Mysterious Awakening

Chapter 267: There's a mole

Chapter 267: There's a mole

"Yang Jian refused Professor Wang's plan."

Soon, at the temporary command center outside Dachang City, the conversation between Wang Xiaoming and Yang Jian was heard.


Cao Yanhua slammed the table: "He should follow the arrangement. This is a matter of life and death for the city. He shouldn't be so reckless."

"Yang Jian has always been like this. I told you he wouldn't agree to Professor Wang's plan. I understand him. He has his own ideas, but it's useless now. Yang Jian is in action, and we can only trust him." Zhao Jianguo said.

"You know him so well. How likely do you think he is to succeed?" Special Forces Major Li Jun asked.

"100% certainty, there is no possibility of failure." Zhao Jianguo said.

"Do you trust him so much?" Li Jun was somewhat surprised.

"Because this can only succeed, not fail. If Yang Jian fails, he will die. Since he dares to act, it means he is very confident. I believe in this." Zhao Jianguo said.

"Now we can only wait for good news from Yang Jian. Is everything ready?" Cao Yanhua asked.

"It's outside." Zhao Jianguo said.

"Go check."

Cao Yanhua walked out, followed by the others.

They arrived at a tent guarded by the armed police 24 hours a day. There was nothing inside except for a large golden box in the middle, which was particularly eye-catching.

It used several tons of gold and was five centimeters thick. Once welded shut, the box would be equivalent to a block of iron and impossible to open.

This was the coffin prepared for the starving ghost in Dachang City.

"It's cheap for that ghost, to sleep in a golden coffin." Cao Yanhua knocked on it, feeling a bit distressed.

"The danger level is too high. This is the only way to ensure nothing goes wrong." Zhao Jianguo said.

However, at that moment, a communications officer hurriedly ran over and said, "Minister, there's a special situation."

"What's going on?" Cao Yanhua asked.

"Yang Jian's location detected the signal of Detective Zhao Kaiming." the communications officer said.

"What? How is that possible? Hasn't Zhao Kaiming been offline for a long time?" Cao Yanhua asked.

"It should be detected by Yang Jian's satellite positioning phone. Each detective's phone has at least three different positioning methods. The universal satellite positioning method is just one of them. Detectives can also locate each other. Zhao Kaiming disappeared from satellite positioning before and hasn't shown a signal for several days. It seems that he found a way to turn off the satellite positioning himself, but he overlooked the detective-to-detective positioning." Zhao Jianguo said.

"That's right, the signal was received through Yang Jian's phone." the communications officer said.

"Professor suspected him of not being dead before. The starving ghost incident in Dachang City is deeply related to him. Zhao Kaiming's shadow is present from the appearance to the outbreak of the entire event. We originally wanted to investigate him, but had to temporarily put it aside after the supernatural event broke out. If the event ends and Zhao Kaiming is still alive, the professor suggested that I immediately arrest Zhao Kaiming." Li Jun said.

"Who is responsible for Zhao Kaiming? Why haven't we heard any reports about this person having problems?" Cao Yanhua asked.

"Shen Liang is responsible." Zhao Jianguo said.

"Where is Zhao Kaiming's file? Bring it to me. Also, get a copy of the phone recording from the communications officer, and bring the recent evaluation report as well." Cao Yanhua said.

After some investigation, Cao Yanhua in the command room became angry again, throwing the file and slamming the table: "Damn it, this person's mental evaluation report is so poor. He is no longer suitable to be a detective, so why was he still appointed in Dachang City?"

"Minister, have you forgotten? Zhou Zheng died, and the position of detective in Dachang City was vacant. Yang Jian also had mental issues during the incident in Huanggang Village, and was not suitable to take over the position of detective. So Shen Liang reported to you, suggesting that Zhao Kaiming take over for a while, and then replace Zhao Kaiming after finding a suitable person. Later, Dachang City has been relatively normal, and this matter was forgotten." Zhao Jianguo said.

Cao Yanhua's face turned red.

"The main issue is still the shortage of manpower. Who would be willing to use someone like Zhao Kaiming, who has mental problems, as a detective? And Zhao Kaiming has also made contributions before. His appointment was in accordance with the procedure. If we talk about mental issues, most of the detectives preparing to enter Dachang City also have some problems." Zhao Jianguo said.

"Qualified detectives like Zhou Zheng and Tong Qian are becoming fewer and fewer, and they are almost all dead."

The more qualified the detective, the more responsible, the more responsible, the more they fight, and the faster they die.

This is a very cruel reality.

"Immediately inform Yang Jian about this and tell him to be careful of Zhao Kaiming. We'll deal with the rest after the Dachang City incident is over." Cao Yanhua said.

An additional variable has cast a shadow over this operation once again.

At this moment, Yang Jian, who had already entered the campus, carefully made his way to the third floor of the teaching building and the restroom.

He was very safe within the ghost domain, but outside of his own ghost domain.

In the gloomy campus, Yang Jian glanced around and felt his scalp tingle.

The campus here was like hosting a school sports event, with terrifying figures standing still, like tombstones scattered across the vast school grounds. Looking around, these figures filled every corner of the school.Green belts, the small river on campus, the entrance of the building, the windows on every floor—all were filled with these ghastly figures.

And the vast majority were third-stage ghost infants.

Their numbers were not just in the tens or hundreds; there were probably over a thousand, and possibly even more.

If Yang Jian were to utter a single word, all the third-stage ghost infants would awaken and tear him to shreds. Even with his Ghost Shadow to counter them, it was doubtful he could eliminate so many ghosts. Moreover, the first-stage ghost infants lying on the ground had pairs of pitch-black eyes without pupils, watching everything around them like cameras.

Anyone caught in their gaze would be attacked.

Seeing and hearing—these two triggers were too easy to set off. Any ghost controller entering this place would be seen or heard.

It was a dead end.

Only Yang Jian, using his Ghost Domain to conceal himself, could move unimpeded among so many ghosts.

"Ye Feng must have accidentally wandered in here and, not understanding the killing methods of the ghost infants, awakened them, which led to his death," he thought regretfully.

Honestly, Ye Feng's death was a pity.

His shroud could fend off any ghost attack, and his Ghost Fang could even bite through a Ghost Domain. If he had been alive for the subsequent plan, the hospital incident wouldn't have nearly ended in total annihilation.

However, he walked into a dead end and was surrounded by a horde of ghosts. Not to mention one ghost garment, even a hundred would be useless.

After all, a ghost controller has limits, while ghosts do not.

"We're here."

Yang Jian arrived at the entrance of the building. Just three floors up was the bathroom door.

He still remembered how a group of his classmates had run down this corridor, dying one by one, all killed by the knocking ghost, leaving only a few survivors.

He glanced at the side of the corridor.

He didn't see the bodies of his former classmates; they must have been taken away by the knocking ghost to become ghost slaves. He had even seen Wan Zihao's body during the second knocking ghost incident in the city center.

It was already rotten beyond recognition.

Without dwelling too much on the past or mourning those classmates, Yang Jian used his Ghost Domain to step directly to the second floor, then another step to the third.

The bathroom door was slightly ajar, with dark scratch marks beside it—desperate remnants left by a classmate who had been dragged in by a fierce ghost. The darkness on them was the blood that had been left behind.

This bathroom had almost killed him, but it also saved his life.

Yang Jian walked in but immediately frowned.

A door had disappeared.

The bathroom was still a bathroom; it had just been unused for several months.

"No, that's not right. I've made a mistake. The place I'm looking for isn't in the school; it's near the pedestrian street in the city center," Yang Jian's eyes flickered as he remembered the properties of the Ghost Domain.

He had indeed encountered the knocking ghost in the school, but later the location of the knocking ghost had changed, and so should the Ghost Domain. The school he saw at that time was not the real school, but one created within the Ghost Domain.

That's why when he escaped, he appeared on the pedestrian street in the blink of an eye.

Because the Ghost Domain had moved from the school to near the pedestrian street, it was just that reality and the world of the Ghost Domain were not in sync.

He had been misled by his own inertia.

"I must go back to the pedestrian street first. Starting from there, I can find that eerie space again and retrieve the coffin nail," Yang Jian decisively turned and set out to leave.

However, his satellite-positioned phone lit up.

A message came through.

"There's a mole, abort the mission~!"


Yang Jian continued to scroll and saw another message: "Zhao Kaiming is nearby, be careful."

Zhao Kaiming wasn't dead yet?

He furrowed his brow, but as he was speculating, suddenly, the bathroom door creaked open, and a figure walked in from the darkness.

This person ignored the separation of the Ghost Domain and walked directly into it.

Yang Jian's hair stood on end, and he was startled.

Someone could break into the Ghost Domain?

Who could it be?

The fourth-stage ghost infant Ye Feng, or the original ghost?

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