MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 46 - 46: The Difficult to Reach Third Platform

Chapter 46: Chapter 46: The Difficult to Reach Third Platform

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Seeing the audience’s heated reactions, Tian Na asked, “Is this item really valuable?”

“More than just valuable.” KB firmly fixed his eyes on the attribute screenshot and said, “You have to realize, some classes rely heavily on their pets for their strength, right?”

“Yes, Summoners, Necromancers.” Tian Na responded.

“Exactly, especially those Necromancers who follow the summoning path. Having a good undead pet and not having a good alternate pet are literally like being two different classes. Consider Necromancers of the same level; one is just surviving by summoning skeletons with their skills while another, like Xiayao for instance, summons an 11th level undead pet with this item. Even though it only possesses a fraction of the boss’s properties, can you envisage the gap between the two?”

Tian Na thought for a moment, then said, “So, the pet she summoned using this item must have at least tens of thousands of HP. The HP of a skeleton summoned by an ordinary skill is even lower than that of players, so this…”

“You get it now, right? Having an 11th level boss pet would make you invincible, at least for now. Of course, the prerequisite is that she survives, and doesn’t die prematurely.” KB explained: “That’s why Xiayao said that it’s better than equipment. Because having this pet, let alone teaming up with Prairie Fire and others, would make grinding a level 5 elite feel like child’s play for her. With this item, one can gain countless blue equipment.”

Indeed, the audience members and water friends who understood its potential were almost going crazy. At this stage, possessing this item would be akin to having a divine artifact. Even a noob Necromancer, with this item, could at least be considered a god-level expert when grinding mobs and running dungeons.

Some rich players even started asking Xiayao if she was selling it and that they could negotiate the price. Xiayao pretended not to notice. “Stop asking and loot the next item.” Li Yao prompted.

Arcane Eye Grade: Blue Superb

Slot: Off-Hand

Intelligence: 20

Spirit: 16

Increases the wearer’s mana recovery speed by 10%, magic power upper limit Equipment Level: 10

Class Requirements: Mage, Summoner, Magician, Druid

“Ah, why can’t I use such a good item?” Mengtong fixed her gaze on the equipment and was struck dumb, looking as if she was about to cry.

Many people were drooling over this item; it was the best of the best. Super high attributes, equivalent to level 10 attributes as soon as it’s equipped, it’s simply amazing.

In addition, it had special effects, which were undoubtedly a favorite for the mana-drainers.

“None of us can use it.” Xiayao asked: “How should we handle it?”

Li Yao thought for a moment and said: “Why don’t we sell it then? If any of you has any connections, you can directly sell it to a guild. Exchange it for equipment we can use. This equipment greatly boosts healing. I believe many will be interested.”

“Alright, I know a large club, leave it to me.” Mengtong promised.

“I have no objections.” Xiayao said.

“What about Shadow Dance?” Noticing that Shadow Dance had not expressed an opinion, Li Yao asked.

“Uh, can I express an opinion too?” Shadow Dance pointed to his own nose, bewildered.

“Well, is there anything wrong? You’re a member of our team, a reserve member, but you contributed to this battle. Therefore, you should have a say over the spoils. Is there anything wrong with that?” Li Yao asked, puzzled.

“Ahem, I have no objections, just follow everyone’s lead.” Shadow Dance was very happy inside.

“Alright, we’ll leave it to you then.” Li Yao then allocated the item to Mengtong: “Rub it one more time, let’s see if there’s anything else. The quality of the items dropped by the first kill boss is very high, although the quantity is not as much as that of the wild bosses.’

The livestream room was filled with lamentations as their purchasing plan had fallen through.

Backflip skill book

With a hunter’s full strength, evade an attack by backflipping a distance of forty yards.

This is another very practical skill book for a hunter. Without any hesitation, Li Yao allocated it to himself and immediately learned it. This skill is very rare early on; Li Yao had not seen it at any stalls.

Now, apart from Shadow Roll, he learned Backflip which greatly increased his survivability.

The audience’s reaction wasn’t as enthusiastic, but that’s because they didn’t know the value of a rare skill. In his view, it greatly surpassed the improvement from equipment, unless, of course, it’s a small artifact like Teeth of the Poison God.

Arcane Crown

Quality: Purple Epic

Intelligence: 22

Spirit: 20

Endurance: 18

Increases spell intensity by 24

Type: Cloth Armor

Equipment Level: 10

Class Requirement: Mage, Magician, Summoner, Necromancer, Priest

“Holy cow, it dropped an epic item!” Shadow Dance exclaimed in shock.

The television audience and the netizens watching the live stream stared in complete disbelief. It was an epic item, for heaven’s sake! Epic items!

It was known that less than five epic items existed currently, among which, the little artifact dropped by the boss was held by Prairie Fire.

And the few other circulating epic items were all obtained by some goddamn lucky players from opening gold treasure boxes. They were all sold at incredibly high prices, but dear me, such things were hard to trade, weren’t they?

And now, they saw, right before their own eyes, an epic item had dropped. And even more exceptional was the fact that it was a level 10 epic item.

On TV, Tian Na’s voice trembled as she asked, “Could you explain this item to our viewers?”

KB swallowed hard, nodded and said, “I don’t need to explain the high intelligence and spirit stats. You all should understand what that signifies. And 18 points of stamina, increasing more than a hundred hit point, how amazing is that? Most of the fragile and cloth-wearing classes also have slightly more than a hundred HP. This can almost double the HP. If a healer wears it, a bloody, milk-cow-like healer, oh man, just thinking about it makes me lose control. I bet every guild and club are frantically contacting Xiayao now.” “What about the last property?” Tian Na continued to ask.

“Do I even need to explain the last one? The most powerful mages have spell intensity stats around thirty, and this directly adds 24 points. Good heavens! If it’s given to a damage dealer, once they reach level 10, they will become a cannon tower. If given to a healer, it would be a super milk-cow.”

KB was a bit jealous. This was an epic item, and such a high-quality one too! Though it couldn’t compare to Prairie Fire’s little artifact, a level 10 epic item this was indeed one of a kind.

Not to speak of the present, even when reaching level 10, epic items are hard to come by. Hoping for one to drop from a chest? How many of those can you possibly get? Killing field bosses, is even more challenging. It’d take losing countless guild elites’ levels to kill just one field boss.

“This item is for Xiayao.” Li Yao didn’t look at it carefully, assigning the item to Qin Feng Yi. In his previous life, he had seen too many divine items and was completely desensitized. Not to mention this kind of transitional item. Even if it’s a small exceptional item, it cannot arouse his interest.

Now his attention was on the next platform. It was a gigantic outdoor platform; a towering statue of the Sun King stood there. The Titan equipment he needed was in the statue’s hands.

“There are still four gold coins, one for each of us, yay.” The cute and naive Tongtong’s eyes became thin slits with excitement.

Li Yao quickly split up the gold coins and said, “I’m sure there are more, don’t hide it, hurry up and distribute it. We have to move on to the next platform after finishing distributing the items.”

“Hmph, you discovered it.” Tongtong reluctantly took out the last item.

Arcane Dagger

Quality: Excellent Blue

Attack: 28-32

Strength: 15

Agility: 13

Arcane Suck: Inflicting bloodsucking damage on an enemy’s weak point or back, and supplementing oneself, with a maximum effect of 10%.

Equipment Level: 10

Needed to Equip: Rogue, warrior, death knight, hunter

“This is for Shadow Dance.” Li Yao immediately assigned the equipment to Shadow Dance Krazy.

“This…This is too valuable.” Shadow Dance crazily trembled while holding the dagger. It was definitely the best weapon for rogues at this stage, with extraordinarily high attack and attribute enhancement, and the endurance provided by the bloodsucking effect. It was a rogue’s favorite. If the weapon is used properly, endless slaughters were possible.

“This is the team’s rule, however, considering you’re only a reserve member, and you contributed less compared to others in this battle, we’ll deduct 50 silver coins, is that okay?” Li Yao knew that Shadow Dance Krazy came from a poor area, had a strong self-esteem, and disliked being at an advantage over others. Thus, he came up with a solution.

“No problem, no problem, I’ll hand over the silver coins later.” Like a small pecking chicken, Shadow Dance crazily admired the dagger in his hand. He held it gently like touching a lover.

Many rogue players among the audience and netizens watching the live stream had red eyes. How they wished they also have such an awesome dagger! This was a level 10 item, how terrific! There were countless who wanted to buy it, but Shadow Dance Krazy shut down his friend requests, his private messages were ignored, they didn’t have any way to reach him.

And soon they would reach the required level to use it. The majority of current blue items are only level two or three.

“Ah, baby is not happy. How come there isn’t anything for me to use?” Tongtong said sadly.

“What’s the rush? There is still a final boss, the really good stuff will be dropped by it.” Li Yao comforted her. But as for what the boss would drop, it indeed depended on the luck of the day. It couldn’t be forced. Sometimes when you wanted something, it just wouldn’t drop, but for those who didn’t care, it might drop in a single kill.

Luck is the true way, as for drop rates and such, they were just illusions. Unless it’s a hundred percent drop rate, even with a 90% drop rate, if it doesn’t want to drop for you, there’s nothing you can do.

“Why isn’t Xiayao talking? Is it because she is too happy and can’t find the words?” Tongtong asked.

“So troublesome, there’re many people wanting to buy my equipment?” Xiayao helplessly said.

“It’s alright, deal with them, I need to figure out how to get to the third platform.” Li Yao was contemplating his strategy while staring at the distant third platform. The strategies for today’s pioneering were not discovered by anyone else but were crafted through his own years of Hunter experience. The third platform is indeed a challenge.

At the TV station, seeing Li Yao staring at the third platform in a daze, Tian Na asked, “It looks like Prairie Fire is struggling.”

KB also had been studying for a while before saying cautiously, “This platform, he definitely can’t cross.”

Tian Na giggled and said, “You’re really jinxing it. How can you be so sure?”

“Of course I’m sure because he absolutely can’t cross. Even if, backing up ten thousand steps, he could reach the third platform. How would he clear the monsters on the platform?” KB confidently said.

“Can’t he use the original method?” Tian Na seemed confused.

“Certainly not. This platform doesn’t have a dome, although pillars are still there, they are too far, at least a hundred and fifty yards away, there’s no way to throw the hook lock again. Besides, talking about clearing the monsters on the opposite side, the attacking distance is not sufficient. The hit rate significantly dropped, and so did the power. Look at those monsters; they are just mini-versions of the boss we just killed. Even if his skill is as precise as before, he can’t repel them. That’s why there’s no chance for Prairie Fire this time.”

The netizens watching the live stream and the audiences were also despairing. The attack distance was exceeded, the monsters could not be repelled, what other methods were left? It was simply unsolvable….

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