Marvel: Killing Makes You Stronger

Chapter 235: What is this Grandmaster Deal?

Chapter 235: What is this Grandmaster Deal?

[This Chapter Is Sponsored by Cade Atkinson! Everyone, please thank him in the comment!]

The banquet concluded in an ostensibly harmonious atmosphere.

Thanos settled down in the palace with a sense of ease. He had no intention of fleeing, even though he was unable to summon one of his greatest assets, the Space Throne.

Thanos was acutely aware that someone had severed the connection between him and the throne.

As for who was responsible, it was quite apparent. Thanos felt like a monkey being toyed with. Was he angry? Of course. However, Thanos had always known how to suppress his anger. Anger often leads to a loss of rationality, but he was capable of being angry without losing his sense of reason.

He could choose the most rational solution that would benefit him the most.

Whether or not it might be embarrassing was entirely irrelevant to him.

He only wanted the best outcome.

Moreover, he had no other choice at this point.

Even if he sought revenge, he had to first get through this unfavorable situation.

Thanos did not engage in any sneaky behavior like stealing a ship to escape. Besides the Power Stone, he also possessed the Mind Stone. If he truly wanted to flee, he could have secretly controlled the soldiers watching him.

Even without the Mind Stone, he had innate mental abilities.

However, these actions would be meaningless. As long as the Grandmaster remained on Sakaar, Thanos’ actions could not escape his notice.

At the level of the Grandmaster, it was impossible to hide many things secretly.

It depended on whether the Grandmaster was willing to pursue the matter.

Thanos outwardly agreed to the Grandmaster's conditions and then violated them, which would only provoke the Grandmaster. Thanos would not do something so foolish. Thus, he chose to honestly enjoy the present and recover to his peak as quickly as possible.

He knew that chaotic situations might arise next.

It was uncertain whether the situation would unfold as he expected.

Under the Grandmaster's direction, Sakaar's promotion to the outside universe was maximized.

The championship battle was no longer as it used to be. Previously, the championship battle was Sakaar's most attention-grabbing event, but now Sakaar had announced that Thanos would participate in the championship battle, and it would be a life-and-death struggle.

This caused a massive sensation across the universe.

Everyone had been anticipating the outcome of Thanos being hunted down.

However, they hadn't expected him to appear on Sakaar and participate in a life-and-death championship battle. Who would be a match for a powerhouse like Thanos?

Given the current situation, it was obvious.

It was undoubtedly one of the names on the hit list.

Regardless of their mindset, a large audience was attracted to Sakaar in a short time. The Grandmaster also announced that the event would be broadcast live to audiences across the universe.

This was clearly going to be a grand feast.

The Grandmaster’s confidence in such a proclamation was evident.

Meanwhile, amidst the anticipation, Thor, Loki, and Wanda had just managed to escape from chaotic space and gathered together.

During the pursuit by Thanos, the sudden massive meteor impact and Thanos' desperate gamble scattered the five of them to other galaxies.

Fortunately, they had pre-established magical energy coordinates. No matter how far apart they were, Wanda and the others could use teleportation magic to reunite across galaxies.

At this moment, in an unknown galaxy, the five of them were resting on Bella’s luxurious large flying boat.

Wanda, Bella, and Pietro were in better condition. Their clothes and equipment, prepared by Bi Xiao, were comparable to artifacts. During the chaotic battle, they were part of the larger group and naturally did not suffer as Thanos did.

Loki and Thor, however, were at a slight disadvantage, with their armor and robes visibly damaged.

Their armor was inferior to that of Wanda and the others.

Thor, having charged at Thanos head-on at the start, suffered significantly from the destructive power of the Power Stone. Loki was targeted by Thanos, who hated him and saw him as the weakest, focusing most of his attacks on Loki.

This strategy forced the others to aid Loki, reducing the pressure on Thanos.

Thus, Loki was even more battered than Thor.

In this battle, if anyone was the most frustrated, it was Thanos. The second most frustrated was Loki, as evident from his sullen expression.

If Thanos were in front of him, Loki would likely pierce him with his spear.

Thor and the others did not waste time with idle talk but instead discussed their battle insights.

Thanos was on the same level as them, but his combat experience, physical skills, and battle strategies were far superior.

Fortunately, the five of them were among the top talents in the universe.

The battle provided them with substantial gains. Absorbing this experience greatly improved them, making any future encounters with Thanos smoother and more effective.

While Thanos enjoyed himself on Sakaar, the five did not fall behind.

Wanda and Bella could summon numerous rich ingredients with a simple spell. These ingredients were top-notch on Earth, not to mention with Thor and Loki, the wealthy Asgardians.

Though not top chefs, Thor and Loki excelled in barbecue.

Their grilled meats, steaks, and lamb chops were exceptionally delicious.

The group’s first meal after the battle was hearty and lavish.

While eating barbecue, Loki seemed to suddenly sense something. He casually placed the roast beef from his hand onto the plate on the table, lightly tapped the table, and a not-too-large metallic sphere appeared on the table.

Accompanied by a scattering of light, a holographic projection immediately materialized.

This holographic projection is connected to the universal network, capable of receiving a lot of information from across the universe, similar to the internet on Earth. However, this information board was divided into many sections without specific regionalization, automatically placing highly popular information at the forefront.

As everyone watched, they saw an old man with flamboyant clothes and white hair enthusiastically giving a speech.

The content of his speech was naturally about the Sakaar Gladiatorial Championships.

Watching the old man talk endlessly about the rules of the competition and the participant Thanos, the five people paused their vigorous eating for a moment before resuming, albeit at a slower pace.

"Who is this old man?" Wanda, Bella, and Pietro did not recognize him. Despite having seen many things related to the universe, the vast complexity of universal powers meant there were still many unknowns to them. The identity of the Grandmaster was one such blind spot for the three.

Fortunately, Thor and Loki were well aware. 

"The Grandmaster, also known as the Master, is a member of the Elders of the Universe," Loki explained, detailing the Grandmaster's information. Wanda, Bella, and Pietro showed no change in expression. 

Another powerful Celestial figure, who had lived for an unknown number of years, displayed pride, arrogance, and brutality, caring for nothing but his own amusement. To outsiders, the Grandmaster was a deterrent, but to the five of them, his threat level was virtually zero. However, he was undeniably a genuine Celestial figure. A direct confrontation would certainly be a huge hassle, as it was practically impossible for a sub-Celestial to challenge a Celestial.

Moreover, their target was Thanos. Engaging the Grandmaster would surely delight Thanos.

"What do you all think? I'll follow your lead," Thor said nonchalantly while tearing into the barbecue, speaking vaguely. 

The recent battles had been exhilarating for him. Currently, he was filled with passion and didn't care whether or not they should fight. Of course, if it came to fighting, that was the best choice for him.

Pietro, like Thor, didn't care about decision-making and was too lazy to think about it. His role in the team was similar to Thor's. Thinking through problems was left to Loki, Wanda, and Bella. It wasn't that Pietro lacked intelligence. In fact, with his Speed Force, his thinking was the fastest among them all. However, he knew that too many decision-makers in a five-person team could easily lead to disputes. Therefore, from the beginning, he and Thor chose not to participate, acting as enforcers, leaving problem-solving to Wanda, Bella, and Loki.

Loki didn't speak immediately, his eyes flickering slightly as if he had an idea. He first looked at Wanda and Bella. This gesture was very gentlemanly. 

Noticing this, Wanda and Bella didn't hesitate. They exchanged a glance, and Wanda spoke first: "Based on Thanos' previous actions, heading to Sakaar must have been a pre-planned escape route. Otherwise, he wouldn't have risked entering that unstable cosmic gateway."

"He wants to use the Grandmaster, dragging him into the mess." 

"He has seized on the Grandmaster's psychological traits, using himself as bait and the so-called Gladiatorial Championships as a pretext to lure us in."

None of them were fools. With a quick thought, Wanda linked Thanos' previous behavior with Loki's description of the Grandmaster's character and immediately understood Thanos' plan. 

It was a blatant strategy. Thanos knew they would definitely figure it out, but so what? He was sitting on Sakaar, and with the Grandmaster's grand announcement of the championships featuring Thanos as one of the main participants, he was waiting to see if they would take the bait. 

For Thanos, the worst-case scenario was a 1V1 duel. He had been pursued and beaten so badly because five sub-Celestial with equally high base attributes had ganged up on him. But in a 1V1, Thanos was obviously very confident. 

What was the best outcome? It depended on whether Wanda and the others were proud and dismissive of the Grandmaster. If they forcibly ignored him, conflict with the Grandmaster would be inevitable. Thanos might stir the pot a little, and the Grandmaster could be dragged into the fight, possibly even leading to a battle. 

Thanos could then either escape during the chaos or help the Grandmaster defeat them, both being favorable outcomes.

Wanda saw through Thanos' plan at a glance, and the others nodded.

"This guy is indeed tricky to deal with," Pietro couldn't help but admire. Since his debut, Pietro hadn't faced many enemies, but Thanos was certainly the most impressive.

To be able to escape despite being surrounded and attacked by five people, even with the help of the Power Stone, is an achievement worthy of praise for Thanos.

An enemy is an enemy, but Pietro does not arbitrarily deny the merits of his opponents. That’s not his character.

“Thanos has a good idea, throwing the problem back to us. What is our stance towards the Grandmaster?” Bella pondered for a moment, glancing at Loki and Wanda.

Her inclination was not to compromise.

The Grandmaster may be a Celestial, but his various actions and thoughts clearly show that he doesn't take Thor, Loki, or them seriously. He treats them merely as pawns for his amusement.

Whether it’s Asgard or Bi Xiao, if they compromise, it would be a great humiliation for both sides.

“What is that old guy thinking? Even if he doesn’t know that Wanda has the backing of the Bi Xiao, would he dare to risk offending Asgard? Isn’t he afraid of a war with Asgard?” Thor couldn’t help but interject.

Wanda and her companions are not only young but also powerful, with an array of magical artifacts and various spells.

These things unmistakably indicate deep roots and formidable backing. An ordinary power could never afford so many artifacts or such a variety of means.

The universe is full of sub-Celestials.

But most of them achieved their status through lineage and time. Many of them are weak in combat, and Thor alone could defeat a large number of them.

Generally, being powerful at the sub-Celestial level implies having a strong backer. If you want to provoke them, you’d better think twice.

Wanda's side has three such individuals.

Young, powerful, and equipped with many artifacts.

They are also associated with Thor and Loki of Asgard, which is a clear indication. The Grandmaster, having lived for countless years, should be intelligent enough to recognize this.

Yet he still dares to brazenly announce the Champion’s Contest, treating them as mere pawns.

What is this?

Is he tired of living and seeking excitement through a deadly adventure?

A thoughtful look flashed in Loki’s eyes as he said, “Could he be testing us?”

He glanced at Wanda and her companions.

The three, along with Thor, were taken aback. Wanda furrowed her brows, “Where does he get the confidence to test us? Why would he test us? If he mishandles things, the cost would be very high.”

Testing implies that the risks and rewards must be balanced. But here, the risks and rewards are clearly disproportionate. Why would the Grandmaster do this?

“Why think so much?” Pietro bit into a roasted lamb leg, chewed a few times, and said, “Whatever he is testing, we should just confront him directly.”

“No matter what that old guy wants to do, our target is Thanos. If he doesn’t hand him over, we’ll fight.”

Pietro believed there was no need to overthink these matters.

These are issues for ordinary people to consider. Are they ordinary people?

They have strong backing. They just need to go for it. If the Grandmaster tries to suppress them as a Celestial, Pietro can call for backup. Their family head has killed many Celestials.

He is a true Celestial Slayer.

If the Grandmaster doesn’t behave, he’ll just become another victim of Bi Xiao.

Besides, even without Bi Xiao's intervention, they have their own trump cards, like summoning the Holy Angel Angemon.

With the magic stored in the dimensional world, the Holy Angel Angemon could exert Celestial-level power, making it easy to defeat the Grandmaster in a short time.

In short, if they can win, they will fight. If not, they’ll call for backup. Their backer is formidable.

“Why not call the Hulk over?” Thor suggested.

“Or maybe we can find the Juggernaut?” Bella also offered a suggestion. If they need more help, bringing in the Juggernaut could work. Though he seems clumsy, he is very strong and tough, with normal attacks having no effect on him.

Only someone like Thanos could break his defenses.

However, this suggestion was rejected by Wanda, who shook her head: “The Juggernaut is different. He has some connections with a certain demon god, and it’s best not to involve him unless necessary to avoid complications.”

The Juggernaut is associated with the Lord Crimson Cosmos, acting as his agent.

Currently, the Juggernaut can still manage on Earth. But bringing him into a war of this level might break his defenses. If he goes berserk and the Lord Crimson Cosmos gets involved, things could get very tricky.

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