Mortal Cultivation

Chapter 45

Chapter 45: Shades Of Death [I]

At this moment, Hao Yan’s dark song attack had arrived. Wang Wei only felt that his whole body suddenly became transparent, and the powerful magic sound from Hao Yan passed through his body at once. Immediately afterwards, the spiritual power in his body began to fluctuate violently.

Wang Wei only felt that in his mind, a force quickly occupied his body, and his consciousness began to blur. Just when he was about to lose consciousness, Wang Wei strained himself to look at his mother, only to see a transparent water shield quickly condensing under the flash of the spirit crystal in front of his mother.

It was a pity that the water shield had not been fully formed, and it looked so thin under Hao Yan’s attack.

However, on the other side of his mother, large swaths of blood threads were mixing with the transparent water shield on the other side of his mother that had not yet fully formed. The original transparent water shield instantly turned into a blood-red color.

Wang Wei couldn’t help widening his eyes at the scene before him. Wang Mu Tuo’s body had been smashed by the magic sound, and blood was now raining down like water.

“Father!” Wang Wei shouted, but his voice sounded far away, as if it came from an ancient time.

At this moment, Xuan’er opened her mouth to say something, but her defence was weak. The sound attack swept through her body like blood arrows.


“Mother......” Fei lost consciousness and everything got dark in front of him. Soon, his body began to fall, towards the water pool below.

Seeing the blood mist scattered all over the sky and the rapidly falling figures of the humans, Hao Yan snorted coldly. He was just about to make up for it, when he suddenly found that countless tiny steel needles had condensed around his body, and in a blink of an eye, he began to spin wildly.

Hao Yan was startled, and immediately used the Dragon Demon Protection God Shield, forming an invisible armour around his body. In just a moment, Hao Yan was trapped in a huge metal storm.

In the storm, countless fine steel needles were constantly cutting everything around Haoyan, making a harsh metal grating sound. It was a pity that the Metal Storm was not having a great effect on him.

Hao Yan turned around and knew who was behind without even looking. Couldn’t help but wonder. “You didn’t die?”

He saw that Mammoth was flying behind him, and his originally short figure had soared to nearly two meters at this time. The clothes had long been shredded, revealing the strong muscles of the whole upper body. The blood vessels popped and twisted slightly under the muscled body. Waist-length hair rose to the sky without wind, creating a deadly look.

The metal storm gradually subsided, and it could be clearly seen that the seven spirit crystals in front of the mammoth had completely disappeared. Crazy eyes were now staring at Hao Yan, as if he wanted to release thunderbolts from his eyes, and turn Hao Yan into ashes.

A sharp steel needle more than two meters long appeared quietly out of thin air behind Hao Yan’s head.

“Humph. Is it the detonating spirit crystal again? It’s really too much.” A flash of electricity suddenly shot out of Hao Yan’s eyes, and it shot straight into Mammoth’s eyes.

Mammoth’s mind suddenly shook violently. When he turned his head again, Mammoth’s eyes had turned into blank, and hovered in the air. The stature that had already skyrocketed began to gradually shrink to its original height. Hair and skin have gradually returned to normal.

And the steel needle that quietly appeared behind Hao Yan’s head also disappeared invisibly at the same time.

This is another powerful spiritual skill of Hao Yan, the second son of the Dragon Demon – the Eye of the Demon Dragon. Anyone who is hit by his gaze will either be manipulated by him and become a puppet, or become an idiot and lose any ability.

At this time, the mammoth was seriously injured and consumed too much spiritual power. Coupled with the forceful detonation of his spiritual crystal, the body was subjected to a huge spiritual shock, and the mind lost its usual agility because of madness.

Hao Yan’s little magic dragon’s eye attack easily controlled Mammoth’s intelligence. This was also the unexpected result of Mammoth.

Hao Yan grabbed Mammoth’s hands in the air, and the thin body of the mammoth flew straight over. When he was still more than ten meters away from Hao Yan, his body suddenly burst open. Countless pieces of flesh and blood fell to the water stream below like a rain of blood broke out in the air.

Hao Yan couldn’t help but snorted coldly and murmured, “Damn, it’s a waste of resources. It’s a pity losing these seven spirit crystals.”

Glancing at the waterfall under his feet, he saw the rapids under the waterfall, and he couldn’t see anything but the waves. Hao Yan couldn’t help shaking his head and sighed. “Unfortunately, I lost good items.”

After that, Hao Yan identified the direction and flew straight towards the Ironwood tribe without any reluctance.





The cold groundwater slowly condensed into water droplets on the tip of the stalactite, and then slipped decisively, mercilessly hitting a young boy’s face, making a “pah, pah” sound.

This was a cave full of stalactites. The cave was sealed and pitch black. Only the turquoise light dots on the stone wall flickered, emitting a dim light.

At the center of the cave, there was a puddle several square meters in size.

At this time, a woman and a child were lying on their backs on a flat boulder by the puddle.

The woman was soaked all over, her hair was tangled in strands on the stone surface, her face was beautiful, her complexion was unusually pale, and there was no trace of blood on her face. She lay stiffly on the boulder, apparently dead for a long time.

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