Master, This Poor Disciple Died Again Today

Chapter 638: Barriers and Demons

Chapter 638: Barriers and Demons

Hui walked up to the hostages. Where is the barrier?

Stop! Not another step. You can enter, but you cant exit! Tian Mo shouted.

Hui paused. He knelt, pressing his hands against the ground, and sent his qi forth.

Barely an inch in front of him, his qi hit another structure. Hui quickly examined it, then sighed. Boring. Just an ordinary barrier. Barely worth talking about.

Tian Mo blinked. Did Did Gui Hui just sigh? Is it that hopeless? Can nothing be done? Run and fetch the instr

Black feathered over the air in front of Hui. It spread quickly, wrapping around the entire space that enclosed his fellow disciples. Where the black passed, the barrier peeled away, and in a few moments, it fell away entirely.

uctors Tian Mo said, flagging mid-sentence.

Elder Brother is indeed a genius! Yes, yes, we should get the instructors. Ah, though, you might not be able to. I think we might be locked in here. Perhaps a spatial lock, of some description? Hui suggested. From the way no one can break in, not even Tseng Caihong or one of the Tier Masters well, based on the logic of the novels of my world, a spatial lock is a reasonable option!

Spatial locks are usually based on the principles of space, one of the more advanced concepts, and only available to those who choose to cultivate the principles of space. Thus, destroying a spatial lock is also limited to those either more powerful than the caster which, given that the caster could be an ancient artifact, might not be possibleor someone else with a deep comprehension of space, which none of the Tier Masters struck me as. If we were locked in here through a spatial lock, it explains why Tseng Caihong hasnt come to investigate the resentment demons being freed yet!

A spatial lock? Tian Mos brows furrowed.

Is that more than a disciple my age should know? Oh well, its fine. Ill just grow the legend of the Southern Sect Conference! Tian Mo doesnt know? Ah, I guess it might be considered an advanced topic by some lowly sects. Spatial locks can be cast by someone with a deep comprehension of space putting it simply, they lock down an area of space.

Tian Mo frowned, brows furrowing deeper. I dont understand.

Mmm, well, it isnt important now. What we should do now is break away from this battle and find a place to safely hide until the spatial lockor whatever locks us in herewears off. Im sure the Tier Masters are working hard to free us, so surely as long as we survive for a while, well be able to break out with their help! Hui said, clenching his fist.

Actually, I have no faith in the Tier Masters. But as long as I can find a quiet place, somewhere where my fellow disciples wont be in danger and where I wont have to worry about them, I can at least investigate whatevers keeping the Tier Masters outand presumably, us inand maybe, possibly even, break out!

I wouldnt dare assure my fellow disciples that I could break out, no, no. Not this small cultivator! After all, if it is truly a spatial lock, I have no more comprehension of those than anyone else here. But, well, comprehension starts with investigation! Ill use this as an opportunity to investigate the spatial lock, or whatever structure is locking us in.

This is all incredibly valuable information. What I have on my hands right now is lock that can hold out Tseng Caihong and the Tier Masters or at the very least, a barrier that can evade their detection! What a bonus that would be for me! The things I could do with that knowledge! Ahh, Im excited just thinking about it! Yes, yes, now that everyones safe, lets scurry off to a safe space so this small cultivator can study the lock.

In the end, Im not that worried about breaking out. Ive thought from the start that Ai Tuzi looked like she was waiting for something to end, and I still think that. Its likely that whatever shes using to have this effect can only function for a limited time or can only function for a limited time at her current cultivation level. Either way, the end effect is the same. As long as we bunker down, we should be able to escape! At this point, its a waiting game.

The other disciples quickly escaped the barrier and huddled around Hui.

What next? Meimei asked.

Its obvious! Get help! Tian Mo argued. Even if its useless, we have to try!

Hui shook his head. Elder Brother, although I respect your genius idea, I must repeat that I dont think we should. We need to escape and hide first. Escape and hide! The Tier Masters should have noticed that something is strange by now. If we escape and hide, and have faith, theyll come find us in no time.

Tian Mo frowned. But

Meimei pushed him aside. Tian Mo, are you stupid? Gui Hui, what happened? How did you reach fourth stage? Why can you fly now? What happened? What good fortune did you come across while you were away?

I was tutored personally by Jizhi Zhimei! Hui said truthfully. Yes, yes. Thats all that happened!

Meimei frowned. Shes that good at teaching? I thought she was a horrible teacher. Dont most of her disciples di

Tian Mo nudged Meimei mid-word. Meimei, hush.

Hui whirled. What did she almost say? Her disciples die?

Well, but most of them cant handle looking at her without going mad. Yes, yes. Im in no danger. After all, Im immune to her beauty!

Er, but she is also the leader of the assassin tier I cant take her lightly. In the end, shes still a fearsome cultivator, ninth stage, borderline Immortal. I shouldnt assume that shes no threat to me, just because I dont go insane from her beauty. In fact, a single flick of her wrist could destroy a small bug like me!

Phew! To think, I wasnt taking Jizhi Zhimei seriously enough! Oh dear, oh dear. Ill have to continue to watch myself.

Hui put his hand on the tree branch hed used to fly over on and fed life qi into it. The tree branch grew into a massive tree. Everyone, climb on. Ill fly us away. Ohsomeone grab Zhang Zhisho!

One of the children ran backward and grabbed their instructor. Another joined them, and together, the two of them carried her onto Huis tree.

Everyone on? Hui asked, looking around.

Tian Mo nodded. All on!

Hui turned. Lets go!

Behind them, Ai Tuzi pointed after them. Stop them!

The demons jumped up, struggling to escape the resentment demons. Leaping on them in their distraction, the resentment demons leaped. They bore the demons back down to the ground and grappled them in place.

Frustrated, Ai Tuzi growled to herself. She raced after Hui and the other children, leaving the resentment demons behind.

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