My Servant Is An Elf Knight From Another World

Chapter 698

Chapter 698: Great Expectations

Bad news struck the set like a stampede of elephants billowing through.

Nobody foresaw it, nobody could have expected it, but get this: the shooting of the movie was going to be put on halt.

I know, shocker right?

The announcement came blindsiding us just moments after Mr. Shades sacked one of our more pivotal characters. With a heavy heart and fighting back tears, he expressed his regrets that there was just simply no way to continue production until we found ourselves an Elidna to move forward the plot.

Every other plot point had been shot, and all that was left were the scenes involving the Elidna which unfortunately was seventy percent of the plot being that she’s kinda one of the party members Leonardo enlisted to serve his cause... so yeah, it’s a bit of a hurdle.

The Director implored each and every one of us to lend a hand in the search, turn into an honorary talent scout in order to find anyone that could qualify for the position of an ancient blood-lusting predator both revered and feared by all.

As it so happens, I think I might know a predator or two that closely fit the bill here... but one gets a headache in the center of attention, and the other would most likely rather die than partake in the moronic indulgences of an inferior species... so it looks like for the time being, we’re all just gonna have to keep searching.


“No point getting discouraged,” Leonardo chimed in, attempting to reinvigorate a dispirited cast and crew. “This time next week, I’m sure we’ll have everything all sorted out. In the meantime, just think of this as being a nice long Christmas break. We’ll all come back, and everything will all be fine.”

I admire his optimism, but considering our psychotic perfectionist of a director, give him a million candidates and I doubt he’ll even be the slightest bit satisfied unless he’s actually got the real deal.

But, ah well, I got my own problems to worry about at the moment... more specifically, within just a short few hours... judging by the sinking sun tinging the cityscape in a dimming orange glow.

Was it really this close to evening, already?

“I suppose this is goodbye for quite a while, huh?”

Leon had found his way back to me, leaning back on the same wall I was resting on. He sighed loudly, unclasping his heroic robes and letting them fall as a bundle on the floor.

“Was hoping we’d get enough footage to scrap up a trailer in time for the Asteria Expo coming up,” He continued on, unstrapping his sword as he did. “But the big boss says that’s going to be pushed back too. If only Amanda was here, you know? She’s probably the only one here that’d be able to talk him back into rehiring that poor Elidna.”

“Now that you mention it...” I muttered, reaching down for my phone, both chain and ring dangling wildly as I raised it up to my face. “Should probably notify her about what just happened here.”

“Already did,” Leon said. “Hasn’t read it yet though.”

Probably still fast asleep then. Lucky her.

“Speaking of Amanda...” His sword fell with a dull thud onto his robes, nearly drowning his next set of words. “She’s your girlfriend, right?”

I paused whatever I was doing, and away from my phone, I narrowed my eyes at him. “You’re asking...?”

“Because I’m a little confused on the specifics, actually,” Leon said, his gaze directly forward at the Elf in the distance absentmindedly wandering through the wonders of the film set. “If you’re with Amanda, then Ash to you is... what? A close friend? Doesn’t look like it to me though.”

Oh, great, I love these kinds of questions. Always look forward to trying to explain the inner workings of my relationships... especially the romantic kinds.

“It’s complicated,” I muttered, and dearly hoped he’d leave it at that, but surprise, surprise, ‘course he didn’t.

“Not that complicated,” He said, giving me a weird stare. “You’re either with her or you’re not, which is it? And if you are with her, then you can’t possibly be with Amanda too.”

“Yeah, well,” I muttered a little quieter. “You’d be surprised at what kind of things are possible.”

“And Tyler’s been telling me weird rumors about you too.”

Goddamnit Tyler.

“That you’re with that Adalia girl too, that’s her name, right? And that detective at the party... I notice she seems awfully close to you. Granted, he was drunk when he was telling me but... hey, I’m just asking.”

And I really wish you’d stop asking.

Luckily before the grilling could get any hotter, a loud demanding yell coming from the center of the set beckoned Leon’s name, bringing the conversation to its deserved death.

“Boss again,” Leon groaned, walking away. “Guess I’ll see you around then.”

“Talk soon,” I said, while actually having no intent to. Nothing personal, Leon.

Y’know, I really should stop spilling my secrets to Tyler ’cause one of these days I’m gonna say something seriously incriminating and it’ll come back to bite me in the ass in the worst way imaginable.

Hell, it almost did. Don’t think Leon was the kind of guy to be chill with the knowledge of knowing how my relationship works. At any rate, dodged the bullet this time.

“Time for us to go, Ash,” I called out to her, slightly alarmed by the current time flashing on my phone screen. “There’s somewhere else I gotta be soon.”

Ash was extremely preoccupied with surveying all the strange gadgets and doodads that went into the movie-making experience, but immediately looked up at me upon hearing my voice, her expression a blank one as she processed my words.

“Somewhere else, Master?” She repeated in question. “Meaning to say, you will not be resting at home this evening either?”

“Busy day,” was all I could say. “I’ll drop you home first, get change, and then I have to meet Amanda at her place soon for-”

“A date?”

I smiled, beginning to walk. “Was actually gonna say dinner. But yeah, I suppose it is kind of a date in a way.”

“I see...” She said, slowly trailing after me, and from afar she wore a rather peculiar look that didn’t seem to exist the moment she got closer. “And I suspect that for this occasion, Master... it will not be quite appropriate for me to accompany you.”

She sounded pouty. She sounded cute.

“Very inappropriate indeed,” I affirmed. “I’m meeting her parents tonight, so yeah...”

“Ah,” She nodded, fluttering ears sensing the tone in my voice. “The heavy burden of others’ expectations. An unenviable predicament. I sympathize, Master.”

“Yeah, well, so long as they’re not expecting Mr. Perfect, I should be good.”

“Not perfect?” Ash cocked her head. “Tell me then, who do you hope they’ll be expecting to meet tonight?”

“I guess, uh... Mr. Adequate sounds about right.”

“Adequate,” She lightly, endearingly scoffed. “Oh, how you demean yourself sometimes, Master.”

“Well, not to you obviously,” I quickly said. “But parents are, well they’re... they’re something else. Breathe too loudly, blink too slowly, that’s me condemned.”

“Your breaths are light, and your blinks are indiscernible,” Ash assured. “I suggest you quell your worries, Master. As you are, I’m confident you’ll exceed any and all expectations.”

“So just be myself, huh?” I said, leading us down the stairwell to the ground floor. Amanda said the same thing too, and while I was already intending on doing that, I still can’t help but wonder and ask, “Really believe that’s good enough?”

“It’s enough for Amanda, is it not?” She stopped in place, staring, affections glittering in a bright tender green. “And I don’t suppose you need any reminders as to how I behold you in my own eyes, do you?”

“No, I suppose not,” I said. “But I wouldn’t mind hearing you say it again anyway.”

Ash chuckled at that, stopping before me and reaching up to adjust a crook in my top hat.

“Stand tall, Master,” She whispered. “Perfection does not hunch.”

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