Museum of Deadly Beasts

Chapter 284: Injecting Beast Blood

Chapter 284: Injecting Beast Blood

“Now’s the time!” Black Crow shouted. With a nod, Ye Yuzhou condensed spirit energy in his fingertips. In terms of precision magic, Ye Yuzhou was definitely number one among them all. Hence, it was safest to have him conduct the acupoint stimulation when it was time.

Ye Yuzhou moved quickly. In a flash, he jabbed all three acupoints in one breath with great precision. Even Black Crow and Ghost Child were amazed, feeling impressed by his performance.

Among all spirit energy finger users, Ye Yuzhou was one of the best they had seen.

Based purely on finger technique, Ye Yuzhou would probably rank in the top three among their villain’s community.

One could only imagine how incredible and powerful the man was.

After the three jabs, the tyrannosaurus stopped crying out. His body didn’t continue to expand either but his blood energy was getting denser. Next, the energy was restrained and tiny flows of blood from his cracked flesh began to form a huge cocoon.

“That’s it, that’s it. This is it!” He Qing exclaimed. She had been holding onto Old Tian’s evaluation report. “Old Tian, according to Curator’s evaluation report, if your tyrannosaurus is to evolve, there’s a thirty percent he would form a cocoon on his own. Congratulations.”

Old Tian was rubbing his hands together excitedly.

He Qing was right. Indeed, Curator’s evaluation report had stated so.

Could his pet beast evolve into Rank 4 anytime soon now?

At this thought, Old Tian’s body began to tremble with anticipation.

He had never dared to dream of owning a Rank 4 pet beast. But if he could, that would resolve all of his problems, and those who betrayed him could be easily dealt with in a clean sweep.

It was truly an exciting thought.

Old Tian had a limited understanding of pet beasts so he couldn’t gauge the current situation. But according to Curator’s evaluation report, this was certainly a good sign.

But soon, that meaty cocoon began to shake as if the tyrannosaurus was struggling inside.

Old Tian never anticipated this scene so he didn’t know what to do.

The others were just as confused. Black Crow spoke up, “Uh, don’t panic. This might just be a normal phenomenon.”

After he said that, the cocoon started bleeding. This clearly wasn’t right and Black Crow didn’t know what else to say. Meanwhile, Ghost Child and He Qing’s expression faltered after they examined the evaluation report again. “Oh no, the report clearly states that the cocoon would crack on its own if the evolution is successful. But at the bottom, it says if the cocoon bleeds, the evolution has failed. The consequences of failure would result in the death of the pet beast.”

All color drained from Old Tian’s face at this.

He originally had a Rank 3 pet beast. If his companion died from failure to evolve, all would be lost. When he gets back out there, he wouldn’t even be able to fight back.

At this thought, his pleasant mood from before crumbled away.

And this concerned not only his mood but also his life.

“Don’t panic, don’t panic!” Having noticed Old Tian’s pale face and shortened breaths, as if he was about to pass out, He Qing quickly added, “The report stated something like this, there is a salvation method if bleeding occurs. Inject the blood of a Rank 4 pet beast into the cocoon and there would be a chance to save it.”

Old Tian immediately went over to examine the evaluation report.

Sure enough, that statement existed.

Although he had finished reading it before, he hadn’t understood these details too clearly. Now that he was witnessing it, he came to an important realization. Curator’s evaluation report was equipped with countermeasures if something went wrong during the evolution process. It was truly incredible. However, since they were merely short sentences, it was easy to overlook them or brush them off.

The others gathered around to read it too and it was just as He Qing had said. If this bleeding cocoon situation happened, the blood of a Rank 4 pet beast had to be injected into the cocoon at once.

Both Ye Yuzhou and Black Crow knew that if Old Tian’s pet beast died, they would be held accountable too. One, Curator might blame them for recklessly helping Old Tian’s pet beast evolve. Two, they would feel sorry as they were the ones who offered to help Old Tian evolve his pet beast. If they failed and the pet beast died, they would be ashamed too.

“Old Tian, calm down, since Curator had written this here, he must have anticipated a chance of failure. We have a few Rank 4 pet beasts here. If one wouldn’t do, we’ll all give you more of our Rank 4 pet beasts’ blood. That might just be safe,” Black Crow patted his chest and announced with confidence.

Ghost Child nodded while Ye Yuzhou didn’t shirk away from this responsibility too. “I’ll collect the blood now.”

Soon, Black Crow, Ghost Child, and Ye Yuzhou had gathered blood from their Rank 4 pet beasts. The three were most generous in their contributions. They decided to borrow the sharp piercing ability of Ghost Child’s babyface spider to inject the blood.

Jiang Ziqi seemed intent to say something but held himself back. Coincidentally, He Qing noticed his expression so she asked him if he had any input.

Jiang Ziqi answered quietly, “Curator’s evaluation report states that a Rank 4 pet beast’s blood is required to salvage the situation but not this much. I think what Curator means is that one type should be enough. But it should be better to have a larger dose in this situation, right?”

That last sentence sounded like a question to himself. Jiang Ziqi couldn’t be sure either.

He Qing had always been an optimistic one. “There... shouldn’t be any problem. If there were, Curator might have written them down.”

Jiang Ziqi smiled and said no more.

Perhaps it was as He Qing said, Curator didn’t write that down. Or perhaps that was Curator’s meaning from the start, to use only one type.

“Let’s hope it’s just me thinking too much!” Jiang Ziqi muttered to himself.

The blood of three different Rank 4 pet beasts had now been injected into the cocoon. Black Crow didn’t make any comments. He didn’t think too much and he wasn’t knowledgeable on the subject anyway. Ghost Child was the same. Only Ye Yuzhou was contemplating if injecting three different blood all in one go would cause any problems.

“It shouldn’t. This is Curator’s solution, meaning that he already considered this to happen so I don’t have to think too much. That would just be worrying myself over nothing,” Ye Yuzhou said to himself.

At that moment, the cocoon stopped bleeding after taking in the three different types of blood. It seemed to have entered a positive state as the cocoon began to pulsate with stable rhythm.

“Look! Crisis resolved.” Black Crow laughed out loud.

Ye Yuzhou breathed a sigh of relief too. As long as the crisis was resolved, all was well.

It felt like a roller-coaster ride for Old Tian. Color returned to his face but he was still somewhat worried. After all, Curator wasn’t here. Although the visitors were all very enthusiastic, they weren’t Curator. He only hoped no more issues would happen after this.

Old Tian even thought, if his tyrannosaurus couldn’t evolve, he wished his companion would retain its current strength and level. At least they wouldn’t have to be sitting ducks once they go back out there.

Of course, if he was fortunate enough to evolve, that would be the best.

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