Marvel: Killing Makes You Stronger

Chapter 197: Yahweh and Mephisto hidden deal

Chapter 197: Yahweh and Mephisto hidden deal

Heaven, as depicted in the Bible, is of unparalleled beauty, with white clouds, blue skies, and luxurious buildings. These beautiful angels sing and play harps with the utmost grace.

However, beneath this seemingly serene and elegant heaven lies a sordid reality that remains unknown and shocking to the world.

Everything is well concealed. All the angels are performing, disguising themselves to make this heaven appear as perfect as it is described.

In heaven, Yahweh, the sovereign, wears a light veil of white cloth draped over one shoulder, revealing part of his chest. With slightly curly white hair and beard, he appears as a benevolent old man.

But beneath his benevolent exterior, he also harbors terrible darkness, cruelty, and hypocrisy.

No one dares to expose all this because Yahweh is the one who truly constitutes the sordidness of heaven.

Without defeating Yahweh and overturning his rule, no one can disrupt the facade of tranquility before them.

"O great Lord, the fall of the demons symbolizes that light will soon dispel the darkness. Please bestow your will upon us."

One of the angels, with a resolute expression, knelt on one knee, his right hand over his chest.

He was not alone; there were other angels behind him. Yahweh stood before the gates of heaven, at the foot of two white platinum pillars. He looked at the angels before him with a benevolent expression, his gaze filled with compassion. He sighed, "Darkness cannot be completely dispelled by light, and evil can never be completely defeated.”

"Darkness and evil always take root and sprout in dark corners."

Some angels felt no inner turmoil at Yahweh's words, while many others, fervent about Yahweh, showed sorrowful expressions.

"But darkness must be driven away by the light, and we must remain vigilant. Remember, demons are not only from hell."

Yahweh spoke with compassion.

Michael, Yahweh's most fervent angel warrior, raised his head. "Great Lord, are you referring to the human world?"

"Humans are foolish. The foolish are more easily deceived, thereby fostering darkness. Gabriel went to the human world but was stripped of his rank, no longer an angel, and his soul was extinguished. The greatest demons also come from the human world."

"Humans need guidance. Great Lord, I believe that under your guidance, humans will understand the light," Michael continued.

Yahweh shook his head gently. "Humans need guidance, but not now."

"Our target for expelling darkness is hell. The death of the Hell lords of hell will leave it void."

"Lord, we have signed a pact with hell."

"Light never compromises with darkness. The pact was merely for peace. Peace is hard-won, but ultimately, we must do the right thing." Yahweh's hypocritical face revealed that for him and most of the angels, the pact was insignificant.

The former pact was only signed to avoid mutual destruction during an uncontrolled battle between heaven and hell.

But this pact was merely a formality. Even if it were torn up, there would be no repercussions from the pact. Both heaven and hell understood this well.

Both sides were waiting, stalling, to see who would show weakness first.

Now, with hell undoubtedly in a state of emptiness, heaven certainly had no regard for the pact. Naturally, they intended to make hell a bloodbath, to completely eradicate the demons and occupy hell.

Despite its unique environment, heaven had the capability to transform hell into a second heaven if they wished.

This immediate benefit was something they had to seize right away.

"Drive away the darkness."

With Yahweh using this excuse to tear up the pact first, the angels, both fervent and neutral, showed excited expressions and shouted.

This war was a feast for the gluttons. Whoever could win the war against hell and occupy it would be richly rewarded. Naturally, no one would oppose it.

The angels departed, preparing for war with hell, needing time to gather the angelic army.

Michael and several of Yahweh's most loyal angels had serious expressions.

"Lord, should we judge the human who killed Lucifer and other demons?" Michael spoke first.

Yahweh remained composed. "He committed the sin of killing angels and must atone for his sins. We will judge him for Gabriel, but not now."

He glanced at Michael.

The latter immediately bowed his head. "Yes, great Lord."

"Now, there is only one thing we must do: eliminate the demons. As for Gabriel, he will forever live in our hearts."

"Yes, great Lord." After saying this, Michael and the other angels left.

Yahweh remained alone, seated above the white clouds, lost in thought.

Yahweh clearly understood that the foundation of leading Heaven and all its actions was rooted in power, authority, and dominion.

Based on these three principles, he always held the greatest share of the benefits.

There were many angels in Heaven, and even more outstanding ones, such as Michael and Gabriel, who had grown step by step to their current positions. While this made Yahweh happy, it also caused him to harbor secret apprehensions.

After all, the incident with Lucifer had once occurred, and he instinctively distrusted other angels.

Or rather, Yahweh did not trust any angel; he only trusted himself. To consolidate his regime, he had shaped Heaven into a place of intrigue and mutual scheming for personal gain.

Recruitment and suppression were the most basic means.

The aim was to ensure that no angel could ever threaten his rule. This was true for Lucifer in the past and for angels like Michael today.

Yahweh believed in his wisdom and power.

For this reason, he secretly devised many plans, targeting not only Hell but also the mortal world and Asgard.

He had never forgotten, or would ever forget, what Odin had done to him and to Heaven. Yahweh did not have the courage to seek revenge against Odin. He did not know how strong Odin was, even though Odin was now old and frail. Yahweh dared not have any thoughts of retaliation.

Because he knew very well that if Odin detected any actions against Asgard, the entire Heaven might face destruction.

He did not doubt Odin's ability to do this.

So he waited patiently, waiting for his secret plans to unfold, waiting for Odin and the Ancient One to pass away. However, before any of this happened, an unexpected human emerged from the mortal world.

A young and powerful human, who in a short time, had grown to a surprising level.

When Lucifer and other Hell lords went to Earth, they were all killed by this human, which truly frightened Yahweh.

Lucifer had once been the most outstanding among all angels, apart from Yahweh himself, with his own wisdom, ambition, and talent. If Yahweh had not seen his talent and continuously suppressed him, causing Lucifer to rebel and forcing Yahweh to expel him from Heaven, Yahweh did not know if he could have continued to suppress him.

Such a brilliant angel, along with other Hell lords, was killed in a very short time, which showed how powerful this human was.

Yahweh knew that even if the battlefield were in Heaven, he could not kill them all in such a short time.

It was simply impossible. Although he had the authority of Heaven, each of those Hell lords was not simple. Being a Celestial, each had their own methods.

Without much thought, Yahweh knew he was no match for that human.

But Gabriel was killed on Earth, which posed a great threat to Yahweh. No matter what, he needed to find a way to eliminate that human, unless he allowed the human to step into Heaven, where he could gather Heaven's forces to kill him.

However, by then, Yahweh would also be weakened for a period, and Heaven would inevitably be severely damaged from the battle.

Yahweh did not plan to do this unless in absolute desperation.

Outside of Heaven, he could not win. What should he do?

As a scheming conspirator, Yahweh had long had an idea. A golden sacred halo flashed behind him, and the beautiful scene of Heaven turned into a loathsome and uncomfortable place.


Hellfire everywhere, covered in red and blood, twisted space, scorching temperatures, suffocating.

Yahweh was now in the great hall of an ancient castle in this area, and ahead of him, Mephisto was seated on the Satan throne.

"Yahweh, why are you here before me instead of preparing for war with Hell in your Heaven?"

Mephisto sat on the throne, one foot on the throne, one hand propping up his cheek, looking at Yahweh with contempt. Although Mephisto was weaker than Yahweh in terms of strength, this was Hell, where both sides were mortal enemies, and there was no room for negotiation.

Especially since Hell was in a state of emptiness, Heaven would not miss this opportunity, so Mephisto's attitude towards Yahweh was extremely hostile.

"Mephisto, let's make a deal."

Yahweh ignored Mephisto's disdainful attitude and spoke softly to him.

As a mortal enemy, Mephisto knew what Yahweh would say as soon as he spoke. With a sneer, he said, "It seems that the one from the mortal world has made you uneasy. You, old fellow, according to human words, easily fall into insecurity."

"Why? Is it because you fear losing everything you have now? Status, power, glory. Yahweh, you are still so hypocritical."

Mephisto knew Yahweh well. As the lord of Hell, his reputation had always been bad. In the eyes of those who did not know the truth, Heaven's reputation was the opposite, symbolizing light and justice.

However, Heaven, Yahweh, and the angels were merely demons wrapped in light and justice, even uglier than demons.

"You know it's meaningless to argue about these things, Mephisto." Yahweh remained unmoved. His deep scheming would not be swayed by a few words from Mephisto, although what Mephisto said was indeed true.

Mephisto sneered, seemingly nonchalant, but with hidden meanings in his words.

"Why should I make a deal? If Heaven destroys Hell, I can abandon this place and escape to somewhere you cannot find. However, the one who killed Gabriel has a strong stance against you as well. Facing such an enemy, you must be very troubled."

"I enjoy seeing you angry and helpless, Yahweh. I will witness you being beheaded one by one by him.”

It seemed like words spoken in a fit of pique, but in reality, they left room for maneuver. Yahweh detected the underlying meaning and immediately said without reservation, "Our deal is to stage a play, to start this war and draw his attention. If he wants to fish in troubled waters, we can turn our guns around and kill him together, then divide the human world between us."

"You seem to have forgotten about the Ancient One and Odin."

"We both know that their exit is only a matter of time. Their ability to control the human world won't last long. Mephisto, we have a common enemy and a common threat."

Yahweh spoke calmly. In the face of the greatest enemy, he did not put on a facade of benevolence and mercy. Instead, every word and sentence revealed his true thoughts: ruthless and realistic.

Anyone who seizes his interests is just an enemy, and anyone who threatens him must die, by any means necessary.

In the past, Yahweh didn't need to intervene personally, but now that the person in the human world had become too powerful, posing a threat to Yahweh, he planned to stage a scheme himself, luring the opponent to enter the fray and then ambushing him.

People only praise the victors; as for the means used in war, they can always be justified in any way.

"But what if he doesn't take the bait?"

"Then we continue acting, acting until he can no longer bear it."

Yahweh's calm tone revealed endless cruelty. Both he and Mephisto knew that if the target did not fall for the trap, then in this real performance, countless lives, whether demon or angel, would perish.

"You are truly ruthless," Mephisto sneered.

"Profit always requires investment. Without investment, there is no greater return. So, what is your choice, Mephisto?" Yahweh stared at Mephisto, offering only two choices: cooperation or fleeing, and being hunted down.

"How can I be sure you won't betray me later?" Mephisto stared back and continued, "You have done such things many times before."

"A contract. We can sign a contract."

Mephisto's expression changed slightly. The contract Yahweh mentioned was different from those easily torn up by Hell and Heaven; it was an effective contract.

After all, Mephisto was a master at playing contract games. At his level, Yahweh couldn't fool him with a tricked contract.

So, was Yahweh serious this time?

"The contract's terms?"

"I can spare you and the other Hell lords involved, even your territories. You can continue to hold onto them, and we won't launch any more wars against you in the future."

"Thank you for your mercy."

Mephisto sensed it. This old guy still wanted to launch a war but would preserve the Hell lords' territories. As for the rest of Hell, of course, Heaven would occupy it.

This could be considered the best outcome.

After all, Hell couldn't really resist Heaven now. If this contract wasn't signed, the final result would be Heaven completely occupying Hell. Mephisto himself might not be killed, but he would have to flee.

Mephisto's thoughts raced as he pondered.

Considering whether signing the contract with Yahweh would benefit him more, or if sticking to his current alliance with that human would be better.

The former would damage his interests, while the latter was unstable but could yield higher returns and a chance to deceive Heaven.

But no matter what, Mephisto couldn't answer immediately. He said to Yahweh, "Persuading me alone is not enough; you'll need the other Hell lords too. I can't do it alone."

"So your time is running out, Mephisto."

Yahweh knew Mephisto wouldn't agree right away, so he gave him time to start a roundtable meeting.

He didn't specify how much time, but both sides understood.

So Mephisto nodded, said nothing more, and Yahweh, having achieved his purpose for coming, left with a flash of golden light.

According to Yahweh's usual style, whenever he descended, no matter where, there would be a blaze of golden light, countless angels flying around, and beautiful heavenly music and chants. Now being so low-key, it was clear he didn't want to be detected.

Mephisto sneered.

The choice was actually easy. It mainly depended on the human. If the human agreed to his allegiance, Mephisto wouldn't hesitate. Yahweh seemed generous but was actually exploiting Hell's emptiness to exert pressure.

A posture of having Mephisto in the palm of his hand.

Compared to this, it was more practical to ally with that human. Mephisto also preferred to see Heaven in ruins, with rivers of blood flowing.

"I need more certainty."

Mephisto's eyes turned, and he couldn't afford to waste any more time.


Biblically accurate Angels are indeed scary.

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