Marvel: Killing Makes You Stronger

Chapter 185: Dark Jean likes… Wanda? Ehh, Yuri?!

Chapter 185: Dark Jean likes… Wanda? Ehh, Yuri?!

In reality, Wanda's angry and fierce appearance was still very cute, with no hint of lethality.

However, from the perspective of Dark Phoenix Jean, it was entirely different.

As a violent and desire-driven mad personality, her thinking was completely different from that of ordinary people. She never considered appearance or knew what was cute or not; she only saw intimidation in Wanda’s eyes, a very terrifying intimidation.

It was like an ordinary person facing a fierce Siberian Tiger. On the surface, the tiger might look like a cute, fluffy big cat, but in reality, an ordinary person would be shaking in their boots.

This was the situation Dark Phoenix Jean faced.

Cute, but very terrifying.

Dark Phoenix Jean was mad but not brainless; her mind was just mostly filled with destruction and desire. 

Having just been born, she immediately suffered a beating from Wanda, which made her much more subdued.

Held by the face by Wanda, Dark Phoenix Jean did not get angry. She just stared at Wanda silently, as if trying to remember her deeply.

Wanda was unnerved by the stare and slapped Jean's head hard.

"What are you planning to do? Are you going to take revenge on me in the future?"

"I like you," Dark Phoenix Jean suddenly said with a mischievous smile.

This smile made Wanda shudder; it looked like the smile of a lecherous wolf, without any attempt to hide it.

"I already have someone I like, you can give up," Wanda said irritably.

This made Dark Phoenix Jean's expression change instantly. She said angrily, "Who is it? I want to kill him."

Her possessiveness was extraordinarily strong, but instead of getting angry, Wanda chuckled mischievously: "He'll appear soon. If you can kill him, I won't stop you."

Just kidding, even an incomplete Phoenix Force is strong but not a match for a mature Wanda, let alone a being like Bi Xiao, who is an ultimate level.

If she tried to kill him, a single slap would knock her out without her knowing what hit her.

Wanda’s demeanor and words made Dark Phoenix Jean a bit suspicious, but she was simple in some ways and didn't think further. She boldly declared, "I will completely eliminate him; the person you like can only be me."

Her bold and wild demeanor was evident.

Wanda was puzzled, wondering if this mad personality had issues? Why was she a lesbian? This was something she had not expected.

In some ways, a dark personality is a subconscious variant of the main personality. Did it mean that Jean's main personality was also a lesbian?



Wanda felt as if she had discovered a hidden secret and was happy.

After feeling happy, Wanda coughed and, still holding Dark Phoenix Jean's face, said fiercely, "Now, behave yourself and let's talk. If you dare to act up again, I'll beat you up."

"OK," Dark Phoenix Jean said indifferently, her eyes still filled with a burning stare at Wanda.

Wanda didn't mind and released the crimson chains, remaining vigilant against this mad woman. Even after being freed, Dark Phoenix Jean behaved, trying to move closer to Wanda unnoticed, only to be immediately stopped by Wanda, who pushed her head back.

Then, taking Dark Phoenix Jean, Wanda flew down to the yacht below and sat on the top deck. Jean's main personality was very surprised, having always resisted and feared the dark personality and her power.

She never imagined that what she thought of as a disaster could be handled so easily by Wanda.

"So, what's the situation now? Can you explain?" 

Wanda sat on a luxurious sofa, sipping juice, occasionally using her hand to push away the approaching Dark Phoenix Jean.

Naturally, both Wanda and Jean's main personality kept their eyes on Dark Phoenix Jean, as she was the root of the problem. Faced with their stares, Dark Phoenix Jean snorted coldly: "Why don't you ask your good teacher?"

"He imprisoned me deep within your soul for decades. Can you imagine that dark, sunless life?"

"So I swore, once I broke free, I would seek revenge. I would destroy everything he loved."

These words were classic; Wanda had seen many movies and TV shows with similar plots, so her expression remained unchanged.

Jean's main personality, however, fell silent, her face apologetic as she looked at Dark Phoenix Jean: "I'm very sorry. I didn't know."

"Of course you wouldn't know because he erased those bad memories. When I was born, you resisted me, you feared me, you saw me as a disaster. Every time you had nightmares, everything around you changed, making you even more entrenched in this belief."

"But in reality, it was just a sign of your weakness. You couldn't control this power back then, and you were subconsciously rejecting it."

Dark Phoenix Jean said disdainfully. Jean was too young, leading her parents to send her to the mutant academy. The environment made her insecure, and the uncontrollable power made everything worse.

This whole situation has been tormenting Jean's young mind, giving rise to another persona within her. She did nothing, yet that damned old man ran up to her and, without a word, imprisoned her consciousness.

She was truly innocent, wasn't she?

The emerging persona is fundamentally the opposite of Jean. Jean’s weakness and insecurity gave birth to this initial persona, a natural response that created a contrasting personality—strong and brave. This allowed her to wield immense power. However, the old man attributed everything to her, leading to her being imprisoned deep within her mind for over a decade, erasing all memories related to Jean.

Originally meant to protect the weak persona, she was twisted into a mad personality that sought to destroy everything.

In the depths of her dark mind, she nurtured desires of evil and jealousy.

Upon hearing Dark Jean's words, Jean's expression became one of guilt.

"I am very sorry, truly sorry. Everything happened because of my weakness."

"Do you think an apology can solve everything? No. I told you, my existence is because of you. It started with you, and it will end with you.” Dark Jean's expression was filled with rage, her power shaking the earth and causing the sea to surge wildly.

But then Wanda gave her a dissatisfied look, immediately making her docile again.

“This is very troublesome,” Wanda sighed, feeling a headache after asserting control for a moment.

In fact, there was a way to resolve this, albeit a brutal one: directly eliminating this dark persona. Although it would be difficult for Wanda alone, with Bella and Loki, the three of them could join forces to eradicate it.

However, Wanda was not inclined to do this. Her kind nature made her reluctant to erase a persona that had suffered enough. If another solution could be found, she preferred not to use the most violent method.

To be honest, from Wanda's perspective, erasing the dark persona seemed less appealing than erasing Professor X.

What a foolish old man.

Of course, this was a joke. Wanda tried to negotiate with Dark Jean: "How about this? You take turns using this body every other day, but no destroying or wreaking havoc.”

“If you must cause destruction, don’t do it on Earth. If you need to kill, there are plenty of villains on Earth you can target, but leave innocent people alone."

"There are also demons, vampires, werewolves, and such. Kill them as you please. What do you think?"

Wanda did not object to killing, only to harming innocents. She would rather direct Dark Jean towards evil entities outside Earth, solving Jean’s problem and gaining a powerful guardian for Earth.

"That's not impossible, but I want you to become my lover, and I want to kill that old man." Dark Jean surprisingly agreed, adding two more conditions.

Wanda was displeased: "Why involve me?"

"I told you I have someone I like. But if you can defeat the one I like, then I'll agree. Otherwise, forget it.”

Wanda cunningly set up a bet.

Dark Jean became cautious immediately. Though somewhat naive, she was no fool and sensed a trap from Wanda's confidence.

"No." Dark Jean thought for a moment and refused decisively.

Wanda threatened immediately: “Don’t push it. I can erase you; I just choose not to. And even if I don't erase you, I can seal you away. You don’t want to be imprisoned for decades again, do you?”

Wanda’s threats flowed smoothly, intimidating Dark Jean, who felt a vast gap between her and Wanda, believing the threat was real.

So, hesitantly, she accepted the bet.

As for the other condition, Jean would never agree. She pleaded, "Can't we spare the professor? He did wrong, but we are willing to make amends."

Dark Jean was tough on Wanda but knew Jean too well. She immediately turned crazy, counter-threatening: "You wouldn't want me to kill everyone, would you, Jean? Now, I’m only asking to kill one old man, which should be a good deal."

She even looked smug, thinking Jean got a bargain.

Jean became flustered. Despite her inner strength, she would never agree to this. Professor X was both a teacher and a father figure to her. Killing him was unthinkable; she’d rather die.

But Jean was clever and immediately said, "Wanda won't let you kill everyone."

Dark Jean looked resentfully at Wanda, who pondered for a moment. Her kindness prevented her from standing aside, so she nodded, "How about not killing the professor?"

“As long as his life isn’t threatened, you can beat him up. Isn’t tormenting him better than killing him?”

Wanda offered another solution, thinking she was a genius. She didn’t like Professor X much anyway, and Jean only asked to spare his life, not to prevent torment. The little witch felt quite pleased with herself.

Jean wanted to speak but stopped herself. Seeing Dark Jean’s excited expression, she sighed inwardly. At least ensuring the professor's life was a satisfactory outcome.

She couldn’t ask for more.

After all, Wanda and she were strangers. Given how much the other party had done, what more could she say?

“Alright, I agree.”

Dark Jean liked the condition. Destruction and killing were fine as long as it didn't involve innocent people, as Wanda had said. With so many villains on Earth and even alien life to eliminate, it was acceptable.

As for Professor X, she intended to torture him severely and was already planning how to do it.

For example, while only a second passes in the outside world, she could torment him for decades in the mental world. That would be wonderful.

“Then it's settled. Since you agreed to the conditions, sign the contract. If you go back on your word, you will face punishment.”

Wanda had a backup plan.

She gently traced her fingers through the air, writing mysterious, beautiful characters that floated silently in midair. The contract was simple, matching the conditions previously discussed with Dark Jean, without any hidden traps.

In fact, she didn't need to sign the contract at all. If Dark Jean reneged, Wanda would come after her with severe consequences, including sealing or elimination.

But she didn’t have the time to monitor her constantly, so a contract was a good solution.

It was a powerful binding method.

Dark Jean looked at the contract content, somewhat dissatisfied that Wanda didn’t trust her. She knew her own nature—mad and violent—and couldn’t guarantee control over herself. But not trusting her was another issue.

Dark Jean couldn't defeat Wanda, and she didn’t have the courage to confront her. Besides, she liked Wanda and didn’t want to cause trouble, so she obediently signed her name.

A magical contract acts directly on the soul, a powerful binding method. Contracts backed by chaos magic, a cosmic-level source power, are especially strong. Even beings at the level of Vishanti would have to comply with a contract with Wanda if she grew strong enough.

Ignoring the contract was impossible.

Especially for Dark Jean now.

“Perfect, it’s settled.” Wanda clapped her hands happily, then the world shattered abruptly, and Wanda returned to her body while Dark Jean took control.

“Is it resolved?”

Pietro glanced at the still wild but obedient Dark Jean and asked in surprise.

“Of course it’s resolved. There’s nothing I, Wanda, can’t handle.” Wanda boasted with youthful pride.

“Signed the contract?”

Bella asked thoughtfully. Wanda smiled without speaking, but everyone understood. With the contract in place, the issue was essentially resolved.

They didn’t care what happened and resumed their conversation and drinking.

“Why are you still here?” Wanda returned to her seat, picked up her juice, and saw Dark Jean following her, immediately displeased. She didn’t want a tag-along.

“I’m sticking with you. Don’t forget our agreement.” Dark Jean sat beside Wanda, taking Pietro’s place, much to his displeasure.

But the white-haired boy, being a warm-hearted person, didn’t get angry and instead joined Thor in a lively chat.

“Then stay.”

Wanda grumbled.

Dark Jean’s obedience puzzled the eagerly waiting X-Men.

“What happened?” Logan asked, perplexed.

Why are they chatting together?

“Did they make some agreement?” Tony used his mask's zoom function, and Jarvis read their lips to understand Wanda and Dark Jean’s conversation.

Sensing something, Wanda glanced over, scaring Tony into shutting off the lip-reading function.

He had already lost five years as a man and didn’t want to lose another five. Although this time had allowed him to focus on developing the MK armor and improving his health, he was troubled by public doubt. A restrained Tony faced overwhelming skepticism.

His assistant Pepper, despite not showing strange looks, once kindly offered to contact the world's best urologist, nearly breaking his composure.

He couldn't publicly discuss it, which was torturous.

“An agreement? What kind of agreement did they make?” Scott frowned, eager to confront the group as Jean’s boyfriend but knowing he couldn’t.

This made him slightly irritable.

“At least it doesn’t seem like a bad thing. Scott, let’s wait and see. There should be a resolution,” Storm comforted.

“We have no other choice.”

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