Master, This Poor Disciple Died Again Today

Chapter 89: The First Blow is Also the Last

Chapter 89: The First Blow is Also the Last

The instant Hui stepped into the ring, Zhenmao and Shen Xe ran at him. Zhenmao rushed from the left, while Shen Xe charged from the right.

Take this! Panthers Claw!

Hui froze, startled. Shen Xe grinned viciously. He clawed through the hapless cultivator while Zhenmao tore him apart with her teeth.

His claws cut through skin, then air. Shreds of skin flew on the breeze. A black robe floated to the ground. Zhenmao shook her head and spat out the scraps of skin, disgusted.

Shen Xe furrowed his brows. He glanced left and right. Where did you go? Coward!

Youll have to try harder than that if youre going to taunt me, Hui replied. He landed with a thump on one leg, off-balance. Gu Tians sword rolled away, clattering off the stage. Hui staggered sideways, barely catching himself. Mimicking Li Xiangs third-stage swordflight technique is harder than I thought. All I could manage was launching myself up. Im really not suited to sword cultivation.

Your precious sword is gone. Pitiful sword cultivator, you've disarmed yourself, Shen Xe sneered.

Eh? Un. You thought I was serious? Hui chuckled.

Shen Xe burned red. His face twitched, sneer darkening to disgust. You wont trick me with that pathetic mockery again, nor with your pitiful attempt to bluff me. Zhenmao!

Hui clicked his tongue and waved his finger at Shen Xe.

Taken aback, Shen Xe paused. Zhenmao looked up as well, confused.

Lets be civilized about this. After your attack, its my turn. Zhubi, use Poison Fang!

Lying on the ground under Zhenmao, Zhubi rolled upright, instantly coming back to life. He reared back and bit Zhenmao in the ankle.

Wh-what? When did that snake get there? I sensed nothing! Shen Xe exclaimed.

Hui smirked. Of course you didn't. I had Zhubi play dead, then tossed him over while I leaped up. You were too distracted with killing my decoy to notice!

Zhenmao yowled and batted Zhubi away. The snake rolled across the arena.

Hui smirked. The battle is over.

Shen Xe frowned. You dont get to decide that.

Dont I? He bent and picked up Zhubi, nestling the snake to his chest. Youve done well, my friend.

Zhubi laid limp in his hands, ragged, skin gashed open. All at once, the snake shivered in his hands, then forcefully wriggled out of his skin.

The Zhubi that emerged on the other side glowed with a pale white-green light. His patterns changed from brown to black, black-purple, and green, reminiscent of the lotus pill blossom. He shivered happily and squirmed up Huis arm to nestle in the warmth at Huis neck.

Eh? Zhubi, your aura you feel like a four-hundred-year spirit beast now, Hui said, pleasantly surprised.

A happy hiss sounded in his ear, and then Zhubi settled in, falling asleep.

Hey! Pay attention! Zhenmao, attack!

Hui gave him a look of pity. I told you. Its over.

Zhenmao took half a step forward. She staggered, tripping over her own paws, then thumped to the ground.

Zhenmao? Shen Xe ran to her side and knelt by her head. She turned weakly toward him, then plopped back to the stone arena.

Hui chuckled. Shes poisoned.

She cant be. Zhenmao is resistant to poisons, Shen Xe said.

Qi poisons?

Shen Xe whirled. You wouldnt.

The crowd fell silent. Hui nodded to himself. Ah, I understand. Qi poisons are rare and hard to find, and can permanently ruin a cultivator's meridians and cultivation. The first time I got bitten, I thought I was dead too--ahem, though that was mostly this small cultivator's fault. Even the weakest qi poisons can cripple. If I didn't know what I was doing, a qi poison would be ridiculous overkill for this tournament.

Smiling, Hui extended his hand and summoned the silver pills from his ring. I would because I have the antidote.

Whwhat? Are you extorting me, in the middle of a battle? Shen Xe asked disbelievingly.

Hui looked down on Shen Xe. Why wouldnt I? Extorting in the middle of battle, on the streets, in my house, in my neighbors house, in the grocery storethe best time to extort someone is whenever you can! Thats what the loan sharks taught me!

Shen Xe stared. His jaw dropped.

In the background, the audience booed.

Hui ignored them. Im here to rend hearts. Boo all you want, it doesnt matter! Well? Im the only one with the antidote. Im the only one who can save your Zhenmao. If you give up the fight, Ill be happy to give you a pill. But if you continue fighting I cant promise your precious darling will come out alive.

You beast! Youre the enemy of all beast cultivators everywhere!

You attacked me with a beast. Am I not allowed to attack back with a beast? Hui asked, affronted. Are you the only one allowed to fight with a beast? Is it illegal if I use my own pet against yours? Think before you speak!

Shen Xe went red. His hands shook. You you

He lunged, rushing for Huis hand.

Hui gestured. The pills vanished. Shen Xes hand closed around nothing.

Tutting, Hui shook his finger. How underhanded. Trying to pickpocket me? Ah, its good Im such an upright, righteous, straightforward cultivator, or I might hold a grudge over something like that.

Shen Xe panted. He glared at Hui. If I cant take the pills, Ill beat them out of you!

Behind him, Zhenmao let out a pitiable mewl. Shen Xe flinched.

Oh? Are you sure you can get them before your Zhenmao perishes? Besides, Shen Xe, do you think this is a smash-and-grab ambush in the woods? I don't know about your Azure Fang Sect, but I come from Starbound Sect. Were upright cultivators, not wild thieves. You cant beat me and take my equipment, not in an honorable tournament in front of our elders. In fact, that sounds downright demonic of you. Hmm, I hope your behavior doesn't reflect on your sect...

Shen Xe gritted his teeth. You!

Hui shrugged, smug. So? Will you accept the pills? Im desperate to give them to you and save your poor Zhenmao. All you have to do is surrender.

Shen Xes veins stood out on his forehead. He clenched his fists. I I

Hui smiled, waiting, relaxed and unhurried. Internally, he screamed. Hurry up and surrender! If this goes much longer, I can't guarantee--!

I surrender, Shen Xe whispered, his shoulders slumping in defeat.

Silence fell over the arena.

Hui nodded. He walked solemnly over to Zhenmao and bent. Looking over the panther, he nodded a few times, then petted her under her chin. Good kitty.

What are you doing? Feed her the pill! Shen Xe demanded.

Ah, the pill is actually a medicine made from Zhubis venom. His venom is non-lethal. Itll slow her qi circulation and calm any violent qi flows, which is what made her collapse, but it wont kill her. In fact, it can even help suppress qi deviations! Hui turned to Shen Xe with a beaming smile.

Ah, this small cultivator was worried. If it went much longer, I couldn't guarantee my own victory! Zhenmao is a spirit beast, resistant to poisons at that. If he'd waited much longer, Zhenmao would have woken up and eaten me, and, well, so much for Xiao Huis plan to rend hearts! My heart would have been rent by Zhenmaos fangs instead!

Nodding to himself, Hui smiled. Ah, good thing this small cultivator is so righteous, kind, and pure-hearted! Look, I ended a fight without having to lift my finger against my opponent!

Behind him, Zhenmao shook her head. Slowly, she climbed to a sit.

Shen Xe stared. His eyes went wide. Y you, you, you

Ah? Overcome with relief? I understand, I understand. Listen, my friend

YOU! Shen Xe launched at Hui. Glowing claws materialized at the ends of his fingertips.

Hui hunkered down, guarding with his arms.

Gold chains burst from the surface of the stone arena and wrapped around Shen Xe, pinning him in place. Veins stood out on his forehead and arms. His skin burned with anger. His eyes bulged, reddened.

When no one hit him, Hui slowly stood. He looked around, then found Shen Xe, caught in midair. Huis smile returned. Bending, he picked up the black robes and retrieved Gu Tians sword, then walked over to Shen Xe and patted him on the cheek. Thanks for the victory!

Ah, although this small cultivator is a coward no, its because this small cultivator is a coward! There are times when the most cowardly thing to do is draw aggro!

Walking past Shen Xe, he exited the arena. Hui raised his hands to the crowd in victory.

No one cheered. A few murmurs traveled through the arena.

Hui shook his head at the crowd, disappointed in them. No one can appreciate a flawless victory when they see one!

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