My (Monster?) Hero Life

Chapter 208: Homeward Bound

Chapter 208: Homeward Bound

For the first time in a long time, Kace truly felt fear. There was no telling how large the blast radius would be from those spells, and Sylvan had already confirmed that they were too powerful for him to defend against. 'Fuck! Is this how it's going to end?' Kace was completely against just giving up, but he had no idea how to get himself out of this one. 

At that moment, a large chunk of rock struck Phillip in the head. Causing him to lose the concentration needed to maintain his spell. The effect of his momentarily lapse of concentration happened instantly. As the two fireballs self detonated within his own hands. As an inferno erupted in Phillip's position, Kace could not help but look up. 

"TAKE THAT DICKHEAD!" Vaskra squealed in delight as she soared overhead. 

A smaller fireball emerged from the bluish flames of the inferno. Striking one of the wings of Vaskra's chair, turning it to ash in seconds. Vaskra performed a nosedive in her personal glider. Laughing like a maniac the entire time. Just before she smashed against the hard ground, she used an air spell to cushion her fall. Kace smiled to see the crazy shamaness survive her shenanigans.

The flames subsided to show a seriously burnt Phillip who was still alive and kicking. The robe he had worn had been completely burnt away, only a few pieces remained melted to his skin. All the hair that he possessed had been incinerated. He now looked like a less handsome version of a certain horror movie villain. Before any words could be exchanged, a roar of outrage echoed from the path behind Kace. 

"YOU! YOU'RE THE RESPONSIBLE ONE!" Yul roared as he eyed the lump of rock that was now laying at Phillip's feet. It was, of course, the chunk that Vaskra had taken from Yul's more delicate area.

Even Kace did not dare to move in that moment. Yul's full fury had been unleashed! The whole area grew cold, with overwhelming killing intent. The pressure from it was so severe that nobody could bring themselves to move a muscle. Phillip stared helplessly as the great mass that was Yul charged towards him. There was nothing that he could do to prevent his fate. 'What did I do to you?' Phillip pathetically complained to himself as Yul's foot came crashing down on him.

Kace stared in disbelief as Yul vented his anger. His massive frame continuously stomped on Phillip's dead body, turning his bones into dust. The tremors shook the mountains as Yul continued his tantrum for an entire twenty minutes. Nobody celebrated their victory, everyone just watched the beyond brutal punishment that this hero was receiving.

"Hmph! You died too quickly! You deserve a thousand more deaths!" Yul spat with frustration as he stared at the mangled mess that used to be Phillip.

"Um, you might actually get your wish," Kace replied without thinking, drawing Yul's attention to himself. 'Oh, fuck! Me and my big mouth!'

Kace felt uneasy beneath the scrutinising gaze of the giant. This was the first time they had met since he barely escaped a similar fate that Phillip had received. There was a curious look to Yul's ancient eyes as he studied the unfamiliar figure before him. There was something about him that reminded him of someone, but he could not quite place it.

"What do you mean?" Yul snarled as if daring Kace to lie to him.

"This hero," Kace gestured to the mess on the ground while sighing in relief since Yul failed to recognise him, "has the ability to resurrect himself. I've killed him before, but he obviously came back to life. I don't know how long it will take for it to happen, but you'll surely get the chance to beat him to death, again."

Yul's expression froze on his face for a while as he studied Kace. He did not detect any kind of lie at that moment. His mind quickly raced to think of all the horrors he could inflict on the puny hero as a wide grin broke out across his rocky features. A great laugh like a thunderstorm threatened to burst Kace's eardrums as Yul looked at Phillip's remains.

"I better keep you close then!" Yul said in a joyous tone, his mood took a turn for the better.

The monsters collectively stared at Phillip's remains with pity in their eyes. Yul placed a hand on the ground and a large jar like container formed. Completely sealing the remnants of Phillip within. After thinking for a few seconds, he created several small air holes in its lid. He did not want his new toy to die by suffocation as soon as he revived!

Kace felt the tension leave his body, he felt exhausted. The goblins were rushing to help Vaskra since she was now immobile without her chair. The figure of Shadow and a male goblin wearing a frilly dress could be seen amongst them. The lecherous gazes of the males from his own tribe and those Vaskra brought with her made Kace feel sick to his stomach. The Orcs were collecting trophies from the heroes they had slain. Whether they be weapons, armour or heads.

Grugda had reached Dao's worn-out body and had begun to treat his wounds. The look on his face was serious as if he had noticed something peculiar about Dao's wounds. Then, there was Sophia. She was upright but limping towards him. Her silky hair, matted with blood flowed in the breeze. It was obvious that she could do with some time to recover, as well.

When she was within arms reach of Kace, she half-collapsed into his arms. Resting her head on his chest. Kace subconsciously began to stroke her head, as if reassuring her that everything was alright. Together they stood like that for a while. Surveying the battlefield. They had lost quite a few allies in this battle, but in the end, they had secured their lives.

"It's over, isn't it?" Sophia asked a hint of hesitation, laced her voice.

"Yes," Kace replied to her softly, still unsure whether to believe it or not himself.

At that moment the goblins carried Vaskra to his side. She stared at Sophia long and hard, with a sour look on her face. Then something clicked in her mind before she smiled sweetly at Kace. That look of hers was the same one the male goblins were giving her! 

"You know, I think I deserve a reward when we get home!" Vaskra giggled as she directed this statement towards Kace. Batting her eyelids in an attempt to appear seductive. 

Kace was taken aback by her words. There was only one thing that she had said that had really caught his attention. An image of a town full of monsters swam into his thoughts from his memories. Accompanied by a Scottish sounding goblin king and thoughts of two long-dead friends. 'That's right Home'

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