Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Chapter 226 - Happy Yin Lifen

Chapter 226 - Happy Yin Lifen



"Haha Lifen, you just wouldn’t change. I know they deserve that but come on, burn his house?"

Yin Lifen face palmed herself at her friend’s words. She knew Li Jing was just too soft hearted to do such a thing. Sigh!

"There are more than one ways to make someone suffer without doing much. And that would bring me to the second news I want to tell you."

"Wait, why skip the first?"

"Because you are too noisy and you would go ballistic."

"Okay, this sounds like something I need to kidnap someone for and give them a sound beating."

"Calm down baby, calm down. I should have told you this since but I got swamped brain wise and for that I am sorry," Li Jing apologized beforehand because she knew her friend. She would be mega mad that she did not tell her. "I recently found out who my real maternal grandfather is."

"What? Are you serious?"


"How did you manage to do that? You had no clue as to your parentage and stuff. Tell me how you found him and does this mean you have found your mother as well?"

"I would tell you. One at a time and no, I haven’t found out who my birth mother was nor who my father was. The worst thing now is that my grandfather is not ready to speak of the incident why he lost my mother."

"Ohh..." Both of them remained silent. Li Xiu could almost guess what she was thinking and quickly decided to make Li Jing see reasons. "Hey babe, I know you feel sad and all, bit it is still too much for him, you know. I believe when he is ready, he would let you in on the secret."

"I know. Anyways, it was Tang Zixin who helped both of us. Turns out my grandfather was his business associate and he happened to see my picture with Ye Cheng on the news during the second dinner event and saw my necklace."

"Wait, which necklace is that? Is it the one that your adoptive father gave you?"

"Yes, that one."


"Turns out, it was a family’s heirloom, to be passed down to the first daughter’s of the Lin family."

"Hold up! Did you just say Lin family?"

"Yes. Do you mean Mrs Lin is your grandmother?"

"No, not Mrs Lin in our city though. Her is from another city."

"Oh, okay. Now I get but still, I should know the Lin name. Lin, Lin," Yin Lifen pondered for some time and soon her eyes shone with delight. "I got it. I knew I know that name. Meaning your grandfather is related to the head of the Lin Corporations. Li Jing, your grandfather is well to do!"

Yin Lifen was mega glad for her friend. In fact the news she was hearing was so pleasant that she felt Li Jing had hit a jackpot. Li Jing on the other hand could only smile at her friend’s joy for her.

"Truthfully, Fen Fen, my grandfather owns the Lin Corporation," Li Jing informed her.


Yin Lifen could not believe her ears. The Lin Corporation was the second or third most successful business in Sun City. And for him to be her grandfather, meant that Li Jing was now, way above them in terms of levels and money.

Yin Lifen already knew that the head of the Lin Corporations did not have a heir to inherit his business and although people feel his nephew Lin Jingyi would be the one to inherit it, they knew he wasn’t as competent enough to keep the business running.

So now that Li Jing would be the heir, it meant she would be swimming in money soon.

"Bloody hell! Li Jing, damn girl. Wow!"

"Calm down. Calm down."

"I am trying to be calm but it is not just happening, Li Jing. Baby I am so happy for you that I feel like screaming my lungs out this instant."

"Please do not, Fen Fen. Do not scream please." Even after her plea, her words had fallen on deaf ears as the next thing she heard was a screaming Yin Lifen.

’Gosh this girl!’ Li Jing said inwardly and mentally facepalmed herself.

By the time Yin Lifen was done, Li Jing smiled and brought the phone back to her ears. "Li Jing! Never you quarrel with Ye Cheng again," Yin Lifen quickly cautioned her.


Okay, that was definitely not what she was expecting her to say after all her screaming.

"I do not understand. Why bring him into this all of a sudden?"

"Dummy, if not for Ye Cheng asking you out on the dinner and allowing Ying Yue take those pictures that went viral on the net, your grandfather would not have seen you or may never have seen you, especially on the day you were putting on the necklace."

Li Jing blinked several times and then allowed for her brain to process all Yin Lifen was saying.

"So you see, not everything he did yielded a negative consequence. It brought you closer to finding out the one truth you have yearned for. So I think you should also thank him."

She had a big point there and Li Jing could not deny the fact that Yin Lifen was right. If not that Ye Cheng had made her go to that dinner as a form of punishment compensation, she never would have met her grandfather or even if she did, definitely not this soon.

So even though people came after her due to those pictures wandering the net, it still brought something good with it and once again, Ye Cheng had helped her.

She owed it all to Tang Zixin and himself.

"Yeah, I guess I never thought of it that way. Thanks, Fen Fen."

"Do not thank me, thank him."

"Yeah I would. Speaking of which, I also need to go look for him."



Li Jing turned almost instantly to see who it was and her eyes landed on Ye Cheng’s face first before looking downwards to what he was carrying.



Sorry guys for the delay.

NB: I just want to use this opportunity to say that, whatever is happening especially with Ye Cheng, I know you guys are angry with him but try to understand that no one is perfect and not everyone would think the way you think. i am not trying to create the flawless, perfect cold CEO guys, as I want my story to feel real.

Like I earlier said, this wasn’t supposed to even happen from my original plot. He was to fall in love with her and sow it when they were in their contracted marriage but somehow along d line i missed it and let them show feelings.

So please do calm down... their love would bloom but I want them to figure things out and let go of their fears and face love. Cos the honest truth, it is not just easy to let go of some kinds of things that happened to you before and open your heart to trust again, that is why i am allowing Li Jing to see all she would face in the relationship and she should prepare herself, if she wants him still.

Also, those bitches would get what is coming for them too. All of them. Sorry if there are things you do not like but please stick with the story and let us progress together.

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