My (Monster?) Hero Life

Chapter 218: Valued

Chapter 218: Valued

It did not take Kace long to stop marvelling at all of the new wonders. They were basically just primitive versions of similar things from his old life. The only difference lay in their operating principles. The crowd had followed them all the way to Shagrat's mansion. They kept a respectful distance when the procession crossed the threshold into the surrounding area of the mansion.

All of them knew that they could be killed for approaching the building without permission. After all, it was technically the seat of power for the seed that was their aspiring monster nation. Kace secretly approved of their fear towards the place. It at least meant that he would not be troubled while he was inside.

Kace knew the building like the back of his hand. He had spent a fair bit of time here before he had left. However, he was surprised when Shagrat led them towards one of the larger rooms situated in the mansion. He usually preferred one of the smaller rooms to talk with anyone. Kace raised an eyebrow as his natural instincts warned him that there was danger behind the door that Shagrat was reaching for.

Since nobody was on high alert, he could guess what he should expect. Shagrat pushed open the heavy double doors and casually walked inside. As Kace followed him, he noticed a large, rectangular wooden table. It looked like it would have been an expensive piece, but that was not what he was focused on.

At the head of the table, there was an empty seat. To the right side, as Kace looked at it, there was an elderly goblin seated there. Kace did not know it yet, but this figure was Jarhk. Shagrat's closest advisor. Two eljein were seated in the following spaces after him on that side of the table. Followed by two trolls.

As for the other side, the first two seats beside the head one were empty. However, the large windows behind them were open. Two ancient wooden faces stared at Kace with mild curiosity from beyond the open windows. These were clearly the treant representatives. Directly after them were two orcs. Leaving the remaining two seats on that side empty as well. 

Shagrat smiled Kace as he offered him the empty seat at the far side of the table. Directly opposite the empty one at the head. 'I guess they really didn't want to put this off.' Kace studied the ensemble of different leaders in the room. It was clear to him that they were eager to begin this meeting.

Kace kept himself composed as he took the offered seat, he observed Shagrat as he took the position of honour at the table's head. That action confirmed for Kace that the others were indeed allowing him to rule. 'Allowing' was the best term to use here. Since Kace doubted that Shagrat would be able to win against any of the others who were seated around the table. Well, he could maybe win against the old goblin.

"Your Majesty, before we begin, may I ask something?" Kace suddenly asked as his eyes went to the two empty by his left side. He had noticed that his group was made to wait outside as a goblin servant began to close the door.

"Go ahead." Shagrat was surprised by his sudden request, but he would never deny it.

"Are these two spaces reserved for another race?" Kace waved an open palm towards the remaining seats.

"Hm, no. Not right now, anyway. They just so happen to be the spots left for any valuable allies that we gain. Why do you ask?"

"Don't you think it would be a good opportunity to have the vampires with me join us?" Kace had to ask since he promised Sophia, but he did not miss the tone in Shagrat's voice when he mentioned the words' valuable allies'.

The look on the other leader's faces became dark as they stared at him. A heavy tension permeated the room, causing Kace to grow wary. He released his bloodthirsty aura to suppress and contain the combined one that the leaders were generating to counter its effects. It was clear that it was not intentional. The use of an aura just so happened to be a natural instinct for monsters. Usually, it was connected to how they were feeling at that particular moment.

Kace was different in this aspect, he could properly control his own. This was due to the mix of DNA that made him who he was. Humans were completely aware that some animals could detect murderous intention directed towards them. So naturally, the heroes had learnt how to control their own aura's. At the same time, the spider and wolf parts of him had a natural ability to conceal their aura's when hunting. 

Most of the representatives got a shock when Kace's cold and threatening aura cut through their own to attack their senses. The only ones who were able to hold their ground against it were the eljein and treants. Kace got a bit of a surprise when he realised that the elderly goblin was also unaffected. Even though Shagrat was even clearly struggling beneath his pressure.

"Enough! This matter is irrelevant." The ancient voice of Elderbeard swept throughout the room, dispelling the hostile auras with ease.

"And why is that?" Kace growled as he threw an irritated glance towards him.

"Hmph, there are only two of them. They simply are not valuable enough! They can not match the contributions of any other race around this table. That is the basic requirement for joining this council." Elderbeard's voice carried the weight of a few millennia's worth of wisdom. Making the other leaders nod their heads and voice their agreement.

Kace gave each of them a cold and detached look. Making the weaker ones amongst them almost shrivel beneath his gaze. He saved Shagrat for last. He even gave him a look that displayed how disappointed he was. As Shagrat bowed his head slightly, he was about to say something when Kace suddenly stood up from his seat. They all gaped in shock as he marched towards the door.

"Where are you going!" Elderbeard challenged his actions, anger for the blatant disrespect was clear for all of them to hear.

Kace calmly glanced back at them and shrugged his shoulders. His eyes displayed how detached he felt from the whole situation. With a calm and steady voice, he finally answered.

"You turned down the vampires because there are only two of them, right? That makes them unworthy? What about me, then? I'm the only one of my kind. So by your standards, I'm only half as valuable as they are. So I'm simply taking my leave from where I'm unwelcome"

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