Master, This Poor Disciple Died Again Today

Chapter 47: Journey

Chapter 47: Journey

It hasnt been a hundred years. What are you doing out of forced seclusion already? Li Xiang asked.

Hui stepped forward. Master let me out.

She frowned at Weiheng Wu.

No one is allowed to punish my disciple except myself.

Li Xiang tipped her head. Thats true? Ive never heard that before.

Whether its true or not, I definitely believe Weiheng Wu thinks its true! Hui thought to himself. He gave Li Xiang his best smile, resisting the urge to nod along. She might find it fishy if my nod is a lie but Masters line is a truth.

She frowned, then hopped off her sword. Well, if thats how it works for inheriting disciples, who am I to interfere? She held out her hand, and her sword leaped into it.

Weiheng Wu nodded and strode past her.

Hui gave her a friendly nod and moved to go past her as well. AhIm taller than her now! He straightened himself up to his full height and cleared the top of her head by a few inches. Not by a lot, but still!

Where are you going? I dont often see you and your master together, Li Xiang asked.

Were heading to a cultivators city? Hui said.

Twin Elements City, Weiheng Wu replied.

Twin Elements City, Hui repeated. Wait where have I heard that before?

Oh, sounds fun, Li Xiang said, smiling. She looked at Hui, her pure eyes round and shining.

Wait! Wait, I promised Id take her when I left the sect! II kind of already broke the promise, but Master dragged me out, so that doesnt count! Anyways He glanced at Li Xiang. Its actually an advantage to bring her. I have almost no offensive abilities, and shes a sword cultivator.

He glanced at Weiheng Wu, then shrugged. Master isnt going to stop me. He doesnt have enough fucks left in him for that.

He cleared his throat. Er, Li Xiang, would you like to come with us?

She grinned. Id be delighted!

Daring a second peek at Weiheng Wu, he found his master gazing off toward the horizon, completely uninterested. As I suspected. Master doesnt care.

Then, welcome aboard! Hui said.

At that, Weiheng Wu unsheathed his sword. Itll be a bit tight.

I can ride my sword, Li Xiang offered.

Weiheng Wu looked at her. At the same speed as a fifth stage cultivator?

Li Xiang wilted, staring at her feet.

Master, please be delicate! She cant even ride it consistently without falling off, you dont need to smack her right in her weak spot, okay?

A momentary illusion passed in front of his eyes. Him, Li Xiang, and Weiheng Wu squeezed tight on the sword, so close they couldnt help but touch. Ah, in front or behind Li Xiang? Which is better? If Im in front, then the softness against my back. But behind, I cant be blamed if I hold onto her hips for purchase, and her her rear

Ah! Theres no bad choices!

He smiled at Li Xiang. Where do you want to ride? Ill let you choose first.

C can I ride in front? Li Xiang asked, instantly revived. She turned bright, shiny eyes on Hui, hands clasped cutely.

Er even I dont ask to ride in front. No, wait! What happened to my beautiful dream? Waitmaybe I can ride in front, too? He glanced at Weiheng Wu.

For balance, Hui, ride behind, Weiheng Wu ordered.

Hui wilted this time, his dreams gone. Theres nothing soft to hold onto! No curves to bump into! And Ill look like a dork, doubly so because Masters between me and the beauty, like Im some kind of untrustable deviant!

He let out a sigh, forcing himself back up. Ive fallen from heaven into a sad, familiar hell.

Lets go! Li Xiang jumped onto Weiheng Wus sword.

Weiheng Wu stepped aboard, and Hui followed suit, disappointed. The three of them crowded together on the narrow sword. Hui leaned close to Weiheng Wu, rear heel braced against the butt of the sword. The three of them took to the air. The sect fell away behind them and vanished as they climbed above the clouds.

Ah! It feels so nice! Li Xiang cried, her hair whipping around her face.

Careful, Weiheng Wu cautioned her, putting a hand on her shoulder to steady her.

A sad Hui clutched his master by the waist, tears streaking down his face. So unfair

Sky and earth flashed by, a blur of brown, green, and blue. Despite their speed, the wind remained at a reasonable level. Remembering all the times hed been forced to bear the pressure and wind of flight, he narrowed his eyes at Weiheng Wus back. The girl gets favorable treatment, huh?

The wind pulled at his robes, revealing his bare legs. Hui reached out and flicked them shut, tucking them between his legs for security. When we get to town, the first thing Im buying is new pants!

Trees gave way suddenly to a beautiful city, all sloping roofs and red trim. Weiheng Wu slowed, giving them a better view of the city from above. A golden statue of a tiger, about ten meters tall, roared over the city center. Several fenced enclaves cut out clumps of forest along the citys edges. Cultivators in bold colors wandered the city, while shopkeeps hawked goods along the roadside. From above, brilliant parasols danced along the roadside.

Quietly, Weiheng Wu murmured, Several clans call Twin Elemental City home. The city itself is an independent city-state that belongs to no particular sect or clan. To sustain that, the clans have a dense network of alliances with most clans in the area demonic and righteous alike. Mind yourself. Twin Elemental City can be a dangerous place.

Understood, Hui replied, tense.

Weiheng Wu nodded. Remember, use the jade if your life is at risk. It will vibrate when you find the right sect.

Eh? Master, arent we going to the city? Hui asked, looking over his shoulder at Weiheng Wu. Were still a ways out from the city itself. Itll be a hike from here.

I dont want to scare away the mastermind, Weiheng Wu reminded him. He tipped his sword back.

M-master? Hui fell backward. He grabbed for Weiheng Wus robes.

Weiheng Wu shifted his robes out of Huis reach.

Hui plunged backward. His eyes went wide. This is the end of this small disciple!

Hui! Drawing her sword, Li Xiang dropped after him.

As he hurtled downward, Weiheng Wu vanished into the sky. Hui choked back tears. Master, why must you always abandon your disciple?

Mounting her sword, Li Xiang shot down after Hui. She reached out toward him. Grab on!

Hui lunged for her. Their hands met. Li Xiang hauled him in, spinning her legs around under her to get the sword beneath them. For a second, she balanced. Then Huis weight crashed down on her arm, yanking her off-balance. She whirled around after him, spinning around him. Her sword flew off as the two of them spiraled toward the ground.

Hui grabbed ahold of Li Xiang. He reached for one of his talismans. Activate!

A blast of wind slowed their fall, but wasnt enough to stop them. Wincing, Hui reached for another talisman. Dammit, my precious spirit stones

Li Xiang threw out her free hand. Daodao, to me!

A distant silver light reversed. It arced through the air toward them, slicing the wind with a sharp keen. Its hilt landed neatly in her hand. She frowned, pushing qi into the sword again.

Branches snapped against Huis shoulders. The ground rushed up at them.

Li Xiang! Hui shouted, clutching tight onto her with all his limbs in a koala pose. Fly already! Fly us, now!

They yanked to a stop. Holding on to Li Xiang, eyes squeezed shut, Huis heart hammered in his ears. Slowly, he peeked his eyes open.

The ground loomed, inches below his back. Long grasses tickled his back. Hui shuddered, running a hand down the back of his neck. I almost died. I almost died, for real!

Er, Hui Li Xiang said.

He looked at her. She looked down her body, where his bare legs wrapped around her waist.

Ah! Sorry! Hui released her. He plopped to the ground, already pulling his robes over his legs before he landed. I, er, I th-things happened, and I, I didnt have time to get a new pair

Li Xiang narrowed her eyes at him. Pervert.

Im not Hui started to say, then fell short. I dont want to know if Im truthfully a pervert or not! I feel guilty about it, but not like a pervert Still, I dont want to take that chance.

She released her sword and fell onto him, hands and knees deployed just in time to straddle rather than fall fully atop him. Their faces almost collided.

Time slowed. Hui breathed a sweet, floral scent. Her long hair tickled his cheek. Her dark eyes held unfathomable depths, deep enough to drown in. He gulped. Were alone in this forest. Master has gone. Its just the two of us. Li Xiang

She laughed lightly and climbed to her feet. Lets get into town and get you some trousers, then.

Stunned, Hui stared at the sky. After a few beats, he shook his head and sat up, following her to his feet. Right, right. Lets.

Back straight, Li Xiang vanished ahead of him. Hui jogged after her, chasing her into the forest.

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