Marvel: Killing Makes You Stronger

Chapter 195: Mephisto Fear

Chapter 195: Mephisto Fear

"Truly a demonic power."

Upon witnessing this scene, Loki couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart.

It must be understood that as the crown of the ancient Old Gods, it contains the will and power of Set. How immense is this power?

It can support the expansion of the gates of Hell. Although the dark power of Dormammu's Dark Dimension also supports it, without sufficient energy within, it would not be activated.

Yet, such a crown, Bi Xiao crushed it, including the power and consciousness within.

Loki suddenly felt that his previous defiance might now be abandoned, as he couldn't even see the back of his opponent. He didn't know how Bi Xiao managed to kill those nine Hell lords single-handedly.

But from the timing and Bi Xiao's demeanor, it seemed to be a complete crush.

There's no point in comparing anymore. He should focus on surpassing his foolish brother instead.

Loki couldn't help but glance at Thor. Sensing his brother's gaze, Thor, unaware, gave a hearty smile, which Loki found utterly foolish and despised in his heart. This simple-minded brother attracted more attention than him.

He would not accept this.

Loki swore to strive relentlessly, to surpass Thor, to surpass Bella, to surpass Pietro, to surpass Wanda, and to surpass Bi Xiao. Well, maybe not Bi Xiao.

As a god, one must have some self-awareness.

Bi Xiao casually obliterated the will and power within Serpent Crown, rendering it devoid of divinity, leaving only the value of its materials. As soon as Wanda, Pietro, and others saw Bi Xiao finished, they immediately flew over.

Seeing Wanda's eyes fixed on him, Bi Xiao thought the young witch was curious about the object in his hand and handed the Serpent Crown to her, but to his surprise, Wanda's delicate face was full of disdain.

Her expression of disdain possessed a unique allure characteristic of the young witch.

Bi Xiao's eyebrow twitched slightly, which Bella noticed immediately. She looked at Bi Xiao, then at Wanda, tilted her head slightly, and remained thoughtful.

"What incredible strength, Shaw. You defeated those Hell lords, including Lucifer, and protected Midgard," Thor proclaimed in his usual Asgardian manner.

To outsiders, his tone might seem melodramatic, but Bi Xiao was accustomed to it, as it was in line with Thor's environment and position. After all, Asgardians thrived on such rhetoric, as did most pantheons.

"It's a pity we didn't see the battle," Pietro, the white-haired youth, lamented. Perhaps influenced by Thor, this young lad had also become a battle fanatic.

Maybe it was his competitive nature, not wanting Thor and Loki to surpass him, that drove him to train hard, creating a positive competitive effect.

"You might still see it," Bi Xiao smiled gently, which confused Pietro. Bi Xiao didn't explain further but glanced at the Hell's Gate below, now unstable due to the loss of Serpent Crown as its core.

"The environment here is too disastrous for Midgard. The special factors from Hell will damage this planet."

Thor looked solemn, aware of the potential catastrophe this region could trigger.

Loki, however, rolled his eyes at his foolish brother, leaving Thor puzzled.

But then, under Loki's gaze, Thor looked at Bi Xiao and suddenly understood, remaining silent.

As Loki anticipated, Bi Xiao intended to address the problem fundamentally.

Indeed, the ability to alter reality was incredibly useful, making everything seen and thought become reality, akin to perfect divine power.

Without any visible action from Bi Xiao, the entire Greenland and the Arctic Circle appeared to rewind in time. The charred, scarred land, withered trees, and destroyed buildings from the war all began to restore to their original state.

The process was swift, as if in the blink of an eye.

The horrifying post-war devastation vanished, replaced by the snow-covered landscape, icy mountains and rivers, and the unique architectural style of Greenland standing tall.

This scene also shocked the leaders of various nations observing from afar.

"Oh my God~~"

"Incredible, he's a god, such a god."

"He is Earth's guardian deity. Everyone on Earth should be grateful to him."

"What an awe-inspiring power, omnipotent.”

Leaders from various countries expressed their amazement. Any minor schemes they might have had vanished completely in the face of such a divine miracle.

"Are you kidding me? Thinking about plotting against such a powerful deity is truly courting death."

Offending a deity could lead not only to personal destruction but also to the ruin of their entire nation. The majesty of a deity is inviolable. Although there are no historical records of such events, anyone with a bit of intelligence could foresee the consequences.

The most important thing is that with Bi Xiao's presence, these leaders feel the world is much safer.

With a powerful deity as a guardian, any threats that humans cannot withstand can be easily handled.

This reason alone is enough for these rulers and tycoons to elevate Bi Xiao to an untouchable status.

If Bi Xiao were to abandon Earth, these rulers and tycoons would likely tear apart anyone who angered him, including their backers.

Of course, some are already preparing to seek allegiance.

This is the rule: the weak depend on the strong, whether it’s nations or individuals. Even the strongest nations are just mortals, but Bi Xiao is a true deity, omnipotent.

Human intelligence has led to rapid technological advancements, but there is a significant flaw: lifespan. Humans are limited by their genetics, making their bodies fragile. Diseases and disasters can lead to death, and even billionaires with top-notch medical support can only extend their lives slightly.

No one can surpass 150 years; this is a law of nature.

Everyone fears death, especially those who live in luxury. This fear drives the continuous emergence of various laboratories on Earth.

Human experiments, despite their cruelty and coldness, still receive significant funding and resources.

The supporters behind these experiments are none other than the wealthy and the powerful.

Compared to these experiments, Bi Xiao, as a deity, clearly has the ability to help humans overcome the limits of life. If one person ascends, those around him could also benefit, gaining healthier bodies and extended lifespans.

Of course, they understand that the chances of successfully aligning with Bi Xiao are slim.

But even with slim chances, they are willing to gamble.

These people are already eager to move. After restoring the Arctic Circle’s ecosystem, Bi Xiao straightforwardly returned to the manor with his entourage.

Thor, Loki, the Warriors Three, and Sif were not in a hurry to return to Asgard. After a great battle, they wanted to celebrate with their friends. However, they dared not show any disrespect to Bi Xiao, never presuming to place him in the category of a friend.

As a Celestial, Bi Xiao always treated Thor and others merely as juniors. Age was never a factor; power was the ultimate measure. Even though Bi Xiao was only twenty, he stood on equal footing with Odin, who had lived for hundreds of thousands of years.

Back at the manor, he instructed the chefs and maids to prepare a feast and hosted a lively barbecue party. Although the number of attendees was small, the shared topics and the straightforward nature of Thor, Sif, and the Warriors Three made the atmosphere very harmonious.

Bi Xiao leisurely sat in a chair, watching Thor, Wanda, and others chatting and eating barbecue, while he himself pondered over some matters.

His primary concern was the mysterious unknown plane. After his ascension, information about this plane had become increasingly clear. He believed that once he completed his metamorphosis and fully entered the single universe level, he would understand part of this plane's information.

Yes, only a part.

This was a natural realization. The information of this plane wasn’t limited to just this universe but encompassed the multiverse, making it so vast that even upon reaching the single universe level, he could only unlock a portion of it.

Bi Xiao wasn’t surprised by this.

In fact, as a Celestial or at the single universe level, much information naturally becomes clear, such as understanding the details of a star system just by looking at it.

The ability to comprehend everything is fundamental.

However, there are still many highly secretive pieces of information and knowledge that remain inaccessible, which is a limitation.

But the dark matter plane is different. It contains all kinds of knowledge and information, no matter how hidden, essentially serving as the data center of the entire universe.

After pondering for a moment, Bi Xiao decided to stop pursuing this line of thought. He was now quite laid-back. Since he knew the prerequisites, he would focus on achieving those first before considering further steps.

Currently, he still needed to pay attention to the reactions from Hell and Heaven.

Hell was one thing, but Heaven was of more concern. He wanted to see how long the angels could endure. The moment they couldn’t, it would be his time to strike.

Given his current strength, he could storm Heaven and cause havoc without much trouble.

However, he was wary of any escapees. Although he had initially entered the single universe level, it didn’t mean he could underestimate those who ruled an entire dimensional world.

Yahweh, for example, held the authority over Heaven, having life and death power over angels. Even Lucifer’s rebellion and assassination attempts had failed because of this authority.

Authority might seem vague, but it essentially means that Yahweh controlled the power of the entire Heavenly dimension. Normally, Yahweh was just a Celestial, perhaps among the stronger ones, even the top tier.

But it wouldn’t be easy to suppress Lucifer, who was nearly in the top tier as well.

The reason he could achieve this was due to the authority he wielded, which, when bolstered by the power of the heavenly dimension, significantly augmented his combat strength beyond his inherent capabilities. In moments of crisis, he could also draw upon the core power of the heavenly dimension, concentrating it within himself.

If fully extracted, his power could be amplified dozens or even hundreds of times in an instant.

For example, the Hell's Limbo is a pocket dimension within Hell. Although the Hell's Limbo is not very large, it is quite special due to the immense power contained within. Any demon residing there can grow rapidly, similar to being in a dungeon with an experience bonus buff.

Even doing nothing, the growth benefits increase severalfold.

Thus, the Hell's Limbo has become a focal point of contention among many Hell lords. However, it is not controlled by any other Hell lord but by a man named the Dark Sorcerer Belasco.

Belasco's strength is not particularly formidable, only having just stepped into the demi-god tier.

Why don't the other Hell lords dare to attack? Because Belasco controls the authority of the Hell's Limbo, which, when bolstered, grants him strength equivalent to the top tier of demi-gods. In moments of crisis, he can instantly draw all the energy from Hell's Limbo, unleashing a power that even other Hell lords fear.

Yahweh operates on the same principle.

To be prudent, Bi Xiao does not intend to act recklessly. As a hunter, he has always been the most calm and rational, and he remains so now.

He needs to find an opportunity to first eliminate some of the archangels in Heaven, weakening Heaven while increasing his own strength. He also needs to upgrade his Golden City, otherwise, he will lack means when invading Heaven to take on Yahweh.

He just needs to endure for a while longer.

He can afford to wait.


While Bi Xiao endures, chaos erupts in Hell. Ten Hell lords, including high-ranking ones like Lucifer and Satannish, went to Earth and were completely wiped out.

This leaves the other Hell lords, including the visible ruler of Hell, Mephisto, and the other lords, in a panic.

Although the Hell lords in Hell often have minor conflicts and schemes, they generally coexist peacefully, mainly because they have to contend with Heaven's constant threat.

Hell, having lost the war with Heaven, could only barely sign a peace treaty.

Now, with Hell's top combat forces almost entirely wiped out, the few remaining Hell lords, like Mephisto, are left to face Heaven.

Will Heaven pass up such a good opportunity?

Mephisto now sits in his castle, trembling and anxious, completely devoid of his usual high stature as the ruler of Hell.

The crisis from Heaven aside, Mephisto is more afraid of the human who wiped out the ten Hell lords. He fears that this person might, out of anger over this incident, invade Hell and kill them all before the battle with Heaven even begins.

Mephisto himself is somewhat secure, controlling the authority of Hell, making him less vulnerable in his own domain.

However, being caught between two crises is far from pleasant for Mephisto. Moreover, with Hell now largely empty, will the demons from other dimensions not take action?

Sitting on the so-called Satan's throne, Mephisto anxiously contemplates fleeing.

But he fears being ambushed as soon as he steps out, while staying at home feels like waiting for death.

Mephisto is also frustrated. Originally, the roundtable meeting was going well, with plans to divide the human world. Even though he was bound by a contract with the Ancient One, preventing him from participating directly, he could still claim a share of the profits and resources.

But now, everything is lost.

Mephisto had long known some information about Bi Xiao. When a human with power comparable to the Ancient One emerged, Mephisto found it very strange. After all, he frequently visits the human world and knows its current state well.

In such an environment, it is impossible for someone significant to emerge.

There was just one promising young girl, transformed by the power of the Space Stone into a powerful warrior. Mephisto was envious and once tried to manipulate her when the Ancient One wasn't around.

But the girl, for some reason, suddenly fled Earth, leaving Mephisto bewildered for a long time.

Besides her, Mephisto found no one else noteworthy. Bi Xiao's rapid rise was astonishing. Mephisto felt like he had just stayed in Hell for a while, and suddenly a human emerged, growing to rival the Ancient One, and even invaded Hell to kill the Hell lord Asmodeus.

Mephisto was observing at the time, feeling uncertain and suspicious, wondering if Bi Xiao was secretly nurtured by the Ancient One to counter him.

Furthermore, due to mutual suspicion among the other Hell lords, Mephisto did not take action, merely watching as Bi Xiao executed Asmodeus.

Now thinking back, Mephisto deeply regrets not killing that human at all costs back then. Now, Bi Xiao has grown to a level that even makes him fearful.

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