Mutated Tao

Chapter: 142 Master’s Wife

Chapter: 142 Master’s Wife

As this drawn-out incantation was uttered, the surroundings fell silent.

Next, the Second Deity began to recite the Divine Summons. It was similar to Li Zhi’s but different in its delivery, as it was rapid and hurried.

“Dong dong dong! The sun sets on the Western mountain, the skies turn dark, doors all shut tight! Dong dong dong!”

As the drumbeat continued, Bai Lingmiao’s body began to tremble. At the same time, the red veil on her head started shaking vigorously like a flowing waterfall. Soon, her body began to contort, and the outline of what seemed to be a beast's skull caused the red veil covering her face to be propped up.

“Today, this disciple calls to Immortals high, Misfortune lurks beneath this roof, can’t deny. Southern doctors tried, yet no cure could they bring; monks and nuns from the north, their chants didn't sing. Many attempts, but no answer we found; can only turn to the old Immortal, wise and renowned. Seeking yin-yang's dance in eight characters' art, through the seven apertures, a journey to start; twelve meridians, a map to explore, five organs, six viscera, seek to implore. Oh, old Immortal, bring your guiding light, in wisdom and grace, make our future right…”

Under the rhythm of the drumbeat, Bai Lingmiao started to walk inside the house.

As the woman who had her eyes concealed by her white hair sensed someone approaching, she revealed a fearful expression. However, the very next moment, that fear turned into an intense hatred.

“Give my son back to me!!” She shouted as she opened her arms and lunged forward. But with her body restrained by chains, she made no progress as she remained frozen in place, desperately trying to break the restraints.

At that moment, a slender snout reached out from beneath Bai Lingmiao’s red veil and sniffed at the woman. At the same time, a constant, low beast-like growling sound could be heard coming from underneath the veil.

“My child~!!" The woman's expression shifted from one filled with hatred to pleading, "My child, it's Mother's fault, it's Mother's fault!!”

At that moment, the snout was rapidly retracted beneath the red veil as Bai Lingmiao once again started trembling. Then, a tail extended from beneath the hem of her clothes.

Meanwhile, the Second Deity once again began to chant, “Soul of a human, back to its frame, soul of a horse, not playing the same game. A person true to soul, feasts with delight, a horse true to soul, dances in the light. Eight Immortals' table, on earth it's laid down, Starry flag soaring, up to the crown. Five-colored flags, and banners so bright, In red, white, blue, and green, a splendid sight!”

Following the beat of the drum, Bai Lingmiao started to circle around the woman in a methodical fashion, all the while placing paper flags made with yellow paper into the hay on the ground.

Suddenly, the woman stopped moving and collapsed to the ground, her body trembling incessantly as her face contorted in pain.

As Zhao Qin watched this scene from the outside, he felt pained, but he did not dare interrupt in such a situation.

At that moment, the drumbeat quickened once again, and seven lit purple incense sticks appeared in Bai Lingmiao’s hands. The incense sticks burned, releasing green smoke which went directly into the woman’s mouth.


There were many sounds of people inhaling a breath of cold air. The escorts were well versed in martial arts, and they would not even bat an eye at your everyday injuries. However, the scene that was occurring in the hut felt quite unbearable to them.


The woman wanted to vomit, but her face was covered by a red handkerchief.

Just as everyone was watching what Bai Lingmiao planned to do, a low voice rang out from the distance. “Xiaoman! Bai Lingimao!”

It was Li Huowang.

As this voice rang out, the drumbeat suddenly became a little unstable, and the chanting changed once again. “I'll send you three beats as we part ways, to an ancient cave, where Immortals find their stays! From ridge to ridge, and mountain to mountain high, apprentices, beware, don't let troubles nigh! I will shoo you away if you overstay! Dong dong dong!”

After the three drum beats, Bai Lingmiao’s strange appearance instantly returned to normal.

As she returned to normal, Bai Lingmiao also heard Li Huowang’s voice. She quickly removed the red veil on her head and stepped out of the house. Then, she snatched the drum in the Second Deity’s hands, and once again placed the red veil on her head. After finishing all this, she went over to welcome Li Huowang, who was leading over a large group of people.

“Senior Li, you’ve come down from the mountain? Have you completed your errands?” asked Bai Lingmiao as she smiled. At the same time, she noticed that Senior Li’s back carried two swords now.

“Yes, it’s almost done. I heard that you came here to exorcize some evil spirits? How is it? Are you done?” asked Li Huowang as he pulled Bai Lingmiao toward him, and then looked toward the crowd.

“Hmm… Not yet. I thought that she had bumped into something, but there was nothing. I tried several methods, but I still can’t figure out what has happened to her,” said Bai Lingmiao.

When they returned to the house, they saw Zhao Qin was carefully supporting his wife. He softly called out to her a few times, but there was no response, causing him to look toward Bai Lingmiao anxiously, “Miss, what happened to my wife?!”

His tone carried a hint of anger. It was only natural, since he had witnessed his wife being tormented like that without any change in her condition.

At that moment, Li Huowang glanced at the dazed state of the woman, and a trace of fatigue appeared on his face. He turned to Bai Lingmiao, “Since you can’t treat her, then let’s go. We don’t need those fifty coins anyway.”

“Hold it!” Zhao Qin shouted. Along with his shout, all the escorts in the entire escort office surrounded them with unkind looks on their faces.

Seeing this, Li Huowang coldly glanced around him before placing a hand on the hilt of the sword on his back.


As the sword was drawn out just an inch, everyone started to feel their blood boil, almost as though they were embroiled in the middle of a raging battlefield.

This abnormal change caused Wang Chengxing’s face to turn pale; he knew that they were in a massive amount of trouble now. He was usually out and about, and had heard that there were some lords with mysterious and unpredictable supernatural abilities out there. It was difficult to distinguish whether they were good or evil. One had to be fully alert when dealing with them. Unfortunately for them, it seemed like they had encountered one of them this time.

“Senior Li! Don’t do this! It’s us who are in the wrong…” Bai Lingmiao hurriedly tugged at Li Huowang’s sleeve.

Hearing this, Li Huowang sheathed his sword as he turned around, ready to leave.

“Child… Mother has let you down…”

It was this voice that caused Li Huowang to stop in his tracks and look back at the woman.

When he saw her current state, he felt a sense of familiarity. Seeing the mangled state of her hand and the iron chains, he inexplicably felt furious.

At that moment, the woman’s expression changed once again as she tightly grabbed Zhao Qin’s neck. “Return my son! Return my son to me!”

Seeing this, Li Huowang rushed over with Yang Xiaohai in tow.

“I will return your son to you!” shouted Li Huowang as he pushed Zhao Qin aside before stuffing the dazed Yang Xiaohai into her embrace.

As she hugged Yang Xiaohai, the old woman finally became silent. She leaned her face over as she stroked her hands through Yang Xiaohai’s hair.

Meanwhile, Li Huowang surveyed the room, and said with a voice filled with dissatisfaction, “Why are there no windows over here? Don’t you think she will feel afraid, being all alone in the dark without any light?”

Zhao Qin could not react in time; everything was happening too quickly. “My wife is already like that. Will she really be afraid of the dark?”

Li Huowang pulled out the other longsword, easily cutting through the chains binding her hands. “Even if she has gone crazy, it doesn’t mean that she can’t feel anything! She can still feel afraid, and also feel pain! Without anyone here to accompany her, she can also feel lonely! Do you think she wanted to become like this? No! But she really cannot do anything about it!”

Chacha and Char's Thoughts

She's just mentally ill from the lost of her son? No spirits here?

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