My (Monster?) Hero Life

Chapter 216: New Generation

Chapter 216: New Generation

A silence enveloped the crowd who stared at the imposing figure still standing on the airship. They were trying to compare their own personal images of the almighty Chimera to the one standing before them. Most of them had imagined a mighty four-legged beast that would devour anything in its path. So it was no wonder that they were shocked to discover that it actually had a humanoid appearance.

"Shagrat! It's been a while!" Kace said loud enough for everyone to hear, which was not hard considering how quiet the area had become.

There were many gasps of shock from the crowd. This was because of the sheer lack of formality between the two. This further solidified the rumours amongst them that the Goblin King shared a close relationship with the Chimera. Many of those from the various races lamented at this fact being openly displayed. All apart from the Goblins, of course. 

The crowd did not forget to empty their lungs with cheers as Kace stepped onto the ramp. The noise was far louder than what had been made for any of those who had walked that path before him. Kace could only shake his head as he descended. 'They're making too big of a deal out of this.' He complained to himself as he kept his eyes on Shagrat's figure. He took note of his now 'plump' figure as he approached.

His eyes only briefly scanned the Treants that were present, he was obviously curious about these new allies. 'They look like they are quite powerful. They must be responsible for the rapid progress in gaining territories in my absence.' Kace felt that he was right on the mark. Naturally, the goblins and orcs were quite low on the food chain when it came to monsters as a whole. 

However, the number of trolls and eljein were not enough to make so much of a difference. So the only other factor was the treants. They must hold a considerable amount of power to make up for the lack of their number. Kace could roughly guess that these beings were capable of wiping out large numbers of the low levelled heroes that were usually sent against them. Which would giving the monsters an advantage at the infantry level.

Kace strode past the group that he travelled with, and they fell in behind him. The crowd went silent again as Kace approached Shagrat. There seemed to be a slight tension in the air as they stared at each other. They were carefully studying the other's new look. Then Shagrat broke out in a wide smile, before offering his hand to Kace.

Kace grasped Shagrat's forearmed knelt down, embracing the goblin as a good friend and brother. The smile on Kace's own face was completely genuine. He was happy to see his old friend doing so well. The crowd broke out in another rowdy cheer. Seeing how close the two were probably meant that Kace would be helping in the war for a while at least. 

"Come, come! There's much for us to discuss! And I have to introduce you to the council as well! They'd never forgive me if I hog you to myself!" Shagrat heartily laughed as he let go of Kace to lead him into the city.

Just then, a small goblin suddenly broke through the crowd and raced as fast as he could towards Kace. The monsters who had been set as the honour guards looked perplexed. They could have stopped him, but the goblin had a somewhat special status. However, Kace's group was unaware of this as the Tu'Thrag tribe raised a battle cry. As far as they were concerned, this was an assassin belonging to a rival power.

The goblin had taken but two short steps past the honour guards when he froze in place. Something sharp could be felt against his throat as beads of sweat appeared on his face. There was an extremely threatening presence just behind his back. 

"One more move and your dead, kid," Shadow growled in his ear, his scythe was at the ready.

"HOLD ON!" Shagrat quickly roared as he realised what had caused the sudden uproar. At the same time, his eyes kept darting from where Shadow had been to where he was now. Confusion was evident on his face.

"Do you know him?" Kace asked, his voice full of curiosity as his gaze seemed to pierce the young goblin.

"Dhash! What are you doing! I told you to wait in the manor!" Shagrat was obviously furious at the recklessness of the goblin.

"I-I'm sorry! I just couldn't wait, though!" Dhash was obviously petrified. His life was hanging on the whims of the goblin just behind him after all.

"I apologise, could you ask your man to let him through? He's harmless, I assure you." Shagrat quickly bowed, as much as he could, towards Kace as he made his request.

The entire crowd was shocked to see one of the great leaders bowing in apology. Each one of them had a great army behind them. Whereas Kace only had a small force. How much power did the Chimera actually have in those numbers then? 

"Of course. It's a minor issue, after all." Kace replied with a pleasant smile as he waved at Shadow. The goblin quickly reappeared just behind him.

The youth still seemed too petrified to move. Even though the immediate threat was gone, he was worried if he would spark a similar reaction if he made a beeline for Kace as he had before. It took a few moments for Dhash to regain his composure. So many watchful eyes were focused on what he would do next. He moved at a slow pace to stand beside Shagrat, who was still throwing daggers at him with his eyes.

"Kace, let me introduce Dhash. Durz's younger brother. He's been eager to meet you." Shagrat gave Kace a complicated look.

"I was hoping that you could find the time to visit my brother's grave with me." Dhash gave a small bow in his direction.

Kace stared at the young goblin with a stupefied expression. 'I thought his body was never found!'

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