My (Monster?) Hero Life

Chapter 200: A Burning Hatred

Chapter 200: A Burning Hatred

Several screams rang out from the mountains behind their group as Shadow and his companions went to work. Lunging out from the darkness to reap the lives of the unprepared heroes that they faced. The work was short and bloody as they quickly dispatched them, before returning to the shadow world to seek new prey.

In the meantime, Kace continued to charge forward, hot on his heels were the figures of Grugda, Vaskra, Sophia and Dao. Seeing their 'leaders' charging forward while yelling shook the others from their disappointing thoughts. More so, when they heard the distinctive cry of suffering humans in the mountains. Wicked grins spread throughout their ranks as they all yelled in their bloodlust. Surging forward as one entity, eager to catch up with Kace's small group.

Phillip swore from behind his hiding spot as he noticed that their ambush had been turned against them. He had spent too much time examining the group to pinpoint Kace but could not recognise him. 'Is he even here? Or did Vaskra give up and settle to bring this group back?' His mind was a violent vortex of thoughts and emotions. Delaying his reaction to the sudden onslaught.

"TAKE THEM DOWN!" He roared as he jumped out from his position, throwing a hastily conjured fireball down into the path.

Grugda began to cast a spell that would raise a sturdy Earth Wall to block the projectile, but Vaskra beat him to the punch. With a conceited grin at the Eljein, she sucked the air from the flaming fireball with a casual wave of her hand. Forcing it to burn out without ever posing a threat to them. Grugda smile and shook his head at her. Amazed at the growth she had experienced since they last fought side by side.

"Show. Off." Grugda grunted, before forming several Earthen Arrows and firing them at Phillip.

Phillip's eyes narrowed to small slits as he stared in hatred at the approaching spell. His attention diverted to the Eljein in the lead only to recognise the figure. 'That's definitely the one!' He roared in outrage as he recognised Grugda as being the Eljein that travelled with Kace. 'He has to be here!' His thoughts diverted to the heroes that had been ambushed out of sight.

'Is he up to his usual tricks then? Smart of him to separate from the main group! Finding him now will be difficult!.' Phillip had no care for the Earth Arrows approaching him as another hero by his side conjured a small Earth Shield that he held in his hand. The hero leapt in front of the spell to protect their commander, groaning from the impact as his shield clashed with Grugda's spell.

Many spells rained down from the mountains, striking at the monsters who were encroaching on their formation. As a wave of heroes specialised in close combat rushed down the slopes to meet their enemy head-on. Grugda and Vaskra had to stop their advance to focus on defending their group. Especially since they were the only two that could deal with the enemies assault magic. 

They split the task between them, as they constantly threw out spells to block, divert or counter their enemies. When Grugda could spare a moment, he would create walls on the mountain slope to block their enemies view of their troops charging uphill. This allowed the monsters to close the distance with minimal casualties.

The orcs may be battle maniacs, but they were not stupid. As they got closer to the heroes that wanted to engage in close combat, they began to hide behind Grugda's wall. This way, they could draw their enemies into fighting in an area where they could not receive the mages' support higher up.

As the two sides clashed a bloody mist erupted as the orcs savagely cut down tens of heroes in mere seconds as they entered the safe area that they were hiding in. A burst of brutal laughter erupted from their lips as they laughed and bathed in the blood of their enemies. This was how a battle should be! Outnumbered, outmatched, with only death or glory awaiting them!

Meanwhile, Kace, Sophia and Dao were rushing towards Phillip. Recognising him as the enemy commander due to his earlier yell. Initially, Kace was worried that a strong hero might have been hiding somewhere in the mountains. However, Phillip's blunder had allowed him to recognise that he had nothing to worry about. Or so he thought.

Phillip's eyebrows rose in confusion at the trio charging towards him. There was something familiar in the eyes of the male in the lead. 'Fuck me!' He studied the white hair with its black streak, then the monster's greyish purple skin in the lead, the slit that was its pupils and the red where the white of his eyes should have been. But there was one thing that stood out. The cold, golden glare of those eyes was something that he would never forget!

"YOU!" Phillip roared as realisation dawned on him. Kace looked so different from before that he had to be this close to him only to barely recognise the imposing figure. 'What the fuck has he done now!'

Kace smiled eagerly as Phillip lost his composure. If he had recognised him sooner, he was certain that Phillip would have had the heroes focus fire on him. However, it was too late now. They were too busy defending themselves from the monsters storming the mountains. That coupled with his goblin tribe, silently sowing discord in their rear ranks was already too much for them to bear.

A fireball flew at Kace from behind the Earth Shield wielder as Phillip focused his attention on him. Stampede! Kace flew through the spell, dragging a trail of embers behind him, unharmed. Dao created a blood dome to protect himself and Sophia from the spells blast and heat. He paled as the blood he used to form the protective ability evaporated due to the high temperature.

Phillip's face turned solemn as he stared at the unharmed figure of Kace emerging from his spell. The terrifying figure pointed a single finger at him then drew it across his throat. Phillip shuddered in outrage at the threat. 'Like fuck I'm dead! Time to get serious!'

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