My (Monster?) Hero Life

Chapter 186: Too Late

Chapter 186: Too Late

Vaskra was shocked at the sight of Yul as he appeared fully reformed to his original size. She had no idea why the giant had followed them, but he could become an outstanding back up if they needed it. The only problem was that she had no idea where they were supposed to go from here. She picked a random direction and began to move off towards it.

"Are you looking for the nearest city?" Yul called out in his loud and accent voice.

"Um, yeah?" Vaskra replied nervously.

"It's in that direction." Yul pointed in the opposite way to where Vaskra was headed.

"How do you know?" She had to ask, there was always a chance that he was attempting to deceive them.

Yul sighed as he gestured towards his own height and the rocky mountain peak that Vaskra could not see beyond. She took the hint that he was basically calling her vertically challenged. Since he could see over the peak and she could not. 'God, I hate tall people! They rub it in you face every chance they get! Always making you look up to them as if they were gods!'

To be fair, this was the first time she had actually thought of something like this. It was actually rooted in her embarrassment from almost leading her group in the completely wrong direction. Such a mistake might have been enough for Kace to lose his life, so she had to vent her frustration somehow.

"Ok, what's your name big guy?" Vaskra asked the lumbering giant.

"Yul." He replied rather taken aback with the blatant disrespect that such a small and fragile creature was showing towards him. Usually, his very presence was enough to instil fear in even the hardiest of souls. Somehow he got the feeling as if she was talking to him as if she were above him in the pecking order.

'Is this why father refused to create a female of my kind? To think I resented him for it.' Yul shook his head as the small goblin blabbered along to him throughout their entire journey to the city. The rest of the group felt apprehensive just being so close to such an obviously powerful being. Yet here was their fearless leader talking down towards that very same existence casually. As if they had been friends for years!

A few of them were silently praying that she did not offend him in any way. It would not take much for him to flatten them like pancakes and ending their journey just short of their goal. Soon the city came into view of Vaskra and her group. It was deathly silent, and smoke still rose from the buildings within.

There were no guards on the walls, the gate was smashed to mere rubble, and there was not a single soul in sight! 'Oh, gods! We're not too late, are we?' Vaskra began to panic. Which was understandable considering this was where the guidance from her visions ended. If they failed to find Kace here, there was no telling where he could be. The heroes may have even killed him by now!

"Spread out! Look for any survivors! We have to find out what happened here!" Vaskra spewed her orders with the utmost urgency that she could muster. "Yul! Do me a favour and throw me!"

Yul stared at the tiny goblin as if she were crazy. Which she arguably was. If he were to throw her, then there would be no surviving the fall! 'Oh, wait. She did that thing back at the cave that let her fly?' Having remembered this fact, Yul saw no reason not to grant her request. He picked up the chair, goblin and all and threw her high into the air.

The glider's wings unfolded and let her get a birds-eye view of the place. Dead bodies of vampires were all over the place. It seemed like her worst fears had come to pass as she bit her lower lip in frustration. She was not willing to give up on Kace. Not yet! She circled the city a few more times just to make sure that she did not miss anything. 

Suddenly something caught her eye in one of the windows. A pair of eyes were watching her like a hawk. 'Perhaps they know what happened!' Vaskra lowered her altitude to pass by the windows and get a better look. When she peered in, there was nobody there though. The house was totally demolished on the other side, which would make it impossible for anyone to escape without her noticing.

She got the feeling of eyes boring into the back of her head. She turned around only to spot a frilly dress darting past the window on another demolished building. 'What the fuck is going on here?' She adjusted her course to try and catch the little girl to no avail. Every time that she thought she had her, she would suddenly appear in a totally different building. 

Vaskra was beginning to get the creeps from the mysterious girl.' She must be a vampire, right? It's probably one of their abilities. She's probably just too nervous to talk to a beauty such as me. She might even be mistaking me for a princess!' Vaskra managed to shamelessly convince herself that this was the reason for their game of hide and seek.

She began to notice a pattern to how the girl was choosing her buildings. They were always within a certain range of each other and were gradually getting closer to the out walls. 'I've got you now!' Vaskra felt triumphant as she soared straight past the last known location without pause and drew up beside the window of the only building left for her to choose.

The next moment a dark-skinned male goblins face appeared in the window wearing a wide-brimmed hat and a frilly dress. The pair of them got quite a shock for entirely different reasons!

'It's a trap!' Vaskra roared in her head as she realised she had been chasing a man. Which was something she was extremely used to.

'She's a goddess!' Lorget thought as he jumped back

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