My Wife Is A Secret Assassin

Chapter 54: Falling In Love

Chapter 54: Falling In Love

Then they just talked about their lifestyles and hobbies, the two had some common hobbies and they had a great time together.

Chance didn't expect he would actually share so many hobbies with Danger-Ace and he had a lot of fun, so much that he didn't want this night to get over at all.

Since they were having outdoor dinner, after a point Samantha felt cold but she was able to endure it as she endured even more pain in life and it was nothing for her.

Chance noticed she was feeling cold but was still acting as if everything is normal, he felt his heart ache as he realized her path to become an assassin was not easy just like him who too had a tough time to reach here, no one's is and it only implied she endured even more pain than this, he didn't like she silently bearing it so without saying anything he just stood up and went over to her.

Samantha was startled but the next minute, he took out his jacket and draped it over her.

"There is no need, I am fine" She refused and he could see she was worried about him and he was even more sure that he will suffer but won't let her.

"You don't have to endure it" He just said these words and went back to his seat.

They completed their dinner and had a great time.

They were done with dinner and he felt like it was all over so soon but after checking the time he realized they have spent two hours there.

'Fuck, it is already two hours' He thought to himself as the time passed really quickly.

After dinner, Chance decided to walk her to her room as he didn't feel like letting her go so soon, after reaching her room, he wanted to leave but he had an urge to push her against the wall and kiss her but they were still not there and he had a good sense of seeing through people, if he would do anything out of line Danger-Ace won't hesitate in killing him and he also would never make a move if the person with him is not in the comfort zone, so he controlled himself.

Yet, he couldn't just leave like that so he softly kissed her on the cheek and told her he had a great time with her.

Then he went back to his room.

After changing into comfortable clothes, he lied down on the bed and recollected the time he spent with her.

He enjoyed every moment of it. 

This was not Chance's first date, he dated many women in his life but he never felt like this with any of his ex-girlfriends, the feeling he had with Samantha was very different. He didn't wish the night and their time to end.

Many at times Chance pretend to enjoy a date so that he could just sleep with that woman but with Samantha, he didn't hope for anything else, only her companionship was what he wanted. He can't deny that he found her physically very attractive and he would have had definitely made a move on her if she wasn't Danger-Ace as he had an important task in which he needed her help and he couldn't mix pleasure and work so he restrained himself.

He couldn't sleep for a long time as he was thinking about her but then he suddenly started feeling very cold, he turned off the AC but he was still cold and he shivered.

Chance realized he is falling sick, 'Shit, can't afford to fall sick now, how the hell will I spend more time with Samantha, fuck' he cursed the bad timing, he called David and asked him to bring him some medicines.

"So, how was your dinner?" David asked him while handing the medicines.

"Awesome, it was the [cough cough] best date of my life"

"Yeah, I can see that, so awesome your date was, that you fell sick"

"It was [cough] cold outside"

"You were not wearing your jacket?"

"Gave mine to Danger [cough] Ace"

"You sure she is"

"Hmm, I am"

"Wow, so you protected your nemesis and you fell sick instead, that is something different" David teased him.

"Yeah, I think I [cough] am falling in love with her"

"Chance, don't joke" David cut him off and Chance decided to keep quiet as his throat was in pain.

"What else did you guys talk about?"

"Can we dis [cough] cuss later, I am tired" Chance wanted to lie around and just sleep, his body was feeling weak, it was very common for him and it was kind of his weakness, he fells sick quickly if he doesn't take good care of himself.

"Fine, rest well, call me if you need anything"


Chance ate a medicine and went to sleep.

Next day he called Jack and informed him that he is having soar throat, cold and cough, so he won't be joining them for breakfast.

Abigail decided to take food for him later but Chance said no as he was not well and didn't feel like eating anything but Abigail and his other friends decided to force him to eat food as he at times becomes very difficult and acts like a child when he is sick.

While the four people were having breakfast, they met with Samantha and after knowing Chance's state, she offered to take breakfast for him

Mia and Abigail smiled sheepishly looking at each other and they happily agreed as they were sure seeing Samantha there, Chance will not throw his childish tantrums and he will calmly have his breakfast. They suggested what food she should take They informed her his room number and his preferred breakfast.

Samantha decided to have breakfast with him so she carried food for two people and went to his room.

Mia immediately called Chance to give him a heads up, so that he would be prepared and is not startled by Samantha's sudden appearance.

He was surprised and didn't expect her to bring food for him, he already told his friends he would not prefer eating anything and he was prepared to not open the door in case anyone shows up at his door but now Samantha was the one coming and he did not have the heart to treat her the way he treats his friends, so he just decided to eat some food for her sake.

Chance was shirtless and so he quickly wore a t-shirt, then he decided to keep the door open as it might not be convenient for her to knock the door while holding a tray.

When he opened the door, he saw she was already standing there, "Hi" he tried to be cheerful while greeting her but he was clearly sick as his nose was reddish and his face was pale.

"How did you know I was here?" Samantha looked surprised. 

"Mia called me to inform about your arrival. I decided to keep the door open since you would be holding the tray and it might be inconvenient for you to knock on the door."

Samantha just smiled at him and he moved aside making space for her to enter.

Then she was surprisingly looking at his room, he understood as everyone who sees his house or his room, they all react like that as it is always very clean.

"I have OCD" Chance explained.


He took the tray from her and placed it on the small dining table in his room.

"I am so sorry for your condition." Samantha apologized to him as he fell sick because he lent his coat to her and it was very cold last night.

"It's okay, falling sick was totally worth it." Chance thought he would be missing his opportunity of spending more time with her when he fell sick last night and didn't expect Samantha would show up to his room with food, he could see how worried she was for him and he weirdly liked it. 

"Why was it worth it?" she cluelessly asked him.

Chance smiled at how she didn't understand that she coming over here for him and showing concern for him was what made it worth it.

"I can rest more now." He lied to not make her feel uncomfortable and she bought his lie.

The two then had their breakfast.

"Till when are you here?" Chance wanted to know for how long he can be around her.

"I have an early morning flight tomorrow."

"So soon" Chance got sad to know that he has less than twenty-four hours with her, he was hoping to spend more days with her and he didn't like the fact that she will be leaving him alone here.

She smiled at him and asked, "Till when are you here?" 

"For two more days"


"Yeah, it was a long weekend and that was why we were able to make this plan."

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