My Power is Upgrading Everything (Rewrite)

Chapter 179: The Fox Deity Appearance

Chapter 179: The Fox Deity Appearance

I've added this fanfic to my P4treon Page, support me to read advanced chapter there and motivate me to write more chapters for you guys!

Check the Synopsis for the Link~!

--- Chapter 176 ---

It was nap time.

Huo Yuhao is lying on the couch and hugging Huo Yun'er, or he could say cuddling with her to relieve his longing. He also meditated to restore his Spirit Energy because adding six ladies into his peerage drained so much energy.

Thankfully, it's not 10% of his energy per peerage member, but the whole peerage itself. Well, there is a benefit to having quadruplet martial souls with a near-endless reservoir of Spirit Energy.

He could always gather more energy, but a "pause for recharge." in the middle of a heated battle would be dangerous. Even for a tiny fraction of a second, an enemy could catch him off guard like the Nether God's attack.

That would be disastrous.

'Should I create another energy pool?' A thought flashed in Huo Yuhao's mind.

'Nah, that will cause an imbalance in my current state. I achieved harmony after years of training. Changing it won't be easy.'

Unlike Theomars, who got reseated to a blank state because of the monster's ambush, Huo Yuhao couldn't do the same without the consequences. And losing his cultivation now would be detrimental to conquering High School DxD's world.

'Then... Why don't you make an external reservoir? Tian Meng suddenly commented as if it wasn't a big deal. 'There is no rule saying a Spirit Master couldn't do it, no?'

"..." Huo Yuhao couldn't believe his ears for a moment.

'N-No way, Sister Daydream. You. You're actually so smart.'

'The Fuck! What do you mean by that?!' Tian Meng was furious when hearing Huo Yuhao's slander against her. The audacity of this motherfucker.

Huo Yuhao smiled and returned, 'I meant... You always act perverted and edgy when something unique happens. Who would have thought you could solve a problem like this.'

Hearing that, Tian Meng was speechless.

Bing Di slapped her knees and laughed loudly, pitying this worm because what Huo Yuhao said was true. Tian Meng had never shown any significant help besides some nitpicky comments.

Eluxia, the Calamity Necromancer, always overshadowed Tian Meng in Spiritual Field. And it's a fact.

Even Helena was surprised when Tian Meng could say such a simple yet correct answer. 'To be fair, Papa is overthinking his problem. The better answer is always the simplest one.' She spoke her thoughts.

'Having a bright mind is sometimes troublesome.'

Huo Yuhao laughed and accepted any advice that benefited him, having fun teasing Tian Meng for a couple of minutes.

Opening his eyes, Huo Yuhao returned to the real world.

"How was it? The nap must be refreshing." Huo Yun'er rested her head on his arm.

Huo Yuhao nodded and replied, "Yeah. It helped me gain some ideas to make Dragon Nest stronger."


"Yes, Master~!" A small yet adorable holographic fairy leaped from Huo Yuhao's watch. "Do you need something?"

"Start a project under the name of "Universal Battery." on my private server." Huo Yuhao answered calmly. "Hints to Xiao Chen about this matter secretly."

"And use resources from blocks 9 to 17 for this project. I don't want to waste those precious materials."

"Should I add Azazel to this project, Master? Even though his personality is quite eccentric, he is proven to be bright-minded and a genius in the magic scientific field." Giana asked, to which Huo Yuhao responded with a chuckle.

"Why not?" He poked Giana's head gently. "If he's capable enough to gain your recognition, he could enter the team."

After all, Giana was "literally." created using his Soul Replica, meaning her judgment is no less than his. And she is technically Helena's older sister by default.

"Noted. I'll be notifying Azazel about this secretly." Giana disappeared and entered the Dragon Nest's server.

Huo Yun'er watched this and shook her head because Huo Yuhao was the coolest when doing his job. "Hao'er, about Kyoto's issue. Some rogue from the now-destroyed Khaos Brigade will appear tonight." She stated casually.

"Their motive is unclear, but knowing this small group's leader. His temperament is not very good."

"Was it Cao Cao?" Huo Yuhao questioned while stretching his limbs. The meditation is quite refreshing.

Huo Yun'er nodded and continued indifferently, "Yes, he is. That young man didn't know where he should stop."

"And Indra, A God from Hindu Faction, even backed him up."

"There is a possibility Indra is present there too. It's not like he could do anything against my beloved Hao'er, but please don't destroy Kyoto because it would be a massive loss for us."

"Why so?" Huo Yuhao was confused.

Huo Yun'er couldn't answer Huo Yuhao for a few minutes, clearing her throat nervously. "Kuhum, there are some important industries in Kyoto, and losing them will be a big loss for us."

She didn't explain the industries to Huo Yuhao, making him smile wryly.

Well, he could guess it more or less.

"Maybe it's time for Yae to have her own body, mom." Huo Yuhao commented, which made Huo Yun'er stunned for a moment.

She stared at him and giggled in defeat. "Haha... Nothing escaped those beautiful eyes of yours, huh? I thought Yae was covered with Godly Illusion already, but it seems less effective now."

'Switch with me for a moment, Yun'er. It's the first time your son noticed my presence.' A voice echoed in Huo Yun'er head.

"Yae wanted to talk with you. Are you okay with it?" Huo Yun'er asked, to which Huo Yuhao responded with a nod.

Closing her eyes, Huo Yun'er immersed herself in an illusionary world and changed places with Yae. And the first thing Huo Yuhao noticed once Yae opened her eyes was the fox pupil different from his mom's.

"Nice to meet you, I guess?" Yae gave him a smug look.

"I have many questions related to you, young man. Like how did you get my legacy."

"Anyway, that's not important now. Your mother is currently on the last step of her Deitification, a critical stage where one's soul transcends mortality and becomes a Deity."

"With me inside her, sounds weird... I know. Huo Yun'er couldn't become a true deity. A mountain can't have two tigers, well two foxes in our case, or a disaster would happen."

"That's why I wanted you to create a suitable vessel for me. It has to be a vessel with Yin and Yang nature, possessing a strong affinity toward illusion and fire element."

"Ah, also with big boobs and nice ass. Thighs as well." She added casually. "As for everything else, I leave it to you."

"I see that you're quite cultured like me and have nice taste in women."

"Seriously?" Huo Yuhao was taken aback by this woman's statements.

"I'm seriously serious. Women wanted to look beautiful no matter how old they were," Yae pouted while shaking her body. "Do you have a problem with it, hmm?"


"Great~!" Yae hugged him. "Take this as a small reward. As you finished my new body, this big sister is all yours."

"Oh yeah, Kyoto was one of Dragon Nest's most significant incomes this year. You better be careful with that Indra guy."

"See ya~!!"

[Ding! You have triggered two quests]

[Name: Kyoto's Safety]

[Objective: Protect Kyoto, Defeat Heroes Faction, and Kick The God of War Indra away from the location(0/3)]

[Reward: 1x Black Gold Upgrading Ticket and Yin-Yang Joyous Unification Art]

[Penalty: -10% of Yae Affection]

[Name: Yae's Request]

[Objective: Built or Obtain a suitable vessel for Yae(0/1)]

[Reward: 1x Black Gold Upgrading Ticket and World Travelling Ticket's Piece(1/4)]

[Penalty: -10% of Yae Affection]

[Do you want to accept these quests?]


Huo Yuhao accepted the quests because they would benefit Huo Yun'er in the long run. Even though The rule of Deitification is new to him, it is most likely similar to how a Limit Douluo becomes God in Douluo Dalu's Universe.

"That's quick." Huo Yun'er regained control of her body.

"Did Yae say something outrageous to you, Hao'er?"

"No, not really." Huo Yuhao smiled knowingly. "I handled someone similar all the time."

Huo Yun'er chuckled and commented, "Must be tedious."

"Yup." Huo Yuhao recalled Tian Meng in his Spiritual Plane.

"Gonna have a trip to the lab first. After that, I'll visit Kyoto with some ladies. Is that okay?"

"Do whatever you want. Mom is waiting here." Huo Yun'er said while resting on the couch. She grabbed the remote and changed the tv program to a drama.

'I wonder if all women went through the same stage...' Huo Yuhao glanced at the drama playing on the television. He called Grayfia through the peerage link and told her to meet him at the front door.

Ophis is attending Elementary Class in the Dragon Nest's Compound.

Gabriel is doing her job in the Library of Heaven.

Scathach and Qianye Ying'er went shopping for new clothes.

Huo Yuhao arrived at the front gate and was "immediately." greeted by a familiar-looking milf. He smiled and said, "It's been a while, Raikou-san."

"Ara~! Welcome back, Honey~!" Raikou answered while embracing him warmly. "I missed you."

"So, when is our date?"

"Uh..." Huo Yuhao reacted awkwardly. He did promise to spend more time with Minamoto no Raikou.

"Yuhao-sama?" Another three voices appeared simultaneously. And none of them were Grayfia.

Huo Yuhao turned around and saw Venelana Bael, Misla Bael, and Nico Robin standing with surprised looks.

"I'm back..." Huo Yuhao gave them a smile.

"Yuhao-sama~!" Venelana moved first and secured a spot on Huo Yuhao's left arm.

"Oh my, I can't miss my chance." Misla giggled, slowly creeping to Huo Yuhao's right arm.

Nico Robin stared at this scenery and felt slightly jealous, but her position was far near Venelana and Misla.

"How are you, Robin?" Huo Yuhao asked her.

"Eh? I'm doing fine." Nico Robin felt a throbbing sensation in her chest. Oh god, she couldn't help but feel overwhelmed when seeing Huo Yuhao's smile.

It was Qianye Ying'er fault.

'If only Sister Ying'er didn't bring me to her cult...' She always thought of herself as a strong-willed woman, but Qianye Ying'er temptation is like the devil whispering to her ears.

"What perfect timing. Do you guys want to follow me?" Huo Yuhao clapped his hands. "I'm going to Kyoto."

"Okay~!" The four of them responded instinctively.

Grayfia Lucifuge arrived using her teleportation magic and witnessed Huo Yuhao get surrounded by four beautiful women.

'I left Yuhao-sama for a few hours, and women swarmed him like moths around a fire. Yet, it's acceptable because I couldn't handle him myself.' The Devil Maid recalled their first time, blushing a little.

Joining the crowd, Grayfia would never think they would go to Kyoto again.



Several hours have passed in the Dragon Nest's hidden lab. Huo Yuhao sighed and said, "We are almost there."

"I'll bring the prototype with me. Try to make a better one while I'm away." He grabbed a blue cube-like device on the metal table.

Xiao Chen and Azazel lie on the floor in half-dead conditions because working under Huo Yuhao is like hell. This guy's mind works too fast for them to handle.

Azazel is a genius, but Huo Yuhao developed this project from scratch with his god-like processing mind. It doesn't take them an hour to create a "Universal Battery." or what they call "Mana Cube." now.

"Did I hear correctly, "Prototype," he said. It took me years to develop something like Artificial Sacred Gear, but he created something like this so casually." Azaazel complained while slamming his head on the floor.

"What a Monster."

Xiao Chen laughed and added, "Haha... Our boss is more absurd than you thought."

"And don't just call it Prototype."

"After all, the Mana Cube is a revolutionary device."

"It could power up our "Hundred." for days."

"Yeah..." Azazel has to agree with Xiao Chen. "Who the hell came up with the idea of creating a storage device that could reserve the sun? The amount of energy it could store and strengthen Spirit Master is insane."

"I bet we have to make the inferior version soon, cus no way in hell people could use this device..."

"Pfff... You predicted our demise." Xiao Chen chuckled in defeat.

"But! It was fun!"

"Yeah. HAHAHA~!" Azazel laughed maniacally.

Today, the Mad Researcher and Weapon Maniac became best friends.

"By the way, can you share this "Hundred." data things?" Azazel suddenly asked.

"Nope, Search it yourself!"

Huo Yuhao teleported out of the hidden lab, arriving at the peaceful-looking garden.

"Sorry for making you guys wait." Huo Yuhao said while looking at the five beautiful women under the pavilion. "Let's go."

"Yes, My Lord/Honey/Yuhao-sama~!"

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