My Mister Ostrich

Chapter 110.2 (Part 2) Wedding Banquet

Chapter 110.2 (Part 2) Wedding Banquet

Translated by Twelve_Months_of_May

We’re finally married! It’s been a 27 year long run! Has it been easy?!

When Gu Mingxi turned and saw him, he smiled. It wasn’t a fake smile, but he also didn’t look very happy. He said, “Dad, Grandma, you came. Let’s take a photo together.”

Pang Qian also turned, and when she saw Gu Guoxiang, her face went stiff. But when she noticed Grandma Gu, a smile blossomed on her face again. She said sweetly, “Grandma.”

Dong Yuan and Xiao Liang gifted a red envelope and Dong Yuan said, “My parents were a bit busy today so they couldn’t make it. They wanted to apologize and congratulate you on your marriage.”

“Thank you.” Pang Qian accepted the red envelope and then pushed Gu Mingxi off to the side slightly. She warmly greeted the others, “Grandma, Dong Yuan, let’s take a photo!”

Dong Yuan and Xiao Liang stood to one side of Pang Qian, and Grandma Gu stood next to Gu Mingxi. With a long face, Gu Guoxiang stood next to his mother, and the photographer took their picture.

When they were taking photos, Gu Mingxi asked quietly, “Dad, Ziyue’s not coming?”

Gu Guoxiang responded, “Oh, your aunt’s taking her to her piano lesson tonight.”

Gu Mingxi smiled. “Ah, it’s like that.”

Pang Qian brought them over to bridesmaid Zheng Qiaoqiao to take them to their seats. Zheng Qiaoqiao held the seating chart in her hands and asked Gu Guoxiang, “Are you with the bride or the groom?”

Gu Guoxiang said, “I’m the groom’s father.”

“…” Zheng Qiaoqiao gave him a strange look and then said, “Please come with me.”

The guests quickly arrived in waves. Wang Song and Li Xiaoyan walked up, hand in hand. One of the groomsmen, Zhou Nanzhong, called out to then, “You said you were coming to help, and then you end up coming so late! You’re drinking three cups later to make up for it!”

“Fine, three cups. Who’s scared?” Wang Song smiled happily. After gifting his red envelope, he pat Gu Mingxi on the shoulder. “Bro, congrats. Class 2 ended up with two romances. That’s definitely more than usual!”

“Thanks,” Gu Mingxi said. “Thanks for your help at the concert. I still haven’t treated you to a meal.”

“Help with what?” Zhou Nanzhong asked curiously. He didn’t understand, since at the time, he hadn’t returned from abroad yet.

Pang Qian glared at him. “Migrant workers shouldn’t worry about our city folk’s affairs.”

Zhou Nanzhong cried out, “Goodness, Crab, are you so heartless?! I came all the way back to be a groomsman, and you’re still treating me like this?”

As he said that, Teacher Dai and Jiang Zhiya arrived together. Teacher Dai happily said to Gu Mingxi, “Xiao Gu, Xiao Pang, congratulations! May your relationship last long and may you bear a child early!”

Jiang Zhiya laughed. “I wonder whether Gu Mingxi or Wang Song will be a dad first.”

Zhou Nanzhong laughed along. “I bet on Gu Mingxi! They’re lovers reunited after a long separation. Ah Wang’s like an old married couple already. Hahaha! A rain coming after a drought and grinding a metal rod into a needle are two totally different things!” (Note: Rain after a drought is kind of obvious, but the metal rod into a needle is a saying that means you can do anything with enough patience.)

Gu Mingxi and Wang Song, “…”

Jiang Zhiya looked at Zhou Nanzhong with disgust. “Gosh! Zhou Nanzhong, could you be any more obscene?!”

Wang Song said steadily, “Migrant worker, you bet on Gu Mingxi? What are you betting? What if you lose?”

“I’ll met a meal. A buffet meal at a revolving restaurant.”

Wang Song laughed. “Teacher Dai can testify. Migrant worker, you can go and make a reservation at the restaurant.”

Zhou Nanzhong, “…”

Pang Qian tugged Li Xiaoyan and asked, “You’re pregnant?!”

“Mm, two months.” Li Xiaoyan blushed and nodded her head.

The group started cheering. “Wow! Congrats!”

When Xie Yi arrived, his shining aura was like a star’s. All the bridesmaids eyes sparkled and the groomsmen clenched their teeth.

Xie Yi gifted Pang Qian and Gu Mingxi three red envelopes. Pang Qian was startled, “You really are tall, rich, and handsome. Gifting three red envelopes defies the order of things!”

Xie Yi was speechless for a moment. “One is from me, one is from Wu Min, and one is from Xiao Yujing. They’re both in America and can’t make it back. They should have told you guys already. I’m just a messenger.”

Pang Qian laughed. “I’m just kidding. Thanks for making it back from Beijing.”

Xie Yi raised his eyes. “If it were any other couple, I wouldn’t have anything to say. But Crab, it’s your and Gu Mingxi’s wedding. Of course I have to come. I was your matchmaker after all.”


Gu Mingxi looked at him with a hint of bitterness, but Xie Yi seemed not to notice as he said, “Gu Mingxi, speaking of, you really didn’t give me any face. Think of our relationship. You couldn’t even give our company the rights to one of your books? Tell me, why?”

Gu Mingxi said evenly, “Your bidding price was too low.”

With grief and indignation, Xie Yi walked into the banquet hall.

Pang Shuisheng and Jin Aihua were inside, their faces aglow, as they greeted the guests. They both wore new clothes, with a flower pinned on their chest, laughing along with everyone. A lot of guests were old employees from the metals company. They were Pang Shuisheng, Jin Aihua, and Li Han’s longtime friends, and they basically watched Pang Qian and Gu Mingxi grow up together. They were especially happy to come to this wedding banquet.

A few guests who still worked at the company went to greet and chat with Gu Guoxiang a bit. But for the rest who had already retired, they would, at most, greet him, “Chief Gu,” and many pretended they hadn’t even seen him. There were even a few particular people who asked him, “Chief Gu, the princess isn’t coming today?”

How could Gu Guoxiang not hear the mocking tone in their voices?

His face was gloomy. When he saw Li Chun’s family at a distance, Li Chun didn’t even glance at him. She just chat with Jin Aihua as Gu Mingxi’s relatives.

Gu Guoxiang looked at the joyous atmosphere and realized that it wasn’t at all how he’d imagined it to be.

A long time ago, Gu Guoxiang had once imagined going to Gu Mingxi’s wedding. Back then, he’d already had a stable and powerful position at work, with friends and clients all across the country. Even in E City, he knew many businessmen and people in the political circle. In front of others, Gu Guoxiang was refined, with great expertise and professionalism. He was smooth and slick, and everyone said his future had great prospects. But all those people didn’t know that behind his bright future, he had a heavily disabled son.

Gu Mingxi was a thorn in Gu Guoxiang’s heart. A tumor, a scar. He didn’t want to bring it up, but neither could he give it up.

Gu Guoxiang often had a headache when he thought about Gu Mingxi’s wedding. He’d attended many weddings of the children of high ranking officials. He’d gifted many red envelops and it had been a major question about how to receive that money back, because he didn’t want to let his friends know that he had such a special son.

When Pang Shuisheng had come to deliver his invitation, Gu Guoxiang asked how many tables there would be at the wedding. Pang Shuisheng said there wouldn’t be too many, about twenty. Gu Guoxiang had hesitatingly said, “Actually, my friends would probably need another ten tables.”

After Pang Shuisheng heard this, he laughed. “The banquet hall can hold at most 24 tables. Just wait for Ziyue’s wedding to invite those friends.”

He’d given a sincere suggestion, and for some reason, it made Gu Guoxiang’s chest hurt.

Gu Guoxiang had always thought that Gu Mingxi’s wedding would be a bit oppressive, simple, or even something others would laugh about. Other than the workers from the metals company, he actually didn’t recognize any of the other guests. Unconsciously, he could see from their eyes that those people weren’t making fun of Gu Mingxi.

He’d assumed that most of the guests would be from Pang Qian’s side and Gu Mingxi would have very few guests. But in the end, he found that he was wrong.

Pang Shuisheng came over to give Gu Guoxiang a smoke. He told him that the honest guy who’s helped with the preparations all day was called Shark, and he was a good friend of Gu Mingxi’s. And the two young guys who were busy helping out were both his good friends. That ordinary but indifferent looking man was a famous painting master, and he and his group were all Gu Mingxi’s teachers. That graceful woman in her 30s was Gu Mingxi’s agent, and they worked together. That table of young people and the kid were Gu Mingxi’s colleagues in Sanya. And those two tables of kids were all Gu Mingxi’s students. When they heard that he was getting married, they insisted on coming to the wedding and filled up two tables…

Other than Jian Zhe and Liu Hanlin, Gu Guoxiang didn’t recognize a single one of Gu Mingxi’s friends.

Outside the banquet hall, the makeup artist fixed up Pang Qian’s makeup once more and said, “The auspicious time is here. Time to head inside.”

Pang Qian turned to look at Gu Mingxi and smiled brightly. She said, “Mr Gu, are you ready?”

Gu Mingxi smiled and nodded. “I’m ready. Mrs Gu, are you ready?”

Pang Qian took the bouquet that Wu Feiyan handed her and stood next to Gu Mingxi. She said, “You know, we’re not walking down this red carpet, we’re walking down a lifetime.”

He nodded. “If this lifetime isn’t enough, we can add another and another after that.”

“We’ll never part.”

“Mm, we’ll never part.”

The door in front of them gradually opened up and all eyes from the banquet hall turned to them. All Pang Qian could see was the shining spotlight and the red carpet leading to the bright stage.

The Wedding March sounded in their ears, and Pang Qian turned to check Gu Mingxi once more. He also turned to look at her. Neither of them was nervous as they looked at each other.

This wasn’t a show, this was their wedding. It didn’t need to be extravagant. It didn’t need to be expensive. It didn’t need to be perfect. And they didn’t even have to walk down hand in hand.

As long as they were sincere, a disability was no longer a disability and regrets were no longer regrets.

Their wedding was simple, happy, and festive. According to their wishes, the host didn’t try to stir up any emotions, but instead went for a very casual and entertaining mood.

Pang Qian had said, “Today’s a good day. I don’t want anyone shedding tears.”

Xu Shuanghua acted as their marriage witness and after his statement, he hugged Gu Mingxi. He said simply, “Mingxi, I have a few words for you as your teacher. Fire is the test of gold; adversity, of strong men. I know that you won’t undervalue yourself, but I still want to give you a word of encouragement. You, are definitely an extraordinary person. I wish you and Pang Qian a marriage of happiness. When you’re free, bring her to S City for a visit. We can have a drink and talk as well.”

Gu Mingxi smiled and nodded. “Definitely! Thank you, Teacher.”

Their tender words made several people turn to Gu Guoxiang, who felt like a thorn had stabbed into his back as he sit up straight.

When it was time to exchange rings, Pang Qian confidently put her own ring on, and then she pulled out a necklace and put it around Gu Mingxi’s neck. Before the master of ceremonies said that the groom may now kiss the bride, Pang Qian had already gone onto her tiptoes and wrapped her arms around Gu Mingxi’s neck. Then she kissed him on the lips. The force even made Gu Mingxi stumble back slightly.

The host had been startled. “Aiyo, it’s the first time I’ve seen a bride in such a rush!”

The audience roared with laughter and Gu Mingxi’s face reddened. Like a crazy person, Pang Qian grabbed the microphone from the host and shouted out, “We’re finally married! It’s been a 27 year long run! Has it been easy?!”

“Not! Easy!” It was their old friends from elementary school, middle school, high school, college, and even Gu Mingxi’s students born in the 90s. They were like a group of rogues, causing the older guests to become dumbfounded.

Zhong Xiaolian cried out, “When you were kids, you always argued with us! I said that Qian Qian and Mingxi would get married when they were still drinking milk!”

The table laughed as they started reminiscing about their factory days. Sitting at the table beside then, Gu Guoxiang’s complexion darkened. Their big voices drifted over, letting him hear about all the things of their past. He pulled out a cigarette, his appetite long gone.

When they went around for toasts, Pang Qian and Gu Mingxi were caught by Gu Mingxi’s teacher friends from Sanya. They’d thought up lots of tricks to mess with the new couple. If they were unsuccessful, their bridesmaids and groomsmen would have to drink (?). Dou Dou jumped and cheered for Teacher Gu on the side. Groomsmen Clam and Fu Qinfeng were nearly passed out from drinking, so only Zhou Nanzhong was left. The bridesmaids, Yang Lu, Wu Feiyan, and Zheng Qiaoqiao, were all scared off.

While Gu Guoxiang was waiting for the couple to come around for a toast, he received Gu Guoying’s call. She said that Gu Ziyue was throwing a tantrum and breaking all sorts of things. She was crying that she wanted to find her mom. Upset, Gu Guoxiang shouted back, “Let her call her mother by herself! If her mother wants to take her, I’ll send her there tomorrow!”

After he hung up the phone, he tried to calm down. But in the end, he felt uneasy, so he stood up and picked up his car keys. He told Dong Yuan, “I’ve got to head home to take care of things. Send your grandmother home later.”

Dong Yuan said okay and then added, “But Uncle, they haven’t come to our table yet.”

“It’s okay, I’ll let them know.”

Gu Guoxiang went over to a clamoring table. Even Xie Yi and Jiang Zhiya had gone over to help out. The young people were playing very joyously, and Gu Mingxi had been fed a lot of alcohol. His face was all red. He was bargaining with Teacher Chen to drink a few cups less.

Gu Guoxiang walked up to him and pat his shoulder. Gu Mingxi turned back, slightly drunk with slurred speech. Suddenly, he went silent. Gu Guoxiang said, “Mingxi, something came up, so I have to leave first.”

“Oh, okay.” Gu Mingxi said he would send him off, but Ji Xiu’er wouldn’t let him off, “Don’t run away!”

Gu Mingxi looked back at Gu Guoxiang and said, “Dad, then I won’t send you off. Be careful on your way.”

Gu Guoxiang nodded. Before he left, he stuffed a bank card into Gu Mingxi’s pocket and whispered to him, “The pass code is your birthday. It’s a gift from me. Keep it.”

Then he walked away from the crowd and lit a cigarette, heading out on the side of the banquet hall.

He heard a few voices from behind him. “Teacher Gu, that was your father?”

“Your biological father?”

“Eh? Teacher Gu had a father?”

“How come I’ve never heard you mention him?!”


As Gu Guoxiang walked out of the hall, he saw a few colleagues. They smiled courteously at him and then went back to their chatting.

He left the joyous festivities behind, about to head out to the parking lot. Then Pang Qian’s voice came from behind him.

“Uncle Gu!”

Gu Guoxiang turned around and saw Pang Qian, in a red dress, running over to him. She handed the bank card back to him and said, “Uncle Gu, take this back. We’re not short on money.”

Gu Guoxiang thought he would be angry, but he wasn’t. He just said quietly, “I didn’t even help with your newlywed house. There isn’t much money, just a hundred thousand or so. Take it. It can help pay off the mortgage.”

“Thank you, but we really don’t need it.” Pang Qian’s voice was calm. “If you don’t take it back, I’ll just mail it back later.”

Gu Guoxiang glared at her. “Pang Qian, don’t casually make decisions for Mingxi.”

“I’m not making a decision for him. He’s the one who told me to chase after you. He has no hands, so he can’t return it himself.” Pang Qian didn’t care and just stepped forward to stuff the bank card back into his suit pocket. She held up a cigarette and a lighter in her other hand. After giving him the cigarette, she motioned for him to put it in his mouth and then helped him light it. She said, “Gu Mingxi said that he was sorry for being unable to give you a toast, but you had to at least accept a smoke from the bride.”

Gu Guoxiang, “…”

Pang Qian looked at him, “Uncle, I have to hurry back. Goodbye.”

She turned and ran back, in a red dress that was as enchanting as fire, leaving Gu Guoxiang standing at the door. He pulled out the bank card from his pocket, but still didn’t come back to his senses for a long time.

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