Marvel: Killing Makes You Stronger

Chapter 200: Ghost Rider

Chapter 200: Ghost Rider

"I think compared to me, he is more afraid of being discarded once he's outlived his usefulness; Heaven's reputation isn't very good."

Bi Xiao chuckled.

On the surface, Heaven appears just and righteous, a facade maintained for believers. However, many people know the truth: the inhabitants of Heaven are domineering, aggressive, and greedy—worse than demons.

Acts of betrayal and abandonment have occurred more than once.

Few people trust Heaven.

Otherwise, there wouldn't have been a significant event where Odin forcibly cursed and expelled Heaven from Yggdrasil. It's important to note that Yggdrasil once supported not just nine realms but ten, including Heaven.

Every one of those celestial beings in Heaven is a deeply sinister and treacherous villain.

Even if you killed all of the opposition, there wouldn't be many good ones left.

"Do we need to get involved?" Pietro eagerly asked. Participating in such a high-level war would undoubtedly be an exhilarating battle.

Pietro had developed a combat temperament similar to Thor's—he loved fighting and the thrill of dancing on a knife's edge.

The young are often unwilling to admit defeat.

In contrast, Wanda and Bella showed little interest. They preferred to stay at home reading books, going shopping together, or enjoying a yacht trip with Bi Xiao.

Bi Xiao reached out and knocked the mischievous boy on the head, speaking sternly: "What are you doing trying to get involved in this kind of war?"

"In a war of this level, any random opponent might be stronger than you. Are you looking for death?"

Even though Bi Xiao made fighting a god seem easy, it depended on who the opponent was. There might not be many top-tier combatants, but there were plenty of near-top-tier ones—countless high-ranking demons and battle angels.

One could easily find numerous beings just below the Celestial level.

However, advancing from a demi-god to a god requires not only wisdom but also time and talent, so new gods are rare.

These individuals pose a significant threat to Pietro. Despite his pride in his Speed Force and strength, and even his emerging EX mode, his power was still inferior to that of a demi-god. He could fight or escape, but on such a battlefield, escape alone wouldn't guarantee safety.

In a pervasive war filled with curses and magic, a single mistake could cost Pietro his life.

Pietro, having been scolded, remained silent with a bitter expression.

"Alright, there will be a time for you to participate. This time, they are targeting me. You protect the manor."

"Okay," Pietro's eyes lit up immediately.

Bi Xiao, Wanda, and Bella felt a bit helpless.

As they spoke, Bi Xiao glanced in the distance, a faint smile forming at the corner of his mouth, then led Wanda and the others back to the manor. Meanwhile, several kilometers away, a cowboy engulfed in flames on horseback stood motionless on a hill.

After several seconds, the flames in the cowboy's skull eyes flickered slightly, then he rode away.


On Blackheart's side, he quickly returned to Hell, fleeing at an astonishing speed. Even after returning to Hell, he was still nervous, patting his chest to calm down.

Terrifying, absolutely terrifying. Facing that deity, Blackheart felt he could barely stand.

It was more frightening than facing his father, Mephisto.

Blackheart harbored his own ambitions, with a character and intellect rivaling Mephisto's. Otherwise, he wouldn't have dared to attempt overthrowing Mephisto's rule to become the new lord of Hell.

From this meeting and conversation, Blackheart quickly deduced several things.

It also confirmed his suspicions.

Bi Xiao was extremely powerful, far surpassing his father Mephisto. Mephisto, even among gods, was an elite, but the pressure he exerted was nothing compared to Bi Xiao's.

In terms of combat power, Bi Xiao was overwhelming.

It was a crushing, transcendent power. In an instant, Blackheart conceived an astonishing hypothesis.

A hypothesis that made him tremble.

That Bi Xiao wasn't just a god, but a being beyond that—a single universe entity. Only such a being could kill a hell lord like Lucifer as easily as killing a chicken...

Even his father Mephisto didn't dare to meet Bi Xiao in person, not even daring to project his image.

Clearly, Mephisto had guessed Bi Xiao's level of power.

So what was written on the parchment this time, Blackheart had a pretty good idea.

But this time, Blackheart didn't mock Mephisto.

In such a crisis, Mephisto had made the right decision, one even Blackheart agreed with.

Returning to Mephisto's castle, Blackheart entered the grand hall and saw Mephisto still in his typical pose—one foot on the throne, hand supporting his cheek, seemingly asleep.

"Father," Blackheart respectfully called.

Mephisto slowly opened his eyes, gazing at Blackheart with a mix of expectation and joy, and spoke: "Blackheart, my son, have you brought me the surprise I wanted?"

"I met the guardian and conveyed your message."

"What was his response?" Seeing Blackheart return unscathed, Mephisto knew the chances of success were high, but he still wanted to hear it directly.

Sure enough, Blackheart's next words made Mephisto overjoyed: "He agreed to your request."

"Good, very good," Mephisto said, smiling as he stood up, pacing in front of the throne before turning to Blackheart and praising him: "Well done, my son. You will make an excellent demon."

"Thank you for your praise, father."

Blackheart responded humbly, seeing Mephisto bask in joy, he didn't say more. After bowing, he turned and left.

After Blackheart left, Mephisto's expression turned cold. He sat back on the throne, snapped his fingers, and a flicker of flame appeared below.

In the next moment, a cowboy engulfed in flames appeared, standing and staring at Mephisto.

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