Marvel: Killing Makes You Stronger

Chapter 205: Bad Cop and Good Cop

Chapter 205: Bad Cop and Good Cop

Upon seeing the scene, Betty immediately reacted and anxiously looked at Banner: "My father is coming to catch you, run quickly."

Banner initially intended to flee, but when he saw Betty's anxious expression, a completely different emotion surged within him.

Why should he run?

It was because he believed that Hulk was a monster, that Hulk would bring destruction, be loathed by people, and that he could not allow disasters to happen due to transforming into Hulk.

So, he had always been evading capture.

But now it was different; he had become friend with Hulk. He no longer needed to worry about losing control of Hulk due to his emotions. In fact, during the time he was controlled by Kaecilius, not only did Hulk's strength significantly increase, but a symbiotic relationship was also established. With mutual consent, they could communicate and share each other's vision. Otherwise, the other personality could remain dormant.

This was normal. After all, Banner couldn't go about his personal affairs while having Hulk constantly watching. Now, without Banner's permission, Hulk could not share Banner's vision or memories.

Of course, this is a digression.

Hulk had become much more emotionally stable. By discussing the current crisis, it wasn't impossible to resolve it.

So, in the face of Betty's urgent urging, Banner instead calmed down.

He placed his hands on Betty's shoulders and softly said to her: "I must resolve this matter, Betty. I can't let him keep chasing me. I can't imagine us living a life of constant hiding."

Banner didn't want to drag Betty around the world in a life of instability and danger.

Banner couldn't bear the thought of Betty dying because of him; he would go mad.

As a man, he needed to provide a peaceful and stable life for his loved one. This was his responsibility.

Betty stared at Banner, seeing the determination in his eyes. She bit her lip, gave him a light kiss, and softly said: "I believe in you. Go, my love, break my father's stubbornness."

Banner smiled, then took Betty downstairs.

Seeing the soldiers closing in, Banner let go of Betty's hand and walked forward.

"Target spotted, requesting permission to open fire."

"Fire tranquilizer darts."

"Capture the target."

The soldiers, upon spotting Banner, immediately sought instructions. Upon receiving the command, they decisively aimed and fired at Banner, while Betty had already taken cover inside the building.

"Hulk, I need your help."

Faced with the soldiers pulling their triggers, Banner silently called out.

In the next moment, his clothes shredded, his muscles expanded, and his skin turned green. In an instant, a massive two-meter-tall figure emerged. The tranquilizer darts hitting his body caused no harm and fell to the ground.


Hulk roared in anger, long tired of these people chasing him. The vengeful Hulk always remembered these pesky attackers.

Hulk lifted his right foot and stomped hard on the ground. With a "boom," the earth shook violently, causing the surrounding soldiers to lose their balance and fall to the ground.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Ignoring the soldiers, Hulk fixed his gaze on the person sitting on the large armored vehicle on the distant lawn and charged forward at an incredible speed, becoming a green blur. Any obstacle in his path, whether soldiers, armed vehicles, or tanks, was shattered like foam under his powerful body, staining the once peaceful university with a layer of gruesome beauty.

Hulk had always been a monster from the moment he was born, a ferocious monster, a monster that could not coexist with the world. Initially, he had no concept of good or evil. Anyone who considered him an enemy was torn apart.

After experiencing so much and living with Banner, Hulk indeed gained a better understanding of right and wrong.

For kind-hearted people, especially those animals, Hulk has always remained calm and steady. However, for enemies, the outcome is destruction.

Just like now.

Ross sat in the armored vehicle, eyes wide open, watching helplessly as the Hulk, like an unstoppable cannonball, tore apart the Stark Industries weapons and equipment he had ordered. The soldiers he brought were all shredded.

Finally, standing in front of the armored vehicle, only the astonishing abs could be seen through the front windshield.

Ross was a bit stunned at this moment. He realized that some of his previous thoughts might have been wrong. He once believed that the guy he was chasing, who could only flee, was a terrible monster. Although he was unwilling to resist, it didn't mean he couldn't.

He just didn't have the will to resist, but when this monster Hulk had the will to fight back...

Then what awaited Ross was as it is now.


Hulk reached out with both hands, completely tearing off the iron shell on top of the armored vehicle, making a piercing sound. Ross and the soldiers inside instinctively covered their heads.

Inside the vehicle, it felt like an earthquake, with a constant danger of being crushed.

When Hulk completely tore open the top iron shell, someone inside fought back. A fully armed soldier sitting next to Ross pulled out a pistol and fired at the Hulk leaning over in front.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The muzzle flashed, bullets hit Hulk’s face, forehead, and eyes with precise aim. Hulk was unmoved. Bullets hitting his eyes didn’t even cause him to blink. He just stared at the soldier.

He remembered this person.

He led those small fries in the pursuit, being the most active one. It seemed to be this guy.

Thinking of this, Hulk immediately reached out to grab the soldier. The soldier reacted quickly, seeing that his bullets were ineffective, he immediately tried to stand up and dodge. As a human, his reaction and movements were top-notch.

But he was facing a monster that was no longer human, the Hulk.

Those big hands easily grabbed the soldier. In the soldier’s disbelieving eyes, he was lifted up alive. Looking at the soldier struggling in his grasp, Hulk grinned hideously.

Then he swung hard to the side.

The soldier shot out like a cannonball, finally crashing into a distant tree, breaking it. The soldier's body twisted, blood spurted from his mouth, his breath weakened, barely hanging on to life.

Seeing this scene, Hulk snorted in satisfaction and then looked at Ross.

Ross, indeed a Thunderbolt General, faced with such danger, didn’t show fear. He stared at Hulk and shouted, "I know you are in there, Banner. Don’t forget your identity; you are just a mutant from an experiment."

"You are well aware that our world has problems. You can't escape reality. Killing me will still make you coveted by many. The genetic code in your body is the key to human civilization’s evolution.”

“Our world needs to be stronger. Facing those powerful enemies, we need a stronger army. You are the foundation of our army's strength. I am doing this for the world."

Hulk was a bit puzzled by this shout. What was this guy talking about?

But then Bruce Banner’s voice came into his mind. Banner was pleading. Hulk didn’t think much and, as agreed before, let Banner control the body for now. Hulk’s consciousness temporarily retreated.

The current Hulk was controlled by Bruce Banner.

His expression and demeanor completely different from Hulk’s, Banner looked at Ross and said in a deep voice, “I know very well you’re not doing this for the so-called world. You’re doing it for your own power and interests.”

“Ross, you are Betty’s father. I won’t kill you, but that’s no reason for you to continue your recklessness.”

“Don’t speak to me with those high-sounding words. This world is not protected by people like you. The things you do in secret, the experiments—do I need to spell them out? Don’t disgust me, Ross.”

“I used to naively and desperately think he was an abominable monster of this world, a monster I created. I even tried to commit suicide. But now I understand, everyone is born with their destiny. If his existence is reasonable, then he is me, and I am him.”

“To protect myself and Betty, I can kill anyone and destroy your so-called pride.”

“Don’t have any more designs on me, Ross. If you want to see that scene, go ahead and send your soldiers. I’d like to see how many American soldiers I have to kill.”

Banner was no longer his former weak self. He was tough and domineering. This change took Ross by surprise. Ross was a shrewd person and could tell that Banner’s warning was not an empty threat.

Instead, with resolute determination, Bruce Banner's transformation forced Ross to reassess the man standing before him.

At this moment, Ross finally understood that Bruce Banner was no longer the man he once knew.

Having begun to grasp the world's darkness and how to protect oneself through sheer strength, Bruce Banner decided that if Ross and his kind were monsters, then he would become a monster even more terrifying than them.

"You can't do this, Banner. Betty is my daughter, and I do not agree with her being with you. You are a source of danger, and she will only face danger by your side," Ross immediately changed his approach, trying to use Betty to control Banner.

But unfortunately, Banner saw through his intentions and looked at Ross with a mocking gaze. "People like you are no different from politicians. You lack humanity, caring only for your interests. Daughter? Family? To you, they are just bargaining chips to be used."

"Ross, believe me, if you attempt to target Betty, you will see what a truly crazed person is capable of."

"Everything you care about—power, connections—I will destroy them all. I will make you witness it firsthand."

Banner had not completely transformed in the twisted way Ross imagined. Instead, he remained the kind-hearted Banner but understood that Hulk had his own consciousness. After interacting and fighting alongside Wanda, Pietro, Thor, and others, his perspective had broadened.

People of their caliber should not be restrained or mistreated. Why should they be?

After becoming so formidable, why should he let them bully him?

Moreover, after discussing his frustrations with Wanda, Thor, and others, and receiving their guidance, Banner realized that only by being strong could he find peace.

For the future with Betty, Banner was willing to become a butcher if necessary. Those who have faced despair often become terrifying.

Banner then stopped wasting words and turned to walk towards the building, leaving the scattered remnants behind to witness his transformation.

Ross sat dumbfounded in the armed vehicle, biting his teeth in frustration before stepping out. Seeing Banner's back, he was about to speak when a loud noise from a helicopter's rotor caught his attention. An armed helicopter slowly descended onto the nearby lawn.

Banner stopped and, like Ross, stared at the helicopter as it landed.

The cabin door opened, and a man wearing a black leather coat and an eyepatch walked out with steady steps, followed by an alluring woman with wavy auburn hair.

"Dr. Banner?"

Standing about three meters away, forming a triangle with Banner and Ross, the one-eyed man glanced at Ross before addressing Banner.

"Who are you?"

"I am from the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division, now renamed S.H.I.E.L.D. I am Director Nick Fury."

It was indeed Fury. The name change was simple; during a conversation with Carol, she remarked that the department's name was too long and complicated, prompting Fury to shorten it.

He couldn't help it; he doted on Carol.

Moreover, with the changing times and S.H.I.E.L.D. stepping onto the world stage, a shorter, more symbolic name was needed.

So, the department's original name was abbreviated to S.H.I.E.L.D.

Bruce Banner did not know S.H.I.E.L.D. or Nick Fury, but he noticed Ross's emotional reaction to Fury's appearance, making him curious. He then asked, "So, Director Fury, what do you want?"

"I want to invite Dr. Banner to join a team I am forming called the Avengers Initiative."

Banner instinctively wanted to refuse, thinking it was another government recruitment. He feared that once recruited, they would manipulate him. He disliked potential complications.

His concern wasn't being manipulated; he knew Hulk's current strength made them nearly invincible to earthly threats. He simply wanted a peaceful life with Betty, avoiding trouble.

Fury noticed Banner's inclination to refuse and revealed his trump card. "Dr. Banner, the Avengers Initiative is not under any government jurisdiction. It is an independent team, not even the President can interfere."

"Joining the team means you are free and independent individuals, responsible for combating threats when the world is in danger. You are the Earth's last line of defense, and no one is allowed to target you."

After saying this, he gave Ross a meaningful look.

Ross's face darkened instantly.

"Damn you, Nick Fury," Ross cursed internally. He had hurried to capture Bruce Banner knowing this fact, wanting to get Banner before Fury could.

Now, after failing miserably, Fury appeared to recruit Banner. If Ross couldn't see that Fury had waited for him to act before stepping in, he wouldn't have reached his current rank.

Fury was clearly exploiting Ross's urgency to capture Banner, then swooping in to win Banner over by playing the good cop, increasing his chances of success.

Essentially, Ross had lost significant manpower and money, paving the way for Nick Fury.

Fury couldn't care less. With S.H.I.E.L.D.'s support, they had the power and resources to easily counter Ross. If needed, Fury could have Ross removed from his position.

Gathering dirt on Ross was a simple task for Fury's top spies. Once exposed, Ross would face a military tribunal.

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