My Sect System

Chapter 320 Completion

The last six month of training has started and disciples have started to learn the basic of martial arts and they have started to spar against each other so that they can start to learn utilizing their strength.

Jian has also created several other task for them so that they can be able to practice with the help of the task and learn unpredictability of the things.

Aside from going to the forest he has also given them some other task which required them to collect the information from other two Star sect even though both task were very risky the disciples were able to focus and complete them.

Due to completing several other tasks and continuously practice the air around the disciples have started to change and they have started to feel more mature as compared to before.

Seeing this progress Jian and other elders were very happy because they had not expected that the disciples will be able to progress this faster but why is the disciples were progressing the system immediately informed one thing which caused him to frown.

Because the system has informed him that even though the disciples are progressing but they are progressing at very fast pace due to that their Foundation can be damage so after the competition is over he would need to tell the disciples who are going to take part in the competition to stop cultivation at least for six month so that their Foundation can stabilize.

Jian has already expected that there would be other troubles because he was able to see the disciples were increasing their strength at fast speed but due to that he knew that their Foundation will be affected so after hearing the systems confirmation he was not that shocked.

He already knew that there would be trouble but he had not expected that it would be this fast so he understood that he should have tell decibels that after the competition over they have to not cultivate for an at least more than 6 month because their Foundation is not stabilized enough.

Aside from that he was happy that there was some reaction after the changes in the profession Tower disciples are started to pass first level of the test and slowly slowly they are getting hang of it.

Progress was continuing and disables variable to successfully learn everything for now all Jain has to do look after the disciples till the time is over and then let them go to the competition and get a proper rank.

Times slowly fast it has been 3 month since the new training started and only 3 months are remaining for the competition to starts and before that he has decided that only for 2 months the training will continue and for the last month decibels will rest and they will do what they want to do.

Aside from that in Buddhist 3 month is able to go through all knowledge he has gathered been the secret and has successfully understood everything which was inside these knowledge.

He has learn many different things she has not even heard of an he couldn't even imagine that he was he will be able to learn this many thing and after going through all information he has created a plan which would would be very useful after the competition is over.

The knowledge he has gathered would be very useful for him to upgrade the set and with that he will be able to gain other things which would be very very special for his sake.

But after going through the information he didn't start to work on it but focus on helping the disable because it was more important for now and other disciples have completed more mission which has helped them gathered use contribution and due to that the variable to exchange all cultivation technique which is very beneficial for them.

He also has started to explain them everything related to profession so that they can be ready when the competition is over because he doesn't want them to waste their time is they can't get proper rank in the competition.

Last 3 months training has been very fruitful and very important for the disciples now only 2 months of training is remaining and after that is completed disciples will be ready to take part in the competition.

And in final 2 months he is going to pressure them and increase the speed of training so that they can be exhausted completely and they will be finally ready for the competition.

For the last two month the task they had to complete and he also increase the sparing that was against the disciples aside from that he told them to continuously practice basics of every techniques so that it can be perfected.

Aside from that he told them to continuously do other things which can keep their body relax because if there able to utilise The Spiritual Qi continuously then they will get high control over it and they will be able to survive inside the competition.

Aside from that for last month he has separated disciples with physique and without physique and told him to spar against each other but they are not allowed to use their strength because the system has told him that in the competition there cultivation becomes equal so it would be good that they get practice of fighting without using their full cultivation so that they can be ready for the competition.

At first disciples without the physique were not able to handle the situation because the abilities of the physique are completely different from the techniques but Jian and other elders explained them that they can think of it as a technique and they have to think of a way which can help them avoid the ability.

The disciples without the physique were confused at first but when he explained them using the ability of Yu Yang's physique they finally understood and how to avoid the ability.

So slowly they were getting hang of it and seeing this progress Jian and the elders were happy because with this disciples will survive inside the competition and it is guaranteed that many disciples with the single type of physique will be present so it would be good if they were it able to experience different type of abilities.

Aside from that for the last two months he has completely banned them from using their Qi and strength so that they can be ready for the competition.

And with these finally the last two month also came to an end it has been 11 months since the training started and today finally all trainings have been completed and the disciples are ready for the competition but before he ended the training he reminded the disciples that even though the training has ended they can't relax and forget about the training they have continuously meditate on everything they have learnt in the last 11th month.

Because Jian didn't wanted them to forget the training because every thing they have learnt would be beneficial for them and useful for them so he told that they have to continuously remember and go through simulations even though their body will be resting their Minds shouldn't be resting.

Hearing this all disciples agreed with Jian's suggestion and elders were also happy that the disciples were able to understand the situation now only one month is remaining for the competition and everywhere in the city every sect all of them are preparing their disciples for the competition.

Now for one last month he told them to completely rest their body and only meditate for few hoursday otherwise they have to do nothing just read the information in scripture hall and nothing else.

Because for last 11 month they have continuously trained and their bodies have been exhausted because before the competition they should completely recover and their strength would be increased after recovering so he told them to rest continuously.

And after that for the last month he was keeping eye on the disciples because if one wrong step from the disciples can destroy them and their training for the last 11 months Jian and elders had to keep an eye on.

Now all had to do was wait for the one month to pass so that the competition can start aside from looking after the disciples Jian has started to send Yu Yang to the city so that he can gather all information about the competition from the sect tower and other pavilions.

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