My Space-Time System

Chapter 467 - 467 Strolling at the enemy hideout.

467 Strolling at the enemy hideout.

In less than half a minute info had been passed to all members of the investigation department to return.

The message contained the exact words of Darius showing how important the matter was. This caused most to drop whatever they were doing and head to the nearest warp room, while fear went into secluded places.

Seeing how urgent it was and how all of them were being mobilized, there was no doubt it would be the biggest operation of the year.

The bad thing about the info was that they had no clue of where or which gangs were the targets. So they all had to inform the human trafficking gangs that they were in contact with to warn them of the danger coming their way.

30 minutes might not be enough time for the gangs to clear everything, but it would enable the gangs to erase all traces of evidence and mitigate their losses.

To not gather any suspicions, the gang informants didn’t waste time with the calls, but the moment they opened the doors of wherever they were they saw 2 captains each in front of them.

“You are under arrest.”

The captains said to the informants who were shocked at first but ended up surrendering themselves to the captains.

Even if they were somehow able to defeat the captains what next? Stronger people or units would be sent to capture them, and even if they didn’t, the arrays of the Square could kill or capture them in seconds.


Also, if they were to resist arrest their punishments would get only worse. So surrendering was the best option.

“What is going on here?” Major Watson asked in an angry tone as he saw members of his department in handcuffs and being brought into the room.

They were already late and whatever was going on was only taking more of the little time they had to analyze the evidence.

“These here are traitors.” Colonel Darius said as he finally stood up from the chair he had been sitting in.

“What?” Watson as well as everyone else in the building said when they heard the Colonel’s words.

“The evidence as well as the strike were all a ruse to bait these snakes out.” Colonel Darius said as he walked to the 17 traitors currently on their knees.

“For gold coins, you lot have decided to endanger the lives of your comrades and also render their efforts useless on multiple occasions.”

“I would have loved to kill you all myself, but I would be leaving the court to decide your fate.” Darius said before warping them to the prison cells he had prepared beforehand.

“Sorry for the inconvenience. You all can return to your previous tasks.” Darius said with a smile before warping back to his office and summoning Blake to his office.

As for everyone in the investigation department, they were both shocked and confused, but for major Watson, he felt incompetent.

“How did he find out about the traitors without us even knowing?” Major Watson couldn’t help but whisper to his second in command, Harry.

“I don’t know sir, but I feel captain Blake had something to do with it.” Harry said as he adjusted his glasses.

They already knew that colonel Darius and Blake had a special kind of relationship, so the idea was not far-fetched.

“Your plan worked out well, 17 traitors were captured. So what next?” The colonel asked as Blake entered the room.

‘Wow, that was a lot more than I expected.’ Blake answered before explaining his ordeal with the drug dealer and his boss.

“Interesting… Let’s go check out this place you are talking about.” Colonel Darius said as he stood up from his chair.

“Now?” Blake was too shocked to realize his absence of decorum.

“Yes, or are you busy with something else?” Darius asked on seeing the shocked expression on Blake’s face.

“Not at all, I was just surprised by your reply.” Blake said with a sheepish smile before taking out his map and pointing at the north part of the middle ring

“Alright, stay close to me.” Colonel Darius said.

Blake was about to ask if they weren’t going to the area on a carriage when everything seemed to be in fast-forward.

In less than a second, Blake found himself in the sky above the area he had visited the previous night.

‘What happened, that is definitely not warping.’ Blake was confused, but before he voice his question Darius spoke.

“I see.” Colonel Darius said after scanning the area and sensing all the arrays Blake had mentioned. “Let’s take a closer look then.”

Just like a few seconds ago, the buildings below began drawing closer to them at light speed and instantly they had appeared underground.

“Not bad.” Darius said as they appeared in front of the entrance of the staircase that led to an underground.

‘Shit! There are people here!’ The gears in Blake’s head immediately began moving as he began searching for the best scenario, but that was when he remember who was beside him.

“This is just one of the many places in the area that deals with new orders. So we should move to the main area.” Darius explained.

‘The fuck is wrong with him, why does he want to alert everyone?!’ Blake felt like cursing Darius for talking in his normal tone even though they were currently people right in front of them.

“Why are you so quiet?” Darius couldn’t help but ask after seeing Blake strangely look at him.

‘Why shouldn’t I!’ Blake felt like screaming.

Although he knew Darius could handle anyone in the city, he was afraid of him alerting everyone and causing the important people to escape before they got to them.


Not wanting to make noise, the best Blake could do was point at the people in front of them with both hands.

“Oh, forgot that this is your first time.” Darius couldn’t help but chuckle on seeing Blake’s reaction.


Check out 3_Sins_Studios works: Deviants and Paragon Of Death.

My Lust system: War Against The Heavens will be out soon!

The account is a group work from me and two other authors. I hope you like it.

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