My Lady, To Defeat Scumbags You Must Start Early

Chapter 445: 445: Li Wenjun’s Tragic Farewell (Second Update)

Chapter 445: Chapter 445: Li Wenjun’s Tragic Farewell (Second Update)

Li Wenjun stood on stage, his face a mask of extreme embarrassment.

He looked flustered, stuttering as he said, “The voice in that recording; it-it’s not me. It was doctored. Someone mimicked my voice… Ji Baixin, how could you stoop so low? You would go to such lengths just to get your revenge! I’m telling you, I’m going to call the police! I’ll use legal means to protect my innocence, my reputation!”

“Go ahead and call them,” Ji Baixin responded, “when the police come, they can retrieve your call logs. Then everyone can see if you’ve been in communication with Anna or not and the truth will be laid bare.”

“You, you, you… I don’t even know what to say to you anymore! You won’t get away with slandering me this much. I originally intended to have a fair match with you, but seeing as you’re playing such dirty tricks, I don’t have time for this. Go on and perform your little show…” As he spoke, Li Wenjun tried to leave.

Could he still defend himself and save face, without looking like a complete clown after being thoroughly exposed?

Ji Baixin smiled coldly, “Li Wenjun, I’m not finished.”

Li Wenjun looked at her.

“Our feud doesn’t end here,” Ji Baixin stated, “Are you leaving because you have a guilty conscience?”

“I just don’t want to waste my time on a person like you. I feel it’s not worth it.”

“Is it because you think it’s not worth it, or you’re too embarrassed! The cameras are rolling, and this is all being live streamed,” she pointed towards the camera.

Li Wenjun’s face turned white as a sheet.

“You’re just trying to set me up!” Li Wenjun exclaimed.

Ji Baixin no longer engaged with him. She had presented plenty of evidence. Despite Li Wenjun’s efforts to refute and quibble, the facts laid before them didn’t allow him to continue lying. Ji Baixin slightly shifted the topic, “Didn’t you say I was indecisive about Yin Qin? Didn’t you say we broke up because I was flirtatious? Now, in front of the national audience, I will respond to everything you have accused me of. Before I answer, there is something I’d like everyone to see.”

As she spoke, numerous photos of Li Wenjun appeared on the big screen.

Embarrassing photos, which we had to blur as they were deemed inappropriate for live streaming.

Li Wenjun was utterly stunned.

The screen featured photographs of him with various wealthy women over the years, most of whom were old enough to be his mother. They were kissing, hugging affectionately, even staged photos from them on a bed…

“Turn it off, you turn that off right now!” Li Wenjun yelled frantically.

Ji Baixin paid him no attention.

After the photos were shown, a video began to play.

A foreign man with blue eyes and pale skin said, “LEE, he’s a designer like me. He doesn’t have much talent but he knows how to please rich women. They always fund his personal exhibitions. Everyone in our circle knows how he got his way to the top.”

Another designer spoke, “Within our circle, LEE isn’t really considered a skilled designer. I heard he returned to his homeland because Yanshang Country has very few decent designers, and he’s apparently doing quite well there.”

Yet another designer commented, “When LEE was in our design department, he was only in charge of some peripheral products. He was promoted to senior designer so we could penetrate the Yanshang Country’s market. Moreover, many of his designs were assisted by other influential figures. That’s why he has achieved some success in these years.”

“Who are these people you’ve brought here to frame me! Ji Baixin, you’re heartless and ungrateful! After all I’ve done for you, you treat me this way!” Li Wenjun yelled harshly, cursing on stage with no regard for his image.

Ji Baixin chuckled, “These people may be blurred out, but I’m sure you recognize them. Whether they’re telling the truth or not, you know in your heart.”

“It’s not true, none of it’s true! I reached where I am now because of my own abilities. You just can’t stand to see me thrive, can you!” Li Wenjun, looking like a madman, lost his composure on stage.

He lunged at Ji Baixin uncontrollably in that moment.

Fortunately, the security guards quickly rushed in and restrained him.

Li Wenjun’s face twisted into a vicious snarl.

“Let me go, let me go. I’m going to kill this bitch, kill this whore! She’s the one who got involved with Yin Qin, but she’s blaming me, saying I’m the one who’s dirty. She’s the one who’s dirty!” Li Wenjun screamed and caused a scene.

He was completely out of control.

This man, who was always courteous and gentle in public, had turned into a disgraceful spectacle. No one sympathized with him. They felt disgusted by Li Wenjun.

Disgust to the point of nausea.

How could there be such a shameless man in this world? He even tried to shift the blame for his own deeds onto others. Even when the truth was out, he kept lying.

It was utterly revolting.

Li Wenjun was forcefully pulled off the stage by security.

“Since young, I’ve never liked deceit and cheating ways, so I was dissatisfied with my family. I felt living in such an environment was exhausting, and I resented all forms of injustice. That’s why I fell for Li Wenjun at university. I appreciated his purity and determination. However, now I see how grossly mistaken I was. My stubbornness and my so-called pride have brought so much trouble and heartbreak to my family… At the time I chose to leave home, I swore never to return. But now…” Ji Baixin’s eyes welled up with tears.

It was as if she had a realisation in that moment.

She said, “But now, I regret it. Dad, mom, big brother, Baili — I’m sorry. I ask for your forgiveness for my foolishness. I thought that by leaving you all, I would lead a more refined life. I didn’t realize that the truly evil thing in this world isn’t money, but the human heart. I finally understand how terrifying the human heart can be, and I finally know that what I should despise isn’t my background but my own distorted mindset, my failure to see you all as family. I was wrong, and I hope you can forgive me.”

Finishing her speech,

Ji Baixin bowed deeply.

As she bowed, tears streaming down her face.

The audience suddenly erupted into applause.

It seemed like everyone was encouraging Ji Baixin.

One audience member shouted, “Ji Baixin, family issues don’t last. I’m sure your family will forgive you.”

Ji Baixin gave a slight smile in the audience’s direction.

She wiped her tears and apologized to the judges, “I’m sorry. I invited you all here but subjected you to such a farcical scene. I’m truly sorry.”

Again, she bowed.

It was at this moment that Mr. Daniel and Darren were finally able to process what was happening.

He froze.

Given that this was being livestreamed, how could he appear as if he had no interest in the gossip and drama unfolded just now? How could he make himself appear serious and professional?

He cleared his throat, his voice steady, “Indeed, it was quite farcical.”

“I’m sorry.” Ji Baixin said again.

Daniel. Darren nodded slightly.

He suddenly stood up from his seat.

Ji Baixin was somewhat puzzled as she watched him.

Daniel studied Ji Baixin’s dress, appreciating its skilful details. It was much better than he had anticipated. Deeply ingrained in him was the notion that Yanshang Country had no real fashion designers, with its overly traditional and rigid citizens lacking creativity.

Okay then.

He had to admit, he had always looked down on everyone else.

A habit he’d never been able to kick since birth.

He said, “Since you’re here, tell me about your inspiration for this dress.”

Ji Baixin was taken aback.

She hadn’t expected Daniel to take interest in her design.

It took her a while to react, “The inspiration… my inspiration came from a friend. When I was designing, I always thought of ‘unrequited love’ as something unattainable, a form of incomplete beauty, but he told me that his understanding of ‘unrequited love’ was obsession, something inappropriate, something forbidden. So, I chose this deep, oppressive, yet noble shade of gray, such a stark contrast…”

Ji Baixin fully expressed her feelings regarding this dress.

The previously ruined stage was suddenly recaptured by Ji Baixin’s alluring charm.

So it seems.

Underneath every creation, a designer pours so many emotions.

This must be what a true designer is like.

Ji Baixin said, “I believe that every relationship, regardless of whether it ends with a perfect conclusion or incomplete beauty, it can be captured by a single color. And my ‘unrequited love’ is captured in deep gray.”

Having said that,

she bowed.

She seemed very modest.

All the attendees were captivated by Ji Baixin’s explanation.

It wasn’t just a presentation of a dress, but also a somewhat incomplete, melancholic story.

A moment of silence.

Then the venue erupted in applause.

A sign of their approval.

Daniel also clapped his hands, “I’ve always thought that designers wouldn’t flourish in Yanshang Country, but I must admit, my opinion has changed somewhat now. I appreciate emotional designers. I’m a sentimental person too. Over the years, there’s this one person that I can’t forget, but will never be able to obtain. Whenever I think of them, I am filled with inspiration. I desire to dedicate all my finest designs to them…”

Of course,

Mo Xiuyuan, that man, has no use for them.

Every year he mailed some of his designs to him.

Apparently, they were all cremated.

That jerk!

After all these years, he remains fixated on Lu Manman.

Admittedly, he too had been attracted to Lu Manman, but in the end, he was more beautiful and enchanting than any woman. That man, Mo Xiuyuan, must be blind!

“No wonder Mr. Daniel’s designs are so moving.” Ji Baixin complimented.

Daniel smiled slightly, appearing not to want to discuss his own affairs, “I’m delighted to have witnessed such an exquisite piece. Here’s the business card of the Chief Executive Officer of S&King, a luxury brand under the Alice Group. If you’re interested in joining us, you can directly contact him.”

Ji Baixin looked at Daniel in surprise.

Daniel smiled at the corner of his mouth, his age-defying charm still evident, he turned and faced all the spectators, “Regardless of whatever has happened before, as a judge, I officially declare that Miss Ji Baixin wins this competition with perfection. Congratulations to her.”

The place burst into relentless applause again.

With the competition over, Daniel left with his team.

In the meanwhile, Ji Baixin was surrounded by reporters.

One reporter, evidently excited, asked, “Miss Ji, you finally cleared your name! Do you have anything else to say about that scumbag Li Wenjun?”

“Nothing. I don’t even want to hear that scumbag’s name anymore.” Ji Baixin responded candidly.

“Your design received Daniel’s recognition, which is the highest honor globally. How do you feel?”

“I’m really glad, and I’m surprised that Daniel appreciated me so much. At the same time, I really want to thank that friend who inspired me.”

“Can you reveal who he is?” a gossip-hungry reporter asked.

Ji Baixin shook her head.

“Miss Ji, do you have feelings for that friend? Your ‘unrequited love’ seems to suggest you can’t have the one you love, so you’re suppressing these feelings, are you hiding something?” The reporter pressed on vehemently .

Ji Baixin’s gaze fell on Yin Qin to the side.

Yin Qin had been there from the start.

He was sitting there, waiting for her.

Seeing Ji Baixin’s hesitation,

one reporter cried out loud, “Is it Yin Qin? Is it because of Li Wenjun? Is it because of Li Wenjun, this junk of a man, you missed your chance with Yin Qin who treats you so well? Now that Yin Qin is married and even has a child, you can’t express your feelings anymore, can you? You have to suppress and restrain yourself, don’t you?”

All eyes were on Ji Baixin.

Hoping for her response.

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