My Servant Is An Elf Knight From Another World

Chapter 658

Chapter 658: Dawning Reality

So I guess I’m down one jacket now. Shame... I really liked that one too.

Not sure what much use Adalia can actually garner from it other than holding it in her hands there like some kind of child’s blanky, or wearing it... she’s trying to wear it now... to great appeal, surprisingly... and now I’m just wondering why other people look better in my clothes than I do.

Hey, perhaps I could count this as her Christmas present, maybe? She’s content, she’s happy, she’s put it cause she liked it, didn’t she? Why not? It’s a valid idea, and no, it’s not a cop-out idea, I don’t even know what that word means.

“We got a Christmas tree being delivered here in the evening,” I said, peering at her through the railings near the top of the stairs. “It’s pretty big, pretty dull... you wanna help us make it look Christmas-worthy?”

From this angle, she was more jacket than vampire, it’s like it was devouring her, with only her gaze barely peeking through the collar, which fell glumly slowly after hearing my words.

“Christmas is... really bright...” She muttered. “Will the tree... be bright too...?”

Ah, right... I forgot about that tiny glaring detail there. Who knew Christmas could be such a great vampire ward?


“Yeah, ‘fraid so,” I answered, frowning back. “It’ll be in the living room too, so don’t think you’ll be able to sleep as well as before for the next few days.”

“I see...” She quietly, and no other two words ever stung me as hard with guilt. “I’ll... help...” except maybe those two too.

“Sleep in my room if it gets too much, problem solved,” I quickly suggested. “I’m good, I can take the couch.”

The air around Adalia seemed to improve almost immediately. I can tell she liked the idea... she’s already been doing it a lot more as of late anyway, but now with my vocal consent, she finally had the all-go.

Except apparently, the deal wasn’t yet enticing enough for her.

“Don’t... go away...” She said. “Stay... with me...”

Of course...

“And sleep with you?”


Terrifying bloodsucking apex predators of the night, everybody, Matriarchs... can’t you tell? Getting goosebumps already.

“Just try not to rip the sheets,” I conceded with a smile. “Or me, for that matter.”

Finally there, rising out from her misty blank stare-satisfaction.


Leaving a pacified Adalia to her newly-owned jacked, I marched across the second-floor hall, my priorities first and foremost, to reach all the way to Ash’s room on the other end-fingers already reaching for the doorknob, a smile already wide and bright-only to instead almost break my nose against the sturdy rigidness of a door that suddenly wouldn’t open.

I twisted the doorknob again, but just like the first time, it wouldn’t turn.

What the hell...

“Ash?” I called out, lightly knocking, and pressing the side of my head against the hard wood. “You awake? It’s me, I’m back.”

Faint shuffling and scampering about answered me back from the otherside, which pretty much answered my question for me... except it wasn’t exactly the answer I was looking for.

I knocked again. ” Ash, are you alright in there?”

“F-Fine, Master. Just fine!” spoke a muffly, gravelly, twitchy voice... louder now as the shuffling grew closer to the door. “Um, I-Is there something in particular that you require of me?”

“No, not... not really, I just...” I drew back, staring at the closed door, utterly bemused at what I was hearing. “Is there something wrong? Why’d you lock the door?”

“Oh, regarding that, of course... um, yes...” and that was all she wrote. Seriously this nervousness, this timidness... wasn’t expecting to come back home to this, I’ll tell you that much.

“I... I’d simply like some time to reflect on things,” Ash finally explained. “And on my own for that matter, I must insist. I wish to not see anyone for the time being... just for a while... if... if you would allow me this, of course.”

I backed off instantly after that, pulled my face away from the door, and took a step away, the smile on my face quickly fading. Yeah, I suppose I should have seen this coming. If I can barely even process the things I saw last night, I can’t even begin to imagine what it’s like for her.

Once the sleepiness wears off, and reality and sense start coming back into focus... for her, it must hit like a truck. Tearing open such an old scar,

“Yeah, yes, of course, go for it,” I said after a while of silence, keeping the levity in my voice. “Take all the time you need, Ash. Just call if you need anything, alright?”

“I will,” She responded back, and I heard her breathe a sigh of relief. “Thank you, Master.”

“Sure...” Now that should have been my cue to start turning the other way, but surprise, surprise, I didn’t. I continue to just stand there, staring. I didn’t feel like going. Not yet anyway. “Do you need me to make something for you first?”

“I prepared a meal while you were gone, I’m fine, Master. Nevertheless, I appreciate your concern.”

“I-I see...” I said, feeling a bit surprised at that. “Then surely that means you’re feeling better now, right?”

Ash made a sound, and I could practically see her head nodding through the closed door. “Significantly better, yes,” She affirmed, only to then expel out a loud cough to the contrary. “For the most part.”

“Good, that’s really good to hear,” I replied automatically, feeling a sense of awkwardness slowly creeping in as I continued to loiter around. “In that case, um... we got a Christmas tree being delivered this evening. Sera’s pick. So if you’re feeling up for it, maybe you’d like to join us with the decorating part later? It’s a pretty big tree, y’know?”

“Ahh...” and in the silence, I could almost hear her contemplating. “It’s an alluring prospect, perhaps... yes... that sounds quite nice, Master. Perhaps, I really should...”

“No need to force it, no pressure, alright?” I told her, swaying and twisting around in place. “Can always save you a pinecone or something later to hang yourself. Just think about it if you want it.”

“Yes, of course...” She said, and it just felt like she was just rewording the same three lines. “You’ve very kind, Master.”

Seriously I felt like a concerned mother gaining stress lines from fretting over her estranged daughter too much or something. Maybe if I saw her, I’d feel better. If she would just open the door... if I could only just see her for myself, but alas...

I took my hand off the doorknob.

“Feel better, Ash.”

I turned around, one foot after the other. I was slow the first few steps in case she said something else. But there was nothing, of course. The whole way through, from one end of the hall to the other-nothing.

Suffice it to say, our first proper interaction after that long night we had last night did not exactly go over too well... and once I got to barging into my room, that was when the deal was officially sealed for me: I’m never gonna stop anguishing about this, aren’t I?

“Aw, man...”

I threw myself into a freefall and allowed my soft bed to cushion the blow which also kinda sent an unsuspecting Mr. Black rocketing up into the air... and I only managed to whimper out a feeble sorry to his reproachful stare before he turned tail and scurried out of the room.

Great. Now not only am I a moody man, but I’m also a moody, abusive man too. You’re breaking waves, me.

Laying there, I had the sincerest of intentions of continuing to just sink into my mattress, only for a sudden thought to intrude upon my somberness, having me groaning, having me rising...


At the very least, I can’t disappoint Adalia. At this point, it’s all I’m good for. I quickly got changed, hoping a change of attire would somehow lighten my mood. Spoiler: it didn’t.

Still, they don’t call me Chester the Suave for nothing. A few practice runs in the mirror, and I’m all smiles and daisies again. But before I could start jolly walking out the door, I felt and heard a familiar buzz and ring from deep in my pocket.

Y’know, I remember a time when I would take a call only like once per week, two if I’m lucky. Now it’s like if I don’t get one per every period of the day, then something’s wrong.

As usual, I played the same guessing game in my head as I began rummaging for my phone.

Was it Amanda with the next shooting schedule? Could it be Irene calling for an actual reason to worry? Did Nick change his mind about closing the store, and was on the other end fuming that I wasn’t already at the counter when he got there? No wait, telemarketer-yes, can’t wait to hear all about the good deals in healthcare that I just can’t possibly pass over. I mean, God knows, I certainly need it.

Certain with every guess, I lifted the phone to my eyes, and instantly felt them widen-seeing all of my answers incorrect.

“Sammy?” I said aloud in surprise.

Then as I tapped the big green button, and placed the speaker over my ear, I played the second guessing game that comes right after-just what on earth could she possibly have in store for me?

Not healthcare, that’s for sure....

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