My Demons

Chapter 35

Chapter 35

After a moments hesitation, I sighed and bowed my head.

Im sorry, but I have something to attend to right now.

Something to do?


I pointed towards the second floor of the inn, ash swirling in the air.

I have to take revenge for this incident.

Revenge? Most of the robbers are already dead. And the few who escaped will soon be caught.

Theyre just beggars hired for a few coins. We have to deal with the person who was behind hiring them.

Behind? Who are you talking about?

I hesitated for a moment and looked at the security guard captains.

He might not look like it, but the captain seemed to be a military man with a somewhat serious demeanor. He was an NPC in the game who was loyal to his lord until death, so it didnt seem likely that he had conspired with the thugs.

Its Ubar.

To be honest, attacking Ubar was a daunting task.

I hardly read any text while playing Dark World, so I only had a vague understanding of the overall storyline.

What if I attacked Ubar and it messed up the progression of events?

My cloudy premonition would then be utterly useless.


Ubar? Are you talking about the thug?

Yes. I need to deal with him first.

I cant ignore Ubars threat and head down into the sewer. I cant make such an irresponsible choice.

Fifteen innocent people, including a young boy, died because of me. Their revenge was necessary, but I also had to prevent more victims from emerging.

What if Daria and Ellen were the next target? Rather than shivering in anxiety and guilt, it would be a wiser choice to strike Ubar first on my end.

Ubar? I know him well. Why would he attack an innocent tavern?

To be precise, Ubar was targeting me.


When I explained how I had dealt with Ubars subordinates a few days ago, the captain gave a dry laugh.

He did all this just because of that? He attacked the inn to get to you? Thats ridiculous. Ubar might be scum, but hes not reckless or stupid.

Isnt it common for thugs to hold grudges?

But even so, causing trouble within the city, isnt that like cutting off your own flesh?

Thats quite a persuasive point.

Come to think of it, I didnt kill Ubars subordinates, did I? Why is he so desperate for revenge?

This is merely a robbery by a group of starving thieves. Its nonsensical to assume a thugs backing.

Lets say thats true for those beggars. Didnt you see the corpses in front of the inn? Among them should be Ubars active members and his close associate, Poison.

Poison? The Cloaked Poison?

Yes, thats right.

The captain looked surprised for a moment, then frowned.

Hes Ubars hidden blade. We in the guard barely managed to get his name. How did you, a foreigner, recognize him? Did he politely introduce himself or something?

Thats an unexpected response.

After all, this isnt South Korea in the 21st century where they openly bounty gangsters with their photos on the organization chart.

Youd think a security captain would at least recognize the faces of the alleyway thugs, but I guess Poison was more discreet since he was an assassin.

I overheard their conversation briefly. And I guessed it was Poison after seeing him use poison.


It was a hastily made-up excuse. He didnt seem too convinced.

Well, that could be possible. I heard your guess.

The security captain stroked his beard for a moment, then gave a faint, bitter smile.

But you seem to be misunderstanding something.

A misunderstanding?

Yes, a misunderstanding. I thought I explained it clearly enough. Let me make it clearer.

The security captain let out a deep sigh and resumed his speech.

Firstly, you dont have a choice.

What do you mean,

Do you think you can refuse the Counts request? You are aware of the citys situation, right?

The Count, out of consideration, asked you and mercenaries he knows to accompany him. If you succeed, youll be rewarded. Isnt that a reasonable proposal?

Despite that, Im given a dangerous and critical task by force, a stranger in this place?

In the game, the castles lord seemed dumb, but he seemed to be a thoughtful noble.

He doesnt need to consider a wandering mercenary, is that it?

I asked back, feeling twisted and sarcastic.

So, its a request I cant refuse. Thats why you called it an order?

Given the situation, please understand.

What happens if I dont accept?

Do you feel offended? As Ive said, this isnt a simple request. It concerns the fate of the whole city

The fate of the whole city, huh? If its that important, why dont the nobles do it themselves, why do they shift the responsibility to others?

I clenched my jaw in irritation.

What will you do if I cant do it?


Facing my unblinking gaze, the security guard captain swallowed hard.

Then, he wet his dry lips and answered in a small but firm voice.

I guarantee, youll be killed.

Is that so?

Yes. All the forces, even the personal guards protecting the Salt Castle, will charge at you to kill you. If they tolerate one persons disobedience, the whole city could fall. Plus, they need to keep the secret about the existence of the secret passage.

Another silence.

Could I survive a fight against the lords army?

Obviously not.

The foot soldiers might not be a big threat, but there must be many skillful people like the security guard captain under the lord. The commander of the guards, the training master, and the weapons master would be fairly strong, and there would be some wizards, a lot of crossbowmen and archers.

The more I think about it, the angrier I get. Even though he has many subordinates, why is he making me do this?

Think carefully. Whether you want to die miserably, chased by the army, or earn merit by following orders. There are only two options.

To that clear declaration, Ellen, who had been silent until now, spat out in a cold voice.

I dont think so.


The security guard captain looked at Ellen in surprise.

Despite Ellens cute appearance, his eyes were shining with deep suspicion. He seemed to know that Ellen was a wizard.

Ellen, making eye contact with me, let her blue eyes flash for a moment, then sneered at the security captain.

Only two options?


Thats your perspective. We have a third option.

A third option?

Yes. We kill you and all of your subordinates, burn down the inn, and then escape through the sewer.

Cant this kid talk nicer?

Whenever Ellen spat out harsh words through her pink lips, I felt a sense of obligation welling up inside me saying I cant just watch as an adult!

Is this how everyone becomes a grump?

Even though I had such thoughts, I didnt discourage Ellen. I didnt want to be dragged along involuntarily under coercion either.

I placed my hand on Falchion, rechecking the estimates just in case.

The security guard captain, two soldiers, Grania and Arnal with Ellens support, it seems worth trying.

As I emitted an aura that I might draw my sword at any moment, the security guard captain hardened his face with tension. He looked back at Ellen and asked in a calm tone.

Calm down. If you have no intention of facing off against His Majestys army

Theres no need to confront the entire army. Are there about thirty soldiers nearby? Just sweep them away and run away.

Do you know whats Phoenixs nickname? Its Blood-soaked swordsman. Want to try and see why?



While the security guard captain was silent, Grania subtly retreated and showed me her open palms.

Hold on. All we were ordered to do was deliver the request details to you and move together. If you want to reject the request, well quietly retreat.

Stop fussing and stand there. If you dont want your head broken.

Ellen coldly moved her step naturally. The person who had moved to my right rear was already gathering air on her palm.

Grania and Arnal stood still with stiff expressions, and the security guard captain urgently tried to dissuade Ellen.

Hold on, wizard. Why use magic when we can easily solve this through conversation?

Easily solved through conversation? Do they call intimidation as conversation here?

The intimidation is being done by you right now, isnt it? Im just stating facts-

Ah, yes. Im also just stating facts. Just giving notice that I might choose the third option if needed.

Ellen, as she said this, created a sphere of transparent mana on her fingers, but she didnt seem to have any intention of launching it.

Looking at her just intimidating, she doesnt seem to have any intention of attacking. Not yet, at least.

Hmm. For now, lets just go along with Ellens pace.

Do you really think you can survive by running away? If you dont know where the secret passage is, youll just die wandering in the sewer. Or get caught by the pursuit squad!

In response to the captains threat, Ellen chuckled and answered.

Do you think were going to move without a plan? Weve roughly figured out where the secret passage is.

Such bluffing wont work. If people who have been in the city for less than a month can find it, it wouldnt be called a secret passage. 

At the captains confident words, Ellen shut her mouth.

She looks troubled. Its my turn to step in.

Well, its hard to imagine that there would be such a huge tunnel beneath the ancient empires sewers.

Of course, I dont know exactly where the secret passage is. But recalling the information I got in the game, I can make a rough guess.

In Dark World, the sewer is a mini-dungeon ranging from a minimum of 5 floors to a maximum of 8 floors, divided into the surface and deep layers.

People of South Harbor think the surface layer, the ancient empires sewers, is all there is.

But in fact, beneath that is the deep layer, where tunnels are located.

From the talkative guards guarding the sewer, Ive confirmed that the ancient empires sewer system extends to the 4th underground floor.

Then the tunnel should start from the 5th or 6th floor underground.

And the secret passages to the outside are always located on the first floor of the tunnel.

Im not sure exactly how many floors it is because the terrain suddenly changed. Should I say its the 5th underground floor?

Seeing the captains shocked eyes shake greatly, it seems I was correct.

After a moment of conflict, he sighed as if he had lost, dropping his shoulders.

Huh, yes. I knew that you and your party could make an extreme choice. Now, tell me what you want. Ill grant it as much as I can within my authority. 

That worked. I was worried our attitude might have been a bit too aggressive, but fortunately, we managed to get some concession. The citys situation seems to be more urgent than I thought.

Hmm, but how far does the captains authority extend?

Ill take down Ubar, you support me. After taking care of those guys, Ill go down to the sewer.

The count wants you to get started on this right away. Theres no time to waste wandering the back alleys.

So while Im doing this, can the guards subjugate the Ubar gang?

I cant put my men at risk without clear evidence. Besides, didnt I tell you we asked for your help because our forces arent ample?

Damn it, then what exactly are you going to help with?

Just as I was about to throw a fit, the security guard captain went first.

How about this? Ill make sure to protect you guys while youre on the surface.

What do you mean?

Arent you worried that Ubar might attack again? Ill make sure they dont threaten you while youre up here. Yes, if you successfully complete the mission and the situation improves, Ill thoroughly investigate this attack and even take revenge on Ubar on your behalf.

That sounds good on the surface.


Youre going to keep the thugs in check and investigate the attack properly? Those are the things the guards should be doing in the first place, arent they?

Thats true.

This guy. Where is he trying to fob me off with his words?

Enough with the word games- yes. Here, protect the Bells & Whistles Inn.

The Inn?

Yes. Its where Ill be staying, and there was an attack today, wasnt there? We cant let innocent people get hurt.

At my words, the security guard captain nodded coldly.

Hmm, got it. Then Ill increase the patrol in the area twofold.

No, thats not enough. Have soldiers stationed there. Hmm, about twenty should be appropriate.

Twenty? Thats too much.

After a haggling-like process, we agreed to use the Bells & Whistles Inn as a temporary patrol outpost.

As long as the threat of Ubar does not completely disappear, twelve soldiers will be stationed at the Bells & Whistles Inn.

In addition, the plan was to send six replacement soldiers from the guard headquarters every two hours to patrol around the inn.

Hmm. I dont have to worry about being attacked while Im asleep. Unless those thugs are crazy, they wont attack a guard post.

Now, write a contract.

A contract?

Whats with this reaction?

Dont tell me he was planning not to write a contract for such an important request? Hes asking for trouble.

Ignoring the captains reaction, I began to write things down on the parchment that Ellen handed me.

I dont know much about contracts in this world but shouldnt it be written like a mercenary request form?

Ill just put in the most important items.

You know how to write?

Yes, well. What should go in- Hmm, advance and remuneration, safety after the fact, confidentiality, support from the guards.

Although I wanted to fill the parchment, I decided to just stick with this, as it might offend the Lord. The captains face was a bit weird.

That should be enough.


The captain, who skimmed the completed contract, frowned as if he had a headache, then expressed his doubt.

But why are there three contracts? You and I should have one each, right?

Hold on. I thought the count was the employer, not the captain.

Ah, thats right. Youre right. The count is the employer.

Right? The count and I will split one, and the other one will be entrusted to the church as a public certification.


The captain muttered in surprise, opening his mouth.

Yes. Certification. Oh, doesnt the church provide certification for things like mercenary contracts?

Well, as long as the donation is adequate, theres no reason it couldnt.

Then theres no problem. Come on. Check it quickly and bring the counts seal.

Oh, okay.

The bewildered captain took the stack of parchment. Then he turned to leave, suddenly throwing a question at me.

By the way, are you really a mercenary?

I smiled slightly and shrugged my shoulders.

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