My Space-Time System

Chapter 410

Chapter 410: One down eleven more to go.

With just a look, Luciano was able to understand what Blake was planning on doing. So he took a few steps back before engulfing his entire body in flames and launching at the tree trunk in a flying kick position.

“Fuck!” The 10 members of team 5 cursed in unison.


With wind and flame bursts multiplying his momentum, the moment Luciano crashed into the trunk. The entire tree violently quaked as the little part that connected the tree and stem together had been torn apart.

Aaron and his team were still trying to recover from the quake when they began losing their balance from the falling tree.


The 90-meter-tall tree crashed into the ground, sending a massive shockwave to all parts of the forest.


“Fuck me.” Aaron gritted his teeth in pain as he climbed out of the plant and earth sphere he had used to protect himself from most of the impact of the 90-meter drop.

Just like him, all of his team members had shielded themselves from the impact and were making their way out, but that was when a thunderbolt struck at their open purple flag, destroying it.


The members of Team 5 cursed as they tried to get back on their feet, but that was when Blake and Luciano rose into the air and in their hands were fireballs more than 3 times their size.

The fireballs were dumped on them without them having enough time to prepare defenses that could match their destructive power.


The result produced a massive explosion that rang past the trees of the forest.

Once the dust and smoke produced by the explosion had settled down, Blake made sure that there were no survivors before flying high up in the sky and having a clear view of how big the forest was.

“Do you think there would be another team here?” Blake asked the system.

[I highly doubt the school would place them so close because if there were other teams in this part of the forest, the beast wouldn’t be enough.] The system.

“On to the next target.” Blake said as he returned.

Blake came to the conclusion that it was time to leave the forest. This was because tracking the enemy team would take more time, and the trees were advantageous for the defenders.


Outside the forest, every team in the exam was shocked to see that Team 2 had shot up to the 1st position and was currently sitting at 29k points.

The worst part was that team 5 who previously had 2k points were no longer on the leaderboard, meaning they had been eliminated.

“How is that even possible, the exam has only been on for less than half an hour?!” This was the same question that was in the mind of every team that wasn’t team 5.

Many felt that it was just an unfortunate coincidence that team 5 met Blake and his team, while some felt it was a planned attack on them.

Nonetheless, everyone was afraid because they knew if they came in contact with Blake and his team they wouldn’t last a minute. Also, they had no idea of where the massacre occurred or if they were the closest to team 2.

As for Blake’s team, not only were they the least shocked by the turn of events but they were the most relaxed.


At the center of a lake that covered 3 acres of land (450 square meters) and had a depth of 12 meters was Tessie’s team, Team 10.

They and their yellow flag were warped on a 10-meter island at the center of the lake which was surrounded by lots of aquatic beasts.

The aquatic beasts could act as a line of defense against any attacker, but the problem was that they weren’t under their control so they could also turn to bite them. So they had to go.

Thanks to the presence of 2 photomancers on the team and their mother Tree, it was very easy for them to clear up most of the beasts in the lake, which ended upgrading them to the next level.

It was after they were done clearing up most of the beasts and setting up their defenses under and above the water body that they decided to check their position on the point leaderboard.

With the number of beasts they had just killed, Tessie and her team were confident to be at the top, but that was when they saw that not only was team 2 leading with an outrageous point difference but team 5 was also missing.

Just like the rest, they were split into 2 groups and were debating if it was a coincidence or not.

‘They mentioned they were bored, so it most likely means it was a planned attack.’ Tessie thought but didn’t care to join the debate.

“We’ve got company.” The team leader alert them as the surveillance devices they placed on the trees at the outskirts of the forest picked up something.

“Shit!” The team leader cursed when she saw who the intruders were.

“They are here!” She said as the team turned to see Luciano and Damon walking out of the forest.

“Where is Blake?” Tessie couldn’t help but ask.

“Maybe they split up and he was the one that soloed team 5 because these are the 2 that my arrays picked up.” The team leader said.

“If that is so then we actually have a high chance of winning.” A team member said raising the morale of the entire team.


At the outskirts of the forest, Luciano, Damon, and Blake who was wearing night veil walked out of the forest.

They knowingly triggered the array, and because of the distance, Blake knew they wouldn’t be able to see or sense him.


Check out 3_Sins_Studios works: Deviants and Reborn in a Magical World: From Cultivator to Mage.

The account is a group work from me and two other authors. Hope you like it.

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