, but so distinct, especially clear in the dark environment.

Yang Jian didn't rely on his eyes to see; it was pitch black and nothing was visible. He directly opened his Ghost Eye.

Under the Ghost Eye, the surroundings were no longer dark, and everything became clear.

A white, bone-chilling tree rooted in the ground, with many strange things hanging from it, like dried heads and old rags... And on the trunk of the white bone tree, a three-meter-tall giant black figure was nailed.

It had the outline of a person but no facial features, just a black shadow coalesced, somewhat like a headless ghost shadow.

But it was different from a headless ghost shadow.

This thing had a physical body.

A rusty coffin nail pierced through the chest of the tall shadow, nailing it to the tree.

The dripping sound was from the black blood continuously dripping from that wound.

"I never thought I would come back here one day," Yang Jian said as he looked at the head position of the giant black shadow.

There was a piece missing there, as if an eye was missing.

Knowing that releasing this thing might be terrifying, but now he had no choice, he urgently needed that coffin nail.

To gather some information, he first took out his phone and took several photos of the thing, so he could later show them to Wang Xiaoming for research, to avoid being clueless about how to confront it in the future.

"I really don't know whether it's right or wrong to release this thing to deal with the Hungry Ghost," Yang Jian was hesitant in his heart, but he still reached out for the coffin nail.

However, he hesitated just as he was about to touch it, turned around to the door, and picked up several pieces of gold foil that had been torn off, deciding to wrap it up first.

With the gold foil in between, Yang Jian grabbed one end of the coffin nail.

Perhaps because of the insulation of the gold foil, he didn't feel anything special, but the precaution was still necessary.

Due to the presence of the ghost infant, Yang Jian simply pulled back.

The coffin nail that had been nailing the giant black shadow was successfully removed.

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