My (Monster?) Hero Life

Chapter 193: Beauty And The Beast

Chapter 193: Beauty And The Beast

Kace gaped in disbelief at Vaskra. Since when was he her man? This? This is what she says first after seeing each other for the first time in ages? At first, he thought it was some joke she was pulling. But the look on her face said otherwise. To make matters worse, both women were staring at each other like they wanted to rip the others head off!

"Eh?" Sophia said in a mocking tone with her velvety voice. "I think you're mistaken."

"Mistaken?! I'll give you mistaken! Now let him go! Can't you see he's troubled by your ugly ass clinging to him!"

Kace almost choked when he heard Vaskra's insult. 'Yeah, that's rich. Coming from your wrinkly goblin ass.' Kace realised his mistake too late. The noise he had made from holding back, his laughter drew the attention of both women. 'Oh, shit!' Kace tried to look away and pretend he was not even there. At the same time, he was growing irritated at Sylvan's laughter at his situation, going off in his head.

"That's right! Kace can settle this himself!" Sophia declared triumphantly. Why would she not be confident? She was very confident in the looks that she had inherited from her mother. Then there was the fact that Kace had just barged in here and grabbed her like this. It was obvious that he was about to declare his affections for her! 

"Hm! You actually said something worthwhile! Go ahead and tell her!" Vaskra squealed in delight. There was no way that he would not pick her! She was obviously leagues above this pig in the looks department! On top of that, they were basically betrothed! They only had to sleep in the same bed one more night, and they would be a married couple!

Kace began to sweat bullets, luckily the steam from the bath just made it seem like he was too warm rather than trying to find a way out of it. On the one hand, he had Sophia, absolutely gorgeous and totally his type. That was only on physical appearance, though. Her personality and how she had treated him like dirt when they first met had left a bad aftertaste in his mouth. In summary, something he would be interested in while window shopping but would never buy.

On the other hand, there was Vaskra. Sure she was actually younger than Sophia, but she looked like shit to put it politely. For his tastes anyway. Even if he were to take her as a partner, there was no way he would be able to get his soldier to stand to attention! In fact, it would not surprise him if his soldier just so happened to go AWOL to avoid getting sent into that particular hell hole. He was fond of her, in the way you would be fond of a friend that you had no physical attraction towards at all.

Kace suddenly felt Sophia's soft chest pressing against him even harder. Her flat, toned stomach and attractive curves made his mind go blank as he forgot where he was for a moment. The blood rushed to his head, and suddenly he felt very faint. His vision began to darken, and all of a sudden, he felt a wave of hot water rush over his body before blacking out.

"What did you to him!" Vaskra screeched, as she tried to get out of her chair before she remembered that she was helpless in this situation.

"What did I do to him? Clearly, he found the thought of being with you so repulsive that it made him pass out!" Sophia yelled back as she dragged Kace's body from the water in a hurry. She cradled his head in her lap as she sat on the hard stone that was the edge of the makeshift bath.

The male goblins of the tribe who were listening in could not believe their ears. 'Does this woman even have eyes? How can she call this goddess repulsive?' Even though this was what they thought, they sincerely hoped that Kace would choose the ugly one. That way, Vaskra would be an unclaimed woman! That would mean that any one of them could turn out to be the lucky one to earn her affection!

Lorget, who was standing in the rear of the crowd groaned. He realised that his potential competitors had gone from one to the entire male population in mere seconds. After all, only he had spoken with Vaskra and had the knowledge that she was single. Since just a few hours ago, before she knew that Kace was his Lord, she was expressing an interest in a man that she had never met.

Lorget clutched at the edges of his dress as he tried to think of a way to make use of this information. 'The Lord never stated that they actually aren't a couple. So nobody else will even dare to make a move until it becomes clear. This is my chance!' Lorget was about to push through the crowd to offer to show her to a room. That way, he could get a little alone time with her.

However, the fates were not so kind. A large blast of air sent the entire crowd sprawling, including Lorget. As they were all stunned as to what had just happened two very concerned looking women sped past. One, carrying their lord in her arms with his head resting on her chest. Her long hair clung to her body, hiding her delicate parts. Not that they were interested in seeing them anyway.

The other pushed her chair along behind them. The concerned look on her face made her appear even more radiant in their eyes than she had been just moments ago. Once she was gone from sight, they all started to look at each other with a hunger in their eyes. Every one of them tried their best to make an intimidating face. It was clear that each one of them was telling the others to back off. Lorget looked on helplessly. 'I think I was wrong. Somehow I don't think they will wait for the Lord to make his position clear'

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