Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Chapter 293 - I Like You, Miss Li Jing 2

Chapter 293 - I Like You, Miss Li Jing 2



"It is okay." Li Jing knew that he meant no harm by asking and so she did not want him beating himself up

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. I am sure. No need to apologize. You were only being concerned." She cleared her throat and turned her head to the sider where he was.

"Oh... I did not mean to pock nose but I heard what had happened to her. Well technically everyone knows."

"I know. I expect such considering grandfather just got a new granddaughter from nowhere. Of course given his caliber and wealth, people’s eyes would be on me and my info would be all over the place."

"You really are pretty sharp, Miss Li Jing."

"Thank you, but I do not also like beating around the bush. It is not that I am oblivious to all the things going on or words being said but given all I went through in the past year, I think it prepared me more for this time."

She was speaking of all the scandalous things that happened back at Star City with Ye Cheng as all her matter went viral in the country. It was not news to her anymore if people talked behind her back.

But what pained her was that the person she wanted to be with, she couldn’t anymore due to distance. Even at this moment, she was preferring the bad energy abit, so long as it afforded her the opportunity of seeing him daily.

"I like you, Miss Li Jing."

Li Jing arched a brow at him while giving him a touch of that cornber smile.

"Do not get me wrong, I love Yin Lifen so much but I like your person. You are simple. Easy to be around and talk with. Yes, I haven’t known you long but I can pride myself as being a good judge of character."

"Thank you." Li Jing did not know what else to say other than to thank him. His words did actually lift her up.

"No need, I am not flattering you." He wore his usual smile that sent home peace and ease to the onlooker’s mind, giving you relief without much work.

"Anyways, if it is your mother you miss, I believe in time all would fall into place. Take for example, your grandfather was missing her but he kept hope alive and now he has you. So follow in his steps and so the same. Believe in all that can be, Li Jing."

<Author: *Singing Barbie in a Diamond Castle, Believe* Believe in all that can be, a miracle starts whenever you dream. Believe and sing from your heart, you’ll see your song would hold the key. *Keep on believing guys, always have hope and hold on to what you care for*>

"Thank you so much. I would keep on hoping and believing. I would see her again."

’I would see him again as well. I would wait for him, afterall I was the one who said we should give things time. Hang on, Li Jing. In time.’ She encouraged herself mentyally and held on to those words.

At the very least she was sure of herself now that even though he had other [people around, her heart still yearned for him.

"What abvout you, why did you come out here?" She quickly changed topic so as not to sound or turn their conversation into a depressing one.

"I guess I came to clear my head a little bit. There has been a lot going on this month. Things I never expected happened and I guess, my mind just wants a time off to keep track of things."

"Oh, I understand perfectly well. It is nice anyway. Take some time off and just let your mind wonder freely to ease all those mental stress."

"Speaking of which,m I think you need the break more than I do," Jia Huang suggested.

"What do you mean? How?"

"I can see that everything seems rushed on you somehow. You just got introduced to everyone as his long lost granddaughter and you have taken up position as the new acting CEO. Not just that you solved the crisis the company was in."

"True, your point exactly?"

"What I am only saying is that it is as though they are packing so many activities on you. To me it feels like..." Jia Huang paused and did not say anything anymore.

"Feels like what?" Li Jing was just starting to enjoy the tale he was about to put her mind in but he stopped half way. No way was she going to allow that.

"Never mind. It is just my own thoughts running wild. I guess that is what I get when I take strolls like this. I tend to over think. Please ignore what I said earlier."

’But, I want to hear it. I do not mind even if you are thinking very..."

"Ah! Kim Fan!" Jia Huang cut in sharply and began waving to his cousin and friend.

"What? Kim Fan?" As she said this, she followed the line of his sight and saw Kim Fan standing a little bit far from them. "Oh..."

She did not like the fact that he was trying to evade what they were discussing. She could tell that it was something very important but he was hiding it from her.

No longer was her mind there again. Instead it began to think in different direction trying to make sense of what he was saying.

"Hello, Li Jing. I was looking everywhere for you," Kim Fan announced as soon as he arrived at where they were.

"Hi." That was all she could mutter in her distracted state of mind.

"Hello, bro. Why were you searching for her?"

"I saw her leave a while back and she did not return, so I thought I could search for her," Kim Fan explained.

"But you did not search for me too... I feel hurt," Jia Huang joked.

"Get out," Kim Fan said with a peal of a hearty laughter.

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